40 | | Experimenters request resources from aggregates using a standard API called the [wiki:GeniApi ''GENI Aggregate Manager API''] or ''GENI AM API''. The AM API allows experimenters to, among other things, list the resources available at an aggregate, request specific resources from the aggregate be allocated to their slices, find the status of resources from the aggregate that are allocated to their slices and delete resources from their slices. The AM API uses resource specifications, commonly referred to as ''GENI RSpecs'', to describe resources. RSpecs are just an XML file in a [wiki:GeniRspec standard format]. |
| 40 | Experimenters request resources from aggregates using a standard API called the ''[wiki:GeniApi GENI Aggregate Manager API]'' or ''GENI AM API''. The AM API allows experimenters to, among other things, list the resources available at an aggregate, request specific resources from the aggregate be allocated to their slices, find the status of resources from the aggregate that are allocated to their slices and delete resources from their slices. The AM API uses resource specifications, commonly referred to as ''GENI RSpecs'', to describe resources. RSpecs are just an XML file in a [wiki:GeniRspec standard format]. |