24 | | ''' Using GENI Desktop to get reserve PCs from GENI:''' [[BR]] |
25 | | '''0. Get account: (Ignore this if you already have one) [[BR]]''' |
26 | | Go to [https://www.pgeni.gpolab.bbn.com/reqaccount.php3 Request_GENI_Account] for an emulab account and to join a GENI project.[[BR]] |
27 | | Apparently you need to join a GENI project (which is created by PIs/GPOs/others who have permission to do so) in order to use GENI resources. |
28 | | |
29 | | '''1. Prepare to use GENI Desktop interface''' [[BR]] |
30 | | Here is a very good tutorial on using GENI Desktop: [http://www.protogeni.net/wiki/GeniTutorial GENIDesktopTutorial] [[BR]] |
31 | | |
32 | | = Create an Experimental Topology for CCNx network for sharing precipitation data = |
33 | | '''1. Use Flack to create the topology: [[BR]]''' |
34 | | Download the RSPEC from http://www.gpolab.bbn.com/experiment-support/CCNExampleExperiment/precip.rspec [[BR]] |
35 | | Next, we need to create this experiment using the RSPEC file: [[BR]] |
36 | | '''Step 1. Create slice (use a unique name for your slice):''' [[BR]] |
37 | | Log on to Flack interface via: https://genidesktop.netlab.uky.edu, click "create new slice Flack" and then create a slice. Here I am using ''CCN" as the slice name. Pick a unique name for your slice. [[BR]] |
38 | | [[Image(createSlice.png, 20%, nolink)]] |
39 | | |
40 | | '''Step 2. Load Rspec file to your slice:''' [[BR]] |
41 | | On the Flack interface, choose import from file, then choose the downloaded precip.rspec file to load. |
42 | | |
43 | | '''Step 3. enable GEMINI to your experiment''' [[BR]] |
44 | | On the Flack interface, go to the Plugins tab (depicted as a puzzle piece) and choose Gemini from the dropbox then click "Use Gemini Extensions". [[BR]] |
45 | | [[Image(enableGEMINI.png, 20%, nolink)]] |
46 | | This will result in a Gemini monitoring node being added to the topology: [[BR]] |
47 | | [[Image(topology.png, 50%, nolink)]] |
48 | | |
49 | | '''Step 4. submit topology''' [[BR]] |
50 | | Click the "submit" button and wait until the back ground turns green: [[BR]] |
51 | | [[Image(topology1.png, 50%, nolink)]] |
52 | | |
53 | | The above figure shows the reserved nodes: pc116, pc166, pc128, pc114, pc151, pc148, pc111, pc156 and how they are connected. |
54 | | [[BR]] |
55 | | And pcvm480-6.emulab.net is the virtual machine monitoring node reserved by GEMINI. |
56 | | |
57 | | '''Step 4. Renew the experiment:''' |
58 | | Do not forget to renew the topology so that you have enough time to finish your experiment. The "renew" button is at the left bottom corner of the Flack interface. |
59 | | |
60 | | OK. After this point, we are ready to log on to the nodes and do the CCNx network for sharing precipitation data experiments! :-) [[BR]] |
61 | | Please go to [wiki:GENIEducation/SampleAssignments/CCNAssignment/ExerciseLayout/Execute Next: Run Experiment] to checkout the instructions on running the experiment. |
| 24 | = Create an Experimental Topology for Sharing Precipitation data using CCN network = |
| 25 | - 1. Download the RSPEC from http://www.gpolab.bbn.com/experiment-support/CCNExampleExperiment/ccn-precip-pc.rspec |
| 26 | - 2. Follow the tutorial on [http://www.protogeni.net/wiki/GeniTutorial GENIDesktop Tutorial] to create the topology using ccn-precip-pc.rspec on ProtoGENI, with GEMINI extension enabled [[BR]] |
| 27 | - 3. Log onto the reserved nodes following instructions here: [http://groups.geni.net/geni/wiki/HowTo/LoginToNodes LoginToNodes] |
| 28 | Done. |