Version 17 (modified by 12 years ago) (diff) | ,
GEMINI v2 Plan, Tasks and Status
1) Plan
Current GEMINI configuration figures
- Detailed workflow on p11
2) Team
Martin Swany (IU)
Ezra Kissel (IU)
Ahmed El-Hassany (IU)
Matt Jaffee (IU)
Frank Diaz (IU)
Jim Griffioen (UK)
Zongming Fei (UK)
Hussam Nasir (UK)
Charles Carpenter (UK)
Jeremy Reed (UK)
Laura Diaz (IU)
Harry Mussman (BBN)
Jeanne Ohren (BBN)
3) Planning and Status Meetings/Conference Calls
040213; 2pm EDT
041613; 2pm EDT
043013; 2pm EDT
051413; 2-4pm EDT; demo
052813; 2pm EDT
061113; 2-4pm EDT; demo
062513; 2pm EDT
070913; 2-4pm EDT; demo; v2 ready for testing
072113 - 072313 is GEC17; v2 software released after testing; integrated tutorials presented
4) Tasks
GEMINI Tasks Through GEC17
- Started 032913
- Updated 040113
- Updated 040313 after 040213 call
- Updated 042313 after 041613 call, and discussion with Laura Diaz on 042313
1) Meet biweekly starting 4/2, with 3 demo sessions: 5/14, 6/11 and 7/9
2) By 4/16: /cleanup/checkin/test/document current code
What needs work?
some at UK
some at IU
more browser testing: Firefox OK; Chrome ?; Safari x; IE ?
3) Agree on goals:
a) GEMINI (and GIMI) to work with InstaGENI and ExoGENI
b) Aim for consistent user experience, both racks, both sets of I&M tools (towards unified experiment environment)
c) Implement basic workflow per and
d) Easy to setup basic set of measurements (towards unified experiment environment)
e) Easy to mix-and-match tools, as go from step to step, with automatic transfer of info between steps/tools
f) Easy to configure and then visualize (graph) measurements, starting with topology of resources
g) Ability to simultaneously do multiple measurements and multiple graphs, during an experiment
h) Stay consistent with Spiral 5 GEMINI SOW
i) Negotiate Spiral 6 GEMINI SOW by GEC17, so that there is no gap in funding at 093013
4) Build workflow for GEMINI to work on both InstaGENI and ExoGENI
a) Start with browser, GENI Desktop, FLACK and OMNI, for InstaGENI
b) Start with User Workspace, Flukes and OMNI for ExoGENI
c) When can InstaGENI be used with ExoGENI? also GENI Desktop?
d) Which browsers are supported?
e) Whick credentials are supported?
f) Need detailed plan from team: Jeannie, Louisa, Ezra, Hussam, Ilia and Cong
g) Current InstaGENI configuration per attached figure; changes?
h) Current ExoGENI configuration?
4/16: Sub-team has met, made plan; see
4/16: Biggest issue for extension into ExoGENI: making fedora images; but, could be done later, if start with loading software
5) Add features to GEMINI Portal (GENI Desktop) service:
a) Register with GENI Clearinghouse Service Registry (low)
b) Single sign-on, from GENI Experimenter Portal, as alternate way to get credentials (step 2)
4/2: Hussam and Tom/Aaron; in progress (low)
4/16: Hussam; working on it, reviewing proposals from Aaron Helsinger
c) Push topology to UNIS, then retrieve topology from UNIS for display (high)
4/16: Ezra forwarded paper with options, but was not present to review.
4/16: Discussed presented options; Jim: parser prepares data for the components, and has it available BEFORE instrumentize script run; without more discussion, need to keep with current approach (Proposal 1)
d) Plugin to configure GEMINI active measurements (w/o going to GN) (high)
4/16: Ezra, Charles and Hussam; will make a proposal
4/30: Ezra provides proposal
e) Plugin to push GEMINI measurement data objects (and descriptors) to iRODS, with proper structure (high)
4/16: Ezra, Charles and Hussam; will make a proposal
f) Plugin to gather basic experiment info, and push descriptor files, including annotations, to iRODS, with proper structure (like e)) (med)
g) Plugin to link to iRODS web interface, to curate user's files (med)
4/16: complete, based on available script
h) Consider "universal" plugin, to get an active web service?
