Changes between Version 22 and Version 23 of GEMINIv2tasks

05/10/13 13:41:44 (12 years ago)



  • GEMINIv2tasks

    v22 v23  
    160160|| 2a || /cleanup/check in/test/document current code ||  Ezra ||4/30/13  ||  Completed || || Code and documentation leading to GEC16 has been checked in. ||
    161161|| 2C || Desktop Browser support- additional testing/planned set of browsers  ||  UK- Charles ||  || In progress  || || Firefox and Chrome should work.  IE and Safari not well. Chrome has issues with secure content parts of the page. ||
    162 || 4 || Build workflow for GEMINI to work on both InstaGENI and ExoGENI  || Ezra, Hussam, Jeanne  ||  || 4/19:  fair || 5/14 (on ExoGENI) || 4/29:  fair, but still some manual steps;  lots of changes in instrumentize script;  using Centos image on ExoGENI ||
     162|| 4 || Build workflow for GEMINI to work on both InstaGENI and ExoGENI  || Ezra, Hussam, Jeanne  ||  || 4/30:  fair || 5/14 (on ExoGENI) || 4/30:  fair, but still some manual steps;  lots of changes in instrumentize script;  using Centos image on ExoGENI ||
    163163|| 5 ||  Add features to GEMINI Portal (GENI Desktop) service:  ||   ||  ||   || ||  ||
    164164|| 5c ||   Push topology to UNIS, then retrieve topology from UNIS for display  || Ahmed, Ezra, Hussam  ||  || In Progress ||  || 4/16:  Ezra sends proposal, some discussion, plan to stay with current plan.  4/30:  Still plan to stay with current plan, separate topology data;  need to make sure the topology is consistent and getting updated;  some concern with when slice modifications happen.   ||