Changes between Version 12 and Version 13 of GENIEducation/SampleAssignments/CCNAssignment/ExerciseLayout/Execute

06/03/13 14:49:52 (11 years ago)



  • GENIEducation/SampleAssignments/CCNAssignment/ExerciseLayout/Execute

    v12 v13  
    7676  Now fetch 1902/01/25 to 1902/01/31 from ''researcher2''. How does this transfer differ from the previous two? why?
    78  - '''3.2 Choosing Content Names''' [[BR]] -- Files to download: [ naming.rspec], [ ccnx-atmos.tar.gz]
     78 - '''3.2 Choosing Content Names'''  -- Files to download: [ naming.rspec], [ ccnx-atmos.tar.gz] [[BR]]
    7979 This exercise will demonstrate the importance of naming in named data networking. As the term suggests, and as you saw in Task 1.1, routing in named data networking is performed based on content names. This means that content naming has a large impact on how consumers fetch the data they require, and naming structure can heavily influence how simple and efficient data requests may be. [[BR]]
    8080 The ''Atmos'' package uses content names in the namespace ''/ndn/'' to serve NetCDF data. The data is sliced by time, with the suffix pr_<year>/<month>/<day>/00 added to represent data for the specified date. Thus, clients can request precipitation data for a given day in history, or a range of days, by issuing an interest for the dates in question. The complete path for data relating to January 3, 1902 would be: ''/ndn/''
    9898  Which URI scheme is more efficient in time and network resources if the user only wants a few days of data? What if the user wants a full calendar month of data? [[BR]]
    100  - '''3.3 Exploring the Impact of Caching''' [[BR]] -- Files to download: [ cache.rspec]
     100 - '''3.3 Exploring the Impact of Caching'''  -- Files to download: [ cache.rspec] [[BR]]
    101101 For this exercise you will manipulate various caching parameters for the ccnd daemon and observe the effects on network efficiency. [[BR]]
    102102 A property of named data networking is that multiple requests for the same names may return the same data. This allows intermediate nodes to cache data from one request for a given name and return it for future requests of the same name, from the same client or even a different client. When multiple clients located near each other but far from the server in the network want the same data, a node near the clients may be able to service some clients without contacting the server. [[BR]]