Changes between Version 33 and Version 34 of GEMINIv2tasks

06/11/13 11:51:34 (11 years ago)
Laura Diaz



  • GEMINIv2tasks

    v33 v34  
    166166|| 4 || Build workflow for GEMINI to work on both InstaGENI and ExoGENI  || Ezra, Hussam, Jeanne  ||  || 4/30:  fair || 5/14 (on ExoGENI) || 4/30:  fair, but still some manual steps;  lots of changes in instrumentize script;  using Centos image on ExoGENI 5/28/13- Started on the ExoGENI part.  ExoGENI is down until Friday 5/31/13 so UK will be back working on this next week. ||
    167167|| 5 ||  Add features to GEMINI Portal (GENI Desktop) service:  ||   ||  ||   || ||  ||
     168|| 5a || Register with GENI Clearinghouse Service Registry  (low) ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||
     169|| 5b  || Single sign-on, from GENI Experimenter Portal, as alternate way to get credentials (step 2) ||  Hussam and Tom/Aaron  ||  ||  In Progress  ||   || 4/2:  Hussam and Tom/Aaron;  in progress  (low) 4/16:  Hussam;  working on it, reviewing proposals from Aaron Helsinger   ||
    168170|| 5c ||   Push topology to UNIS, then retrieve topology from UNIS for display  || Ahmed, Ezra, Hussam  || 5/28/13  || Completed ||  || 4/16:  Ezra sends proposal, some discussion, plan to stay with current plan.  4/30:  Still plan to stay with current plan, separate topology data;  need to make sure the topology is consistent and getting updated;  some concern with when slice modifications happen.   ||
    169171|| 5d  || Plugin to configure GEMINI active measurements (w/out going to GN) ||  Ezra, Charles, Hussam  ||   ||  In progress ||  ||  4/30:  Ezra provides proposal;  Jim suggests waiting for new GENI Desktop API;  no conclusion. 5/28/13 Keep configuration page on global node, add some code to configuration- should be simple and will be completed by GEC 17. ||
    170172|| 5e  ||   Plugin for scripts on GN to push GEMINI measurement data objects (and descriptors) to iRODS, with proper structure || Ezra, Charles, and Hussam  ||   || In Progress  || || 4/30:  much like what is done today;  see [  info]  on  GENI Storage and Archive Service, and [  descriptive document]. 5/28/13- Needs to be tested with ExoGENI.  ||
     173|| 5f  || Plugin to gather basic experiment info, and push descriptor files, including annotations, to iRODS, with proper structure  (like e))  (med) || ||  ||  ||  ||  ||
     174|| 5g || Plugin to link to iRODS web interface, to curate user's files  (med) ||    || 4/16/2013  || Complete ||  || 4/16:  complete, based on available script ||
     175|| 5h || Consider "universal" plugin, to get an active web service? || ||  ||  ||  ||  ||
    171176|| 6 ||  Add features to measurement services: BLiPP and MS || Frank (Matt)  ||  || In Progress||  || 5/28/13- IU will add links to Jira reflecting 6a and 6b ||
    172177|| 6a ||  Verify current set of passive host measurements, and define any desired extensions  || Frank (Matt)  || || In Progress ||   ||  ||