= Appendix: Installing software using the Ansible Configuration Management tool = == Tools: == To run this exercise, you will need two pieces of software. If you haven't already, get or install these now: i. `omni` installed on your local machine ([http://trac.gpolab.bbn.com/gcf/wiki#GettingStarted instructions]), and i. `ansible` installed on your local machine ([http://docs.ansible.com/intro_installation.html#latest-release-via-yum find the instructions for your package manager here]). == Resources: == * Ansible Resources: - A third party [https://serversforhackers.com/an-ansible-tutorial Getting Started with Ansible walk through] - [http://docs.ansible.com/modules_by_category.html Ansible Module Documentation] == Instructions == === 2. Establish the Environment === a. To run this exercise, you will need an account and two pieces of software. If you haven't already, get or install these now: i. a GENI Portal account ([SignMeUp instructions]), ii. `omni` installed and configured on your local machine ([http://trac.gpolab.bbn.com/gcf/wiki#GettingStarted instructions]), and iii. `ansible` installed on your local machine ([http://docs.ansible.com/intro_installation.html#latest-release-via-yum find the instructions for your package manager here]). {{{ #!div style="background: #fdd; border: 3px ridge; width: 800px;" Windows users should do the following steps {{{ #!html
Tip Windows users should follow the instructions for setting up a separate GENI node for running Ansible.
}}} }}} a. Download the webpages and scripts needed for the HelloGENI exercise. {{{ #!div style="background: #ffd; border: 3px ridge; width: 800px;" Use `wget` to download the tarball of files onto your local machine and use `tar` to uncompress it: {{{ #!sh wget http://www.gpolab.bbn.com/experiment-support/HelloGENI/hellogeni-install.tar.gz tar zxvf hellogeni-install.tar.gz }}} }}} == 4. Configure and Initialize == `omni` comes with a script, `readyToLogin` which finds the login information for nodes in your slice. As of `omni` version 2.8, `readyToLogin` has an `--ansible-inventory` flag which generates the Ansible inventory, which is a flat file which tells Ansible the name and login information for your nodes. a. Create your Ansible inventory file: {{{ #!div style="background: #ffd; border: 3px ridge; width: 800px;" On your local machine: {{{ #!sh $ readyToLogin MYSLICE --useSliceAggregates --ansible-inventory -o $ cat inventory }}} Example output of running these commands: {{{ #!sh $ readyToLogin MYSLICE --useSliceAggregates --ansible-inventory -o Host info saved in inventory file: /Users/jdoe/projects/GENI/hellogeni/inventory $ cat inventory client ansible_ssh_host=pc3.instageni.clemson.edu ansible_ssh_port=33850 server ansible_ssh_host=pcvm3-6.instageni.clemson.edu }}} {{{ #!html
Tip If your GENI Username is different than your username on your local machine, append the following information to each line of the `inventory` file:
ansible_ssh_user = GENIUSERNAME
Your GENIUSERNAME is shown in the header of the GENI Portal in the upper right hand corner.
}}} }}} {{{ #!div style="background: #fdd; border: 3px ridge; width: 800px;" {{{ #!html
Tip Windows users should copy their 'inventory' file onto their node running the ansible client.
}}} }}} b. Be sure your private key has been added to your SSH agent: {{{ #!div style="background: #ffd; border: 3px ridge; width: 800px;" {{{ ssh-add /path/to/your/private/key }}} }}} c. Check to see if your nodes are up and ready. {{{ #!div style="background: #ffd; border: 3px ridge; width: 800px;" This command uses the `ping` module to ping the specified nodes (in this case `all`) listed in the inventory file: {{{ #!sh $ ansible -i inventory all -m ping }}} Example output showing all of the nodes responding to ping: {{{ #!sh $ ansible -i inventory all -m ping client | success >> { "changed": false, "ping": "pong" } server | success >> { "changed": false, "ping": "pong" } }}} }}} c. Try using the ping module in Ansible to only ping `server` or `client` by replacing `all` in the above with `server` or `client`. {{{ #!html
Tip Ansible commands can be collected into files called Playbooks. Playbooks are in a configuration file format called YAML which is very straightforward. In particular, Ansible Ad Hoc commands easily map to commands used in an Ansible Playbook.