6) Add features to measurement services: BLiPP and MS
a) Verify current set of passive host measurements, and define any desired extensions
b) Complete set of active network measurements to match LAMP, and define any desired extensions
4/16: Matt: the real problem is configuration; working on representing all active measurements in UNIS as a propoer resource; will have a proposal on 043013
4/30: Matt: slides and ping schema
c) +Work with GMOC to define network monitoring use case, support GMOC in its use of active network measurements for network monitoring, and define any desired extensions
4/2: Martin; continue to talk with GMOC; when to report?
d) +Work with GMOC to consider how to best support OF in GENI testbed infrastructure
4/2: ?
4/16: Laura will inquire/push
e) Plan how to use NetLogger to gather custom measurements from an experiment application into BLiPP, and prototype
4/2: not yet in GEMINI
4/16: Matt, Dan to provide a plan; starting 043013
7) Prepare tutorials for multiple use cases, identify and fix any "kinks", support off-line use of tutorials, and evaluate user experineces at GEC17 (and before) to guide further development
a) Classroom exercies
b) Research experiments
c) Network monitoring
8) Prototype User Workspace to retrieve measurment data and descriptors from iRODS, and prepare for further analysis and presentation
9) By 7/9: v2 ready for testing
10) On 7/21 - 7/23 at GEC17: v2 software released after testing; integrated tutorials presented
- In cooperation with GIMI team
+ In cooperation with GMOC team
5) Key Task List
ID | Description | Assignee | Due | Status | Demo | Notes |
2a | /cleanup/checkin/test/document current code | Kissel | 4/30/13 | In progress | ||
2C | Desktop Browser support- additional testing/planned set of browsers | UK | In progress | Firefox and Chrome should work. IE and Safari not well. Chrome has issues with secure content parts of the page. | ||
4 | Build workflow for GEMINI to work on both InstaGENI and ExoGENI | Ezra, Hussam | In Progress | Will be working together to come up with a process/workflow | ||
5 | Add features to GEMINI Portal (GENI Desktop) service: | |||||
5c | Push topology to UNIS, then retrieve topology from UNIS for display | |||||
5d | Plugin to configure GEMINI active measurements (w/out going to GN) | Ezra, Charles, Hussam | 4/30/13 | In progress | Ezra, Charles, and Hussam will make a proposal | |
5e | Plugin to push GEMINI measurement data objects (and descriptors) to iRODS, with proper structure | Ezra, Charles, and Hussam | In Progress | Ezra, Charles, and Hussam will make a proposal | ||
6 | Add features to measurement services: BLiPP and MS | |||||
6a | Verify current set of passive host measurements, and define any desired extensions | |||||
6b | Complete set of active network measurements to match LAMP, and define any desired extensions | Matt | 4/30/13 | In Progress | the real problem is configuration; working on representing all active measurements in UNIS as a propoer resource | |
6c | +Work with GMOC to define network monitoring use case, support GMOC in its use of active network measurements for network monitoring, and define any desired extensions | Martin | ||||
6d | +Work with GMOC to consider how to best support OF in GENI test bed infrastructure | Martin | ||||
6e | Plan how to use NetLogger? to gather custom measurements from an experiment application into BLiPP, and prototype | Matt, Dan | 4/30/13 | In Progress |
7 | Prepare tutorials for multiple use cases, identify and fix any "kinks", support off-line use of tutorials, and evaluate user experineces at GEC17 (and before) to guide further development | |||||
8 | Prototype User Workspace to retrieve measurment data and descriptors from iRODS, and prepare for further analysis and presentation | |||||
9 | v2 ready for testing | |||||
10 | v2 software released after testing; integrated tutorials presented | 7/21/13 |
- In cooperation with GIMI team
+ In cooperation with GMOC team
Attachments (4)
- GEMINI_instrumentize_integration.pdf (177.6 KB) - added by 12 years ago.
- Visio-040313_GEMINI_Figures.pdf (289.8 KB) - added by 12 years ago.
- BLiPP Measurement Architecture.pdf (106.3 KB) - added by 12 years ago.
- 043013_Proposal_activemeasruementpage.txt (3.5 KB) - added by 12 years ago.
Download all attachments as: .zip