Changes between Version 38 and Version 39 of GEMINIv2tasks

06/19/13 18:44:18 (11 years ago)
Jeanne Ohren



  • GEMINIv2tasks

    v38 v39  
    179179|| 6c || +Work with GMOC to define network monitoring use case, support GMOC in its use of active network measurements for network monitoring, and define any desired extensions   || Martin  ||  ||  ||  || 5/28/13- Need update from Martin by next call 6/11/13: GMOC is preparing a demo for the next GEC 17.  Network monitoring use cases and openflow support. Hoping to publish existing data to GMOC in the near term.  Next step: figure out what they are looking for and work on data reduction on our end and push to them.||
    180180|| 6d || +Work with GMOC to consider how to best support OF in GENI test bed infrastructure   ||  Martin ||  ||   || || 5/28/13- Update by next Gemini call ||
    181 || 6e ||  Plan how to use !NetLogger to gather custom measurements from an experiment application into BLiPP, and prototype  || Matt, Dan  || 5/14/13 ||  In Progress || 5/14 ||Have !NetLogger support elsewhere (not GEMINI) provide app level monitoring that OML has, just a question of prioritizing it. 5/28/13- Matt was working on this, Matt will put together a wiki page on how this works, IU will demo as well. ||
     181|| 6e ||  Plan how to use !NetLogger to gather custom measurements from an experiment application into BLiPP, and prototype  || Matt, Dan  || 5/14/13 ||  In Progress || 5/14 ||Have !NetLogger support elsewhere (not GEMINI) provide app level monitoring that OML has, just a question of prioritizing it. 5/28/13- Matt was working on this, Matt will put together a wiki page on how this works, IU will demo as well.  6/11/13- Ezra will be creating the wiki ||
    183183|| 7  ||  Prepare tutorials for multiple use cases, identify and fix any "kinks", support off-line use of tutorials, and evaluate user experiences at GEC17 (and before) to guide further development || Jeanne ||  || In Progress ||   ||  5/28/13- Jim and Jeanne met about tutorial schedule.  Gemini- content is open, 1)pre-canned rspec and expect user has done before and/or 2) Start with existing slice.  This gives us a chance to focus on actual instrumentation.  We will use a VM this time and by GEC18 try to go without a tutorial VM. We will have 1 session for hands on, and a general session to show more advanced/other experiments/GEMINI functionality. ||