{{{ #!html
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}}} = How to use OML4R to write your OML application = == 1. Setup your Application == === 1.1 Download and build the tar file of your application === {{{ sudo su wget http://www.gpolab.bbn.com/experiment-support/gec17/pingPlus/pingPlus_v3.tar.gz tar xvzf pingPlus_v3.tar.gz cd pingPlus_v3 make }}} === 1.2 Test connectivity === On the receiver {{{ chmod +x pingPlusListener ping -c 5 ifconfig eth1 ping -c 5 ./pingPlusListener 10002 }}} The format for the pingPlusListener is sudo ./pingPlusListener On the sender {{{ ping -c 5 ifconfig eth1 ping -c 5 chmod +x pingPlus ./pingPlus 02:26:ae:0e:9b:3e eth1 10002 }}} The format for the sender is ./pingPlus == 1. Observe your Output == {{{ root@sender:/users/dbhat/pingPlus_v3# ./pingPlus 02:26:ae:0e:9b:3e eth1 10002 5 RQ:'9641+4173' to 2:26:ae:e:9b:3e. RL:9641+4173=13814 from 2:26:ae:e:9b:3e. RTT = 0.920166 RQ:'2271+7533' to 2:26:ae:e:9b:3e. RL:2271+7533=9804 from 2:26:ae:e:9b:3e. RTT = 0.654053 RQ:'8858+353' to 2:26:ae:e:9b:3e. RL:8858+353=9211 from 2:26:ae:e:9b:3e. RTT = 0.489014 RQ:'447+5696' to 2:26:ae:e:9b:3e. RL:447+5696=6143 from 2:26:ae:e:9b:3e. RTT = 0.290039 RQ:'7238+5082' to 2:26:ae:e:9b:3e. RL:7238+5082=12320 from 2:26:ae:e:9b:3e. RTT = 0.252930 }}} == 2. Write your OML Application == === 2.1 Write your OML Parser === {{{ def process_output(row) if not (parse= /RQ:'(?\d*)\+(?\d*)' to (?[a-f0-9:]*)/.match(row)).nil? puts "ReturnQual #{parse[:pktsnt1]}\n" MPrt.inject(parse[:pktsnt1], parse[:pktsnt2],parse[:host]) elsif not (parse= /RL:(?\d*)\+(?\d*)=(?\d*) from (?[a-f0-9:]*)/.match(row)).nil? puts "ReturnLength\n" p parse p MPrl.inject(parse[:numofpkt1],parse[:numofpkt2],parse[:totpktrec],parse[:dest_hw_addr]) elsif not (parse = /RTT = (?[0-9.]*)/.match(row)).nil? puts "RoundTripTime #{parse[:rtt]}\n" p parse p MPrtt.inject(parse[:rtt]) end end }}} === 2.2 Write your OML Application === {{{ #!/usr/bin/ruby1.9.1 require 'rubygems' require 'oml4r' class MPrt < OML4R::MPBase name :pingrt param :pktsnt1, :type => :uint64 param :pktsnt2, :type => :uint64 param :host, :type => :string end class MPrl < OML4R::MPBase name :pingrl param :totpktrec, :type => :uint64 param :numofpkt1, :type => :uint64 param :numofpkt2, :type => :uint64 param :dest_hw_addr, :type => :string end class MPrtt < OML4R::MPBase name :pingrtt param :rtt, :type => :double end class Pingl2Wrapper def initialize(args) @addr = nil @if_num = '' @eth = nil @verbose = true @numeric = '' leftover = OML4R::init(args, :appName => 'pingl2') do |argParser| argParser.banner = "Runs layer 2 ping and reports measurements via OML\n\n" argParser.on("-a" , "--dest_hw_addr ADDRESS", "Hardware address to ping (the -a switch is optional)"){ |address| @addr = address.to_s() } argParser.on("-i","--interface IFNUM","Interface number"){ |if_num| @if_num ="#{if_num.to_i()}" } argParser.on("-e", "--eth ETHTYPE","Ethernet Type") { |ethtype| @eth = ethtype.to_s() } argParser.on("-c","--count NUMBER","Number of pings (default: infinite)"){ |count| @count = "#{count.to_i()}"} argParser.on("-q", "--no-quiet ","Don't show layer 2 ping output on console"){ @verbose = false } argParser.on("-n", "--[no]-numeric ", "No attempt twill be made to look up symbolic names for host addresses"){ @numeric ='-n' } end if @addr.nil? if leftover.length > 0 @addr = leftover [0] else raise "You did not specify an address to ping!" end end end def process_output(row) if not (parse= /RQ:'(?