
Version 18 (modified by, 9 years ago) (diff)


The GEC22/US Ignite Evening Demo Session will take place at the George Washington University Science and Engineering Hall. This page capture the location of each demonstrations in the GWU hall. Also provided is a map of the layout of each demo area along with the location of each demonstration table. For a full description of each demonstration see the GEC22 Evening Demo Session page.

Demonstrations by Location

GEC 22/US Ignite Evening Demonstrations will be in 3 locations in the George Washington University Science and Engineering Hall. Below are the demonstrations by location.

Lower Level Demo List

Table Category Demo Name
1362 health Demonstration of a GENI based application to support Virtual Reality based training activities in orthopedic surgery
1366 manufacturing A cyber physical test bed for advanced manufacturing
1383 safety GENI-Enabled Vehicular Sensing and Control Networking
1387 safety Wide-Area Monitoring of Power Systems Using DHT and GENI-Based Cloud Computing
1388 safety Supporting Emerging Connected Vehicle Applications with GENI/Wireless and SDN
1390 environment GENI Enabling an Ecological Science Community
1391 provider Paradrop
1392 safety/health Live Transcoding
1394 manufacturing Advanced Manufacturing App Marketplace
1402 environment Pollution Visualizer
1411 safety Drone-carried ad hoc WiFi system for use in fighting wildfires
1413 health SeaCat: Securing access to medical records
1414 provider OpenEdge: Dynamic and secure edge network applications and services
1415 safety (power) Enabling Highly Resilient and Efficient Microgrids through Ultra-Fast Programmable Networks
1423 environment PlanIT Impact
1425 health 3D Tele-Rehabilitation
1427 health Physical Therapy As a Service
1431 safety WiMax Based Public Safety 3D Surveillance Network
1448 education Knowledge Transfer Utilizing Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (EON)
1451 safety Safe Community Awareness and Alerting
1455 provider Testing for Slices and Virtualized Networks

Studio Level Demo List

Table Category Demo Name
1360 education/provider CloudLab
1364 education GENI Cinema
1367 SDX and Federation International Federation (Japan, US, Europe)
1368 provider Enhancing network applications on VNode and GENI
1369 provider Application-driven Programmable Networking by FLARE
1370 SDX and Federation SDXs: Software Defined Network Exchanges at StarLight and Partner Sites
1371 Video/Audio Services and Future provider networks Application-driven Network Management with ProtoRINA
1373 Video/Audio Services and Providers Enhancing an OpenFlow Network with Service Insertion and Payload Inspection
1377 Security Experimentation of SDN-Supported Collaborative DDoS Attack Detection and Containment
1378 Future provider networks O3 Network Orchestrator Suite "ODENOS"
1380 SDX and Federation International SDX
1381 education GENI Desktop
1382 provider ExoGENI / Science Shakedown
1384 provider Internet2 Openflow
1385 SDX and Federation SDX at SoX
1386 education Virtual Computer Networks Lab
1389 provider KanREN-GENI/GpENI
1393 provider A High Level Rule-based Language for Openflow
1395 Security SDN Router Security in GENI
1396 SDX and Federation Upscaling your experiments by using International Federation of testbeds
1397 education Labwiki
1398 future provider networks Network Function Instantiation
1399 education GENI for Classes and GENI for the Masses
1403 future provider networks GENI-VIRO
1406 future provider networks Cloud Services Enhancements Through Application Specific Routing in MobilityFirst FIA
1407 future provider networks MFTP: MobilityFirst Transport Protocol Implmentation
1408 future provider networks Edge Aware Inter-domain Routing (EIR) Designed for MobilityFirst FIA
1410 education Demonstration of Course Modules for Teaching Networking > Concepts > (UNC-Chapel Hill)
1424 education Multipoint Connected Collaboration
1426 education/environment A Cloud Enabled Virtual Reality Based Pedagogical Ecosystem for Solar and Wind Energy Education
1435 Video/Audio Services Adagio
1436 Video/Audio Services Viditor - Online Video Editing
1440 provider/safety Connected Vehicles & Smart Transportation (CVST) - University of Toronto
1450 provider FIWARE, the global platform for Future Internet and Smart Cities applications
1452 provider Network Topology Sharing in Multi-domain Environments

Atrium Demo List

Table Category Demo Name
1372 education PrimoGENI and MyExperiment
1379 provider (cloud) Hadoop in a Hybrid Cloud
1401 education Using the MarsGame to teach STEM concepts
1430 safety A Virtual Crisis Information Sharing and Situational Awareness Platform for Collaborative Disaster Response
1432 safety Creation of Situational Awareness for Emergency Response and Management Using Next Generation Gigabit Communication Systems
1437 education Collaborative Exploration in Networked VR Environments, and Application to Remotely-Guided Classroom
1439 provider Streaming Query Builder
1446 education C3STEM: Engaging Students in Collaborative STEM Education using Cloud-based Modeling and Simulation

Demo Area Maps/Table Locations

Lower Level Map

Studio Laboratory Level Map

Atrium Level Map

Attachments (3)

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