Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of GENIEducation/HyperNets

08/06/13 12:09:16 (11 years ago)



  • GENIEducation/HyperNets

    v1 v1  
     2= Hints about using GENI Infrastructure as well as other tools in the GENI system =
     4== GPO Wiki ==
     5 - To find ppl:
     6 - New Experiment Tutorial Template:
     8== ExoGENI ==
     9 - Support multiple lines of `execute` and `install` in the rspec file for one node?  ------ No It still does not support (as of 07/08/2013)
     10 - ExoGENI relies on neuca service to boot up NIC interfaces (or virtual network interfaces on KVM), which takes some time after the (virtual) machine is boot up
     11  - Sometimes when experimenter has its own post-boot scripts defined in Rspec, the neuca service failed to boot up the interfaces and assign IP addresses (defined in Rspec) to them.
     12  - In this case, you need to write your own script to automatically call "/usr/local/bin/neuca-netconf" to boot up and configure the interfaces
     13  - If your functional script relies on running interfaces, you need to write some supportive script to detect that the interfaces are up and running
     14  - an example can be found here:
     15 - ExoGENI uhvmsite: IP begin with 129
     16 - ExoGENI rcivmsite: IP begin with 152
     17 - ExoGENI fiuvmsite: IP begin with 131
     18 - ExoGENI bbnvmsite: IP begin with 192.1
     20== About trace-oml2 ==
     21 - run trace-oml2 using the following command:
     23sudo trace-oml2 -i eth2 --oml-id eNodeB --oml-domain shufeng-t38-2013-07-03T17-03-28-04-00 --oml-collect
     24or use a configuration file:
     25sudo trace-oml2 -i eth2 --oml-config OpenFlowTutorial.eNodeB.xml
     26The xml file can be something like the following:
     27<omlc id="switch_left" encoding="binary">
     28  <collect url=""name="traffic">
     29    <stream mp="ip" interval="1">
     30      <filter field="ip_len" operation="sum" rename="throughput" />
     31    </stream>
     32  </collect>
     35 - trace-oml2 also supports a filter option "-f" or "--filter" that user can define what kind of packets they are particularly interested.
     36  - shows how to write a filter
     38== Postgresql ==
     39!LabWiki uses Postgresql to store experimental data for in the OMF/OML system.
     41psql -h locahost -U oml -d shufeng-t38-2013-07-03T17-03-28-04-00(your experiment name)       -> to log into the database corresponding to your experiment
     42\dt       -> show all tables in that database
     43connect shufeng-t38-2013-07-03T17-03-28-04-00         -> connect to another database
     46== All about !LabWiki ==
     47 - To set up the new !Labwiki:
     48  - git clone
     49  - install iRods from
     50  - create an irods account from GENI portal
     51  - run from the GIMI.git you cloned in the 1st step
     53 - Server side log files:
     55OMF Log: /tmp/[experiment-name].log ..
     56OML log: /var/log/oml2-server.log
     58 - Client side log file:
     62 - To plot multiple graphs on !LabWiki?
     63  Simply define more graphs using `defGraph`. The defProperty('graph', true, "Display graph or not") will control whether or not to display all defined graphs.
     64 - For the current !LabWiki to work with oml v. 2.10.0 : (as of 07/08/2013)
     65  - Do not use "uint64" (and some other data types) in your definition of trace/iperf/nmetrics
     66  - rename your trace/iperf/nmetrics application using, e.g., :
     67  {{{
     68  cp /usr/bin/trace-oml2 /usr/bin/trace
     69  }}}
     70 - To write oml configure XML files:
     71 - To write specific SQL queries:
     73== Traffic Control ==
     75tc qdisc add dev eth2 root handle 1:0 netem delay 100ms loss 5%
     76tc qdisc add dev eth2 parent 1:0 tbf rate 20mbit buffer 20000 limit 16000
     78It seems that tc qdisc tbf does not work well (in terms of controlling the throughput of TCP flows) on ovs when ovs switch is connected with a controller. [[BR]]
     79Instead, we use ovs-vsctl:
     81ovs-vsctl set Interface eth2 ingress_policing_rate=1000
     82ovs-vsctl set Interface eth2 ingress_policing_burst=100
     84The above sets the ingress rate to be in 900kbps-1100kbps. [[BR]]
     85To set it back to no rate control, use:
     87ovs-vsctl set Interface eth2 ingress_policing_rate=0
     90It is a little bit tricky to configure delay/loss on an OpenVZ virtual machine [[BR]]
     91Step 1: find our qdisc family number by executing "sudo /sbin/tc qdisc", a sample output could be like the following:
     93[shufeng@center ~]$ sudo /sbin/tc qdisc
     94qdisc htb 270: dev mv6.47 root refcnt 2 r2q 10 default 1 direct_packets_stat 0
     95qdisc netem 260: dev mv6.47 parent 270:1 limit 1000
     96qdisc htb 150: dev mv6.41 root refcnt 2 r2q 10 default 1 direct_packets_stat 0
     97qdisc netem 140: dev mv6.41 parent 150:1 limit 1000
     98qdisc htb 190: dev mv6.43 root refcnt 2 r2q 10 default 1 direct_packets_stat 0
     99qdisc netem 180: dev mv6.43 parent 190:1 limit 1000
     100qdisc htb 230: dev mv6.45 root refcnt 2 r2q 10 default 1 direct_packets_stat 0
     101qdisc netem 220: dev mv6.45 parent 230:1 limit 1000
     103Now if the ethernet card you want to change is mv6.43, you can find from following line:
     105qdisc htb 190: dev mv6.43 root refcnt 2 r2q 10 default 1 direct_packets_stat 0
     106qdisc netem 180: dev mv6.43 parent 190:1 limit 1000
     108As a result, you change the delay/loss by executing the following:
     110sudo /sbin/tc -s qdisc change dev mv6.43 parent 190:1 handle 180: netem limit 1000 delay 100ms loss 5%
     111sudo /sbin/tc -s qdisc change dev mv6.43 parent 190:1 handle 180: netem limit 1000
     114== OpenVSwitch Commands ==
     116ovs-vsctl add-br br0
     117ovs-vsctl add-port br0 eth2
     118ovs-vsctl set-fail-mode br0 standalone   (when loses connection with the controller, the switch acts as a normal switch)
     119ovs-vsctl set-fail-mode br0 secure    (when loses connection with the controller, the switch wont forward any packets)
     120ovs-vsctl set bridge br0 datapath_type=netdev   (without kernel support, if the vswitch is gonna be used in userspace)
     123== git Commands ==
     125git clone [url]
     126git add -A . (add all files and folders in the current directory)
     127git commit -m "commit message"
     128git status (to check the status of your local copy)
     129git fetch origin
     130git merge origin/master
     131git push origin master (upload your local copy to master (global) repository)
     134== OpenFlow Trema ==
     135To restart Trema controller as well as the attached switch:
     1371. kill trema process: kill $(pidof ruby)
     1382. delete lock file: rm /opt/trema...../tmp/pid/  (controller is the name of your controller, in the case of Load Balancing, its `Load_Balancer`)
     1393. unlink the switches from controller: ovs-vsctl del-controller br0
     1404. start controller: /opt/trema....../trema run controller.rb (controller is the name of your controller, in the case of Load Balancing, its  load_balancer.rb)
     1415. link switches to the controller: ovs-vsctl set-controller br0 tcp:
     142 (might need to wait for 2 seconds for the switch to connect to the controller, to verify that, print something in the "switch_ready" function so that you can see the output when switch is connected)