\d*)\+(?\d*)' to (?[a-f0-9:]*)/.match(row)).nil? puts "ReturnQual #{parse[:pktsnt1]}\n" MPrt.inject(parse[:pktsnt1], parse[:pktsnt2],parse[:host]) elsif not (parse= /RL:(?\d*)\+(?\d*)=(?\d*) from (?[a-f0-9:]*)/.match(row)).nil? puts "ReturnLength\n" p parse p MPrl.inject(parse[:numofpkt1],parse[:numofpkt2],parse[:totpktrec],parse[:dest_hw_addr]) elsif not (parse = /RTT = (?[0-9.]*)/.match(row)).nil? puts "RoundTripTime #{parse[:rtt]}\n" p parse p MPrtt.inject(parse[:rtt]) end end def pingl2() @pingio = IO.popen("/bin/pingPlus #{@addr} #{@eth} #{@if_num} #{@count}") while true row = @pingio.readline puts row if @verbose process_output(row) end end def start() return if not @pingio.nil? # handle for OMF's exit command a = Thread.new do $stdin.each do |line| if /^exit/ =~ line Process.kill("INT",0) end end end }}} == 3. Instrument your Application using LabWiki == {{{ defProperty('source1', "sender-gimiinsta", "ID of a resource") defProperty('sinkaddr11', '02:ee:1a:a2:51:11', "Ping destination address") defProperty('eth11','eth1',"Output Eth interface") defApplication('pingl2') do |app| app.description = 'Simple Definition for the pingl2 application' # Define the path to the binary executable for this application app.binary_path = '/usr/local/bin/pingl2.rb' # Define the configurable parameters for this application # For example if target is set to foo.com and count is set to 2, then the # application will be started with the command line: # /usr/bin/ping-oml2 -a foo.com -c 2 app.defProperty('target', 'Address to ping', '-a', {:type => :string}) app.defProperty('count', 'Number of times to ping', '-c', {:type => :integer}) app.defProperty('if_num', 'interface number', '-i', {:type => :integer}) app.defProperty('eth', 'Ethernet Type', '-e', {:type => :string}) # Define the OML2 measurement point that this application provides. # Here we have only one measurement point (MP) named 'ping'. Each measurement # sample from this MP will be composed of a 4-tuples (addr,ttl,rtt,rtt_unit) app.defMeasurement('pingrl') do |m| m.defMetric('dest_hw_addr',:string) end app.defMeasurement('pingrtt') do |m| m.defMetric('rtt',:double) end end defGroup('Source1', property.source1) do |node| node.addApplication("pingl2") do |app| app.setProperty('target', property.sinkaddr11) app.setProperty('count', 30) app.setProperty('if_num', 10002) app.setProperty('eth',property.eth11) app.measure('pingrl', :samples => 1) app.measure('pingrtt', :samples => 1) end end onEvent(:ALL_UP_AND_INSTALLED) do |event| info "Starting the ping" after 5 do allGroups.startApplications end after 70 do info "Stopping the ping" allGroups.stopApplications Experiment.done end end defGraph 'RTT' do |g| g.ms('pingrtt').select(:rtt__oml_seq, :rtt__rtt, :rl__dest_hw_addr)\ .from(:pingl2_pingrtt___rtt, :pingl2_pingrl___rl)\ .where(:rtt__oml_seq => :rl__oml_seq) g.caption "RTT of received packets." g.type 'line_chart3' g.mapping :x_axis => :oml_seq, :y_axis => :rtt, :group_by => :dest_hw_addr g.xaxis :legend => 'oml_seq' g.yaxis :legend => 'rtt', :ticks => {:format => 's'} end }}}