Changes between Version 20 and Version 21 of GEMINIv2tasks

05/10/13 13:36:42 (12 years ago)



  • GEMINIv2tasks

    v20 v21  
    160160|| 2a || /cleanup/check in/test/document current code ||  Ezra ||4/30/13  ||  Completed || || Code and documentation leading to GEC16 has been checked in. ||
    161161|| 2C || Desktop Browser support- additional testing/planned set of browsers  ||  UK- Charles ||  || In progress  || || Firefox and Chrome should work.  IE and Safari not well. Chrome has issues with secure content parts of the page. ||
    162 || 4 || Build workflow for GEMINI to work on both InstaGENI and ExoGENI  || Ezra, Hussam  ||  || In Progress ||  || Will be working together to come up with a process/workflow ||
     162|| 4 || Build workflow for GEMINI to work on both InstaGENI and ExoGENI  || Ezra, Hussam, Jeanne  ||  || 4/19:  fair || 5/14 (on ExoGENI) || 4/29:  fair, but still some manual steps;  lots of changes in instrumentize script;  using Centos image on ExoGENI ||
    163163|| 5 ||  Add features to GEMINI Portal (GENI Desktop) service:  ||   ||  ||   || ||  ||
    164 || 5c ||   Push topology to UNIS, then retrieve topology from UNIS for display  || Ahmed, Ezra, Hussam  ||  || In Progress ||  ||4/30/13- Ezra sent a proposal in last week.  Proposal 1 seems to be the direction everyone wants to go.  We just need to make sure the topology is consistent and getting updated. There is some concern with when slice modifications happen.   ||
    165 || 5d  || Plugin to configure GEMINI active measurements (w/out going to GN) ||  Ezra, Charles, Hussam  || 4/30/13  ||  In progress ||  ||  Ezra, Charles, and Hussam will make a proposal ||
    166 || 5e  ||   Plugin to push GEMINI measurement data objects (and descriptors) to iRODS, with proper structure || Ezra, Charles, and Hussam  ||   || In Progress  || || Ezra, Charles, and Hussam will make a proposal  ||
     164|| 5c ||   Push topology to UNIS, then retrieve topology from UNIS for display  || Ahmed, Ezra, Hussam  ||  || In Progress ||  || 4/16:  Ezra sends proposal, some discussion, plan to stay with current plan.  4/30:  Still plan to stay with current plan, separate topology data;  need to make sure the topology is consistent and getting updated; some concern with when slice modifications happen.   ||
     165|| 5d  || Plugin to configure GEMINI active measurements (w/out going to GN) ||  Ezra, Charles, Hussam  || 4/30/13  ||  In progress ||  ||  4/30:  Ezra provides proposal;  Jim suggests waiting for new GENI Desktop API;  no conclusion ||
     166|| 5e  ||   Plugin for scripts on GN to push GEMINI measurement data objects (and descriptors) to iRODS, with proper structure || Ezra, Charles, and Hussam  ||   || In Progress  || || 4/30:  much like what is done today;  see [  ] info on  GENI Storage and Archive Service, and [  descriptive document]   ||
    167167|| 6 ||  Add features to measurement services: BLiPP and MS || Matt  ||  || In Progress||  || Matt presented a slide deck outlining his work.  ||
    168168|| 6a ||  Verify current set of passive host measurements, and define any desired extensions  || Matt  || || In Progress ||   ||  ||