= [.. Scaling Up: How to Grow the Topology of an Existing Experiment] = {{{ #!html
Image Map
}}} == 1. Design the Experiment == {{{ #!html
  1. In today's experiment you will use resources at the aggregate listed on the worksheet. If you don't have a worksheet use Wisconsin InstaGENI
  2. Note that the instructor has already reserved a backbone with shared VLANs for your slice to connect to.
}}} == 2. Establish the Environment == === 2.1 Pre-work: Install geni-lib === 1. Install the `geni-lib` tool using the [http://geni-lib.readthedocs.org/en/latest/intro/install.html installation instructions] for your operating system. 1. Install [https://networkx.github.io/ `networkx`] on your system. {{{ pip install networkx }}} 1. On mac and UNIX you may need to add geni-lib to your path: {{{ export PYTHONPATH="/PATH/TO/geni-lib:$PYTHONPATH" }}} === 2.2 Pre-work: Install ansible (for optional appendix) === a. To run optional appendix for this exercise, you will need two additional pieces of software. If you haven't already, get or install these now: i. `omni` installed and configured on your local machine ([http://trac.gpolab.bbn.com/gcf/wiki#GettingStarted instructions]), and ii. `ansible` installed on your local machine ([http://docs.ansible.com/intro_installation.html#latest-release-via-yum find the instructions for your package manager here]). {{{ #!div style="background: #fdd; border: 3px ridge; width: 800px;" Windows users should do the following steps {{{ #!html
Tip Before reserving their resources, Windows users should have followed the instructions for setting up a separate GENI node for running Ansible.
}}} }}} == 3. Obtain Resources == Now we will generate a topology and reserve it. === 3.1 Generate RSpec based on existing smaller topology === a. Download this [http://www.gpolab.bbn.com/exp/scalingup/tutorial/site.txt config file] to use with the `scaleup` tool distributed with `geni-lib`. a. Open the file using your favorite text editor (e.g. `vi` or `emacs`). a. Replace each value of `X` with the value on your worksheet. Use search and replace in your text editor if possible. ''If you are doing this outside a tutorial, replace `X` with `1`.'' a. Run the `scaleup` script on the configuration file. * On Mac and UNIX-like systems run: {{{ cd /to/your/geni-lib tools/scaleup/rspec_gen.py -r site.txt }}} * On Windows: {{{ cd C:\\Development\geni-lib tools\scaleup\rspec_gen.py -r site.txt }}} a. Look at the generated file using your favorite tool (`less`, `more`, `emacs`, `vi`). (Or you can look at an example of the generated file: [http://www.gpolab.bbn.com/exp/scalingup/tutorial/site-1.xml site-1.xml].) i. Can you find each node? Can you find the router node? The host nodes? a. Load the RSpec in your favorite tool (e.g. Jacks, jFed). Find the shared VLAN (it usually looks like a link with only one end point). i. Change the IP address of the shared VLAN as directed on your worksheet. a. Bind the topology to the aggregate listed on your worksheet. a. '''Save this RSpec.''' In a real experiment, if this topology works, you would save the RSpec in version control. === 3.3 Reserve Topology === a. Create a slice and reserve the resources a. Wait for the topology to come up. ---- = [.. Introduction] = = [../Execute Next: Execute] =