Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of GENIEducation/SampleAssignments/CCNAssignment/ForInstructors

05/29/13 11:37:48 (11 years ago)



  • GENIEducation/SampleAssignments/CCNAssignment/ForInstructors

    v1 v1  
     3= Materials and Guidance for leading this exercise: <CCN ASSIGNMENT> =
     5== Exercise materials ==
     6Anything that the instructor might need, e.g.:
     7 * Instructions can be found [ Here]
     10== Guidance for leading the exercise ==
     11 * useful Tools:
     12 - '''ccnd'''[[BR]]
     13 The ''ccnd'' daemon and its associated software is the reference implementation for the content-centric networking protocol proposed by Project [ CCNx]. This assignment uses release 0.6.1 of the ccnx software package. More information on this package can be found at the Project CCNx web site, http: // The CCN protocol embodied in CCNx is an attempt at a clean-slate architectural redesign of the Internet.
     14 - '''Atmos''' [[BR]]
     15 The ''Atmos'' software package from the [ NetSec group] at Colorado State University will provide named data for your network in the form of precipitation measurements. The Atmos tools are installed in ''/opt/ccnx-atmos''.
     16 - '''NetCDF Tools'''[[BR]]
     17 [ NetCDF] (Network Common Data Form) is “a set of software libraries and self-describing, machine-independent data formats that support the creation, access, and sharing of array-oriented scientific data.” The NetCDF tools package provides several tools for manipulating NetCDF data, including ''ncks'', a tool for manipulating and creating NetCDF data files; ''ncdump'', a similar tool used for extracting data from NetCDF data files; and ''ncrcat'', a tool for concatenating records from multiple NetCDF data files.
     18 - '''Flack''' [[BR]]
     19 [ Flack] is a graphical interface for viewing and manipulating GENI resources. It is available on the web at You may use either Omni or Flack to create and manipulate your slices and slivers, but there are certain operations for which you will probably find one or the other easier to use. You will have to use the Flack client to Instrumentize your slices, as you will be directed some exercises.
     21== Solutions ==
     22[[Image(CCNAssignment.png, 50%, nolink)]] [[BR]]
     23 - '''3.1 Routing in a Named Data Network [[BR]]'''
     24 In this exercise, you will build a named data network using the Project [ CCNx] networking daemon ccnd and transfer scientific data in the [ NetCDF] format between data providers and data consumers using routing based on content names. For the purpose of this exercise, the network will use static routes installed at slice setup. Content will be served and consumed by the Atmos software package. [[BR]]
     25 Create a GENI experiment using the precip.rspec file downloaded from [ here]. It will allocate a network such as that depicted in the above figure, with ccnd running on every host and an Atmos server running on the hosts datastore1 and datastore2.[[BR]]
     26 Routing in named data networks takes place using the namespace under which data is stored. In the case of CCNx, the data namespace is a [ doc/technical/URI.html URI], so it looks similar to the familiar http:// and ftp:// URLs of the World Wide Web. CCNx URIs are of the form ccnx:<path>, where <path> is a typical URI slash-delimited path. The components of the URI path are used by the network to route requests for data from consumers to the providers of that data. Routes have been installed on all of the machines in the network except researcher2, a data consumer node with two connections to the rest of the named data network.
     27  - '''Task 1.1: Finalize Configuration'''
     28  ''In this task, you will observe the effects of the missing static routes, and restore them.'' [[BR]]
     29  Log into the host ''researcher1''. Run the command ''ccninitkeystore''. Issue the command ''ccndstatus'' to print the status of the ccnd daemon on the local host. Note the number of content items stored on this host (which should be zero, if you have not yet fetched any content) and the number of interests accepted (under “Interest totals”).[[BR]]
     30  On ''researcher1'', issue a request for precipitation data from 1902/01/01 through 1902/01/02. To do this, use the Atmos tools by invoking:
     34  Answer the date questions appropriately, and observe that a .nc NetCDF file is created in the current directory containing precipitation data for the specified dates.[[BR]]
     35  Run ''ccndstatus'' again, and look at the statistics on the local ''ccnd''. You should see both that a substantial number of content items are cached on this machine (this is the meaning of the “stored” field under “Content items”) and that many more Interests have been seen.[[BR]]
     36  Next, log into ''researcher2'' and issue the same command. Observe that it takes much longer at each step, does not terminate, and no .nc file is created. This is because the ''ccnd'' on ''researcher1'' had routes to the precipitation data requested by Atmos, but researcher2 does not. Issue the following command to install the appropriate routes:
     38ccndc add ccnx:/ndn tcp router
     40  Note that the ''ccndc'' command takes a content path (ccnx:/ndn) and binds it to a network path (in this case, the host ''router'', which is a valid hostname on the experiment topology, resolving to an IP address on the ''router'' machine). It can also be used to delete routes with the ''del'' subcommand. 
     41  - '''Question 1.1 A: ''' [[BR]]
     42  From ''researcher2'', fetch the same data again (from 1902/01/01 to 1902/01/02), and record the fetch times reported by ''''. It prints out the time take to pull each temporary file along with the concatenation and write time. Then fetch 1902/02/03 to 1902/02/04, and record those fetch times. Fetch 1902/02/03 to 1902/02/04 a second time, and record the new times. Which transfer was longest, and which was shortest? Knowing that each ccnd caches data for a short period of time, can you explain this behavior?
     43  - '''Question 1.1 B:''' [[BR]]
     44  Browse the content caches and interests seen on various hosts in the network by loading their ccnd status page on TCP port 9695 in your browser (see Section 5, Hints, below). Which hosts have seen interests and have content cached, and why?
     55 * Answers can be found [ Here]