Changes between Version 21 and Version 22 of GEMINIv2tasks

05/10/13 13:40:38 (12 years ago)



  • GEMINIv2tasks

    v21 v22  
    164164|| 5c ||   Push topology to UNIS, then retrieve topology from UNIS for display  || Ahmed, Ezra, Hussam  ||  || In Progress ||  || 4/16:  Ezra sends proposal, some discussion, plan to stay with current plan.  4/30:  Still plan to stay with current plan, separate topology data;  need to make sure the topology is consistent and getting updated;  some concern with when slice modifications happen.   ||
    165165|| 5d  || Plugin to configure GEMINI active measurements (w/out going to GN) ||  Ezra, Charles, Hussam  || 4/30/13  ||  In progress ||  ||  4/30:  Ezra provides proposal;  Jim suggests waiting for new GENI Desktop API;  no conclusion ||
    166 || 5e  ||   Plugin for scripts on GN to push GEMINI measurement data objects (and descriptors) to iRODS, with proper structure || Ezra, Charles, and Hussam  ||   || In Progress  || || 4/30:  much like what is done today;  see [  ] info on  GENI Storage and Archive Service, and [  descriptive document]   ||
    167 || 6 ||  Add features to measurement services: BLiPP and MS || Matt  ||  || In Progress||  || Matt presented a slide deck outlining his work. ||
     166|| 5e  ||   Plugin for scripts on GN to push GEMINI measurement data objects (and descriptors) to iRODS, with proper structure || Ezra, Charles, and Hussam  ||   || In Progress  || || 4/30:  much like what is done today;  see [  info] on  GENI Storage and Archive Service, and [  descriptive document]   ||
     167|| 6 ||  Add features to measurement services: BLiPP and MS || Matt  ||  || In Progress||  || ||
    168168|| 6a ||  Verify current set of passive host measurements, and define any desired extensions  || Matt  || || In Progress ||   ||  ||
    169 || 6b ||  Complete set of active network measurements to match LAMP, and define any desired extensions   || Matt  || 4/30/13 ||  In Progress || || the real problem is configuration; working on representing all active measurements in UNIS as a propoer resource ||
     169|| 6b ||  Complete set of active network measurements to match LAMP, and define any desired extensions   || Matt  || 4/30/13 ||  In Progress || 5/14 || 4/30:  he real problem is configuration; now all active measurements in UNIS are a proper resource;  should be easy to finish ||
    170170|| 6c || +Work with GMOC to define network monitoring use case, support GMOC in its use of active network measurements for network monitoring, and define any desired extensions   || Martin  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||
    171171|| 6d || +Work with GMOC to consider how to best support OF in GENI test bed infrastructure   ||  Martin ||  ||   || ||  ||
    172 || 6e ||  Plan how to use NetLogger? to gather custom measurements from an experiment application into BLiPP, and prototype  || Matt, Dan  || 5/14/13 ||  In Progress ||  ||Have netlogger support elsewhere (not GEMINI) provide app level monitoring that OML has, just a question of prioritizing it. Demo on 5/14 ||
     172|| 6e ||  Plan how to use NetLogger? to gather custom measurements from an experiment application into BLiPP, and prototype  || Matt, Dan  || 5/14/13 ||  In Progress || 5/14 ||Have netlogger support elsewhere (not GEMINI) provide app level monitoring that OML has, just a question of prioritizing it. ||
    174174|| 7  ||  Prepare tutorials for multiple use cases, identify and fix any "kinks", support off-line use of tutorials, and evaluate user experineces at GEC17 (and before) to guide further development ||  ||  ||  ||   ||   ||
    175175|| 8  || Prototype User Workspace to retrieve measurment data and descriptors from iRODS, and prepare for further analysis and presentation  ||   ||   ||    ||   || ||
    176 || 9  ||  v2 ready for testing ||   ||  ||  ||  ||    ||   
     176|| 9  ||  v2 ready for testing ||   ||  7/9/13 ||  ||  ||    ||   
    177177|| 10  ||  v2 software released after testing; integrated tutorials presented ||   || 7/21/13 ||   ||  ||   ||   