[[PageOutline]] [wiki:GEC18Agenda/LabWikiAndOEDL/Introduction <-- Back to LabWiki and OEDL] | [wiki:GEC18Agenda/LabWikiAndOEDL Jump to Main Tutorial Page] | [wiki:GEC18Agenda/LabWikiAndOEDL/Experiment2 Next to Experiment 2 -->] = Experiment 1 = == Overview == The objective of this first step is to show how to design, execute, and view the result of a very simple experiment using !LabWiki and OEDL. The scenario of this simple experiment involves 2 computing resources (i.e. ExoGENI virtual machines), which will send ping probes to each other, and report the observed delays. [[Image(exp1_overview.png)]] As mentioned [http://groups.geni.net/geni/wiki/GEC18Agenda/LabWikiAndOEDL#Pre-Requisites earlier], the resources for this experiment have already been allocated and provisioned. Thus at this stage, you should have received the names of your allocated resource, if not please let the session presenters know. == Part 1 - Design/Setup == [[Image(wiki:GENIExperimenter/Tutorials/Graphics:design_on.png, 76)]] For help on all actions regarding !LabWiki, please refer to the [wiki:GEC18Agenda/LabWikiAndOEDL/Introduction previous page] 1. First, if you have not done it yet, login into !LabWiki 2. Create a new experiment file with the name of your choice 3. Cut-and-paste the following OEDL experiment description into that file, then save it {{{ defProperty('resource1', "your_resource_ID", "ID of a resource") defProperty('resource2', "your_resource_ID", "ID of a resource") defApplication('ping') do |app| app.description = 'Simple Definition for the ping-oml2 application' app.binary_path = '/usr/bin/ping-oml2' app.defProperty('target', 'Address to ping', '', {:type => :string}) app.defProperty('count', 'Number of times to ping', '-c', {:type => :integer}) app.defMeasurement('ping') do |m| m.defMetric('dest_addr',:string) m.defMetric('ttl',:uint32) m.defMetric('rtt',:double) m.defMetric('rtt_unit',:string) end app.defMeasurement('rtt_stats') do |m| m.defMetric('min',:double) m.defMetric('avg',:double) m.defMetric('max',:double) m.defMetric('mdev',:double) m.defMetric('rtt_unit',:string) end end defGroup('First_Peer', property.resource1) do |g| g.net.e1.ip = "" g.addApplication("ping") do |app| app.setProperty('target', '') app.setProperty('count', 10) app.measure('ping', :samples => 1) app.measure('rtt_stats', :samples => 1) end end defGroup('Second_Peer', property.resource2) do |g| g.net.e1.ip = "" g.addApplication("ping") do |app| app.setProperty('target', '') app.setProperty('count', 15) app.measure('ping', :samples => 1) app.measure('rtt_stats', :samples => 1) end end onEvent(:ALL_UP_AND_INSTALLED) do |event| info "This is my first OMF experiment" group('First_Peer').startApplications after 5.seconds do group('Second_Peer').startApplications end after 30.seconds do Experiment.done end end defGraph 'RTT1' do |g| g.ms('ping').select {[ :oml_sender_id, :oml_ts_client, :oml_ts_server, :rtt ]} g.caption "Round Trip Time (RTT) reported by each resource" g.type 'line_chart3' g.mapping :x_axis => :oml_ts_client, :y_axis => :rtt, :group_by => :oml_sender_id g.xaxis :legend => 'time [s]' g.yaxis :legend => 'RTT [ms]', :ticks => {:format => 's'} end defGraph 'RTT2' do |g| g.ms('rtt_stats').select {[ :oml_sender_id, :avg ]} g.caption "RTT Comparison Between Resources [ms]" g.type 'pie_chart2' g.mapping :value => :avg, :label => :oml_sender_id end }}} 4. Here is a walk-through the above OEDL experiment description. For more details on each OEDL commands described below, please refer to the [http://mytestbed.net/projects/omf6/wiki/OEDLOMF6 OEDL reference page] a. '''''defProperty.''''' This command is used to define experiment properties (aka variables), you can set the values of these properties as parameters for each experiment instances, and access them throughout the entire experiment run. In this example, we are defining 2 properties, to hold the names of each of the resources that we will use. Its syntax is available [http://mytestbed.net/projects/omf6/wiki/OEDLOMF6#defProperty-38-property here]. b. '''''defApplication.''''' This command declares the details of an application that we would like to use in this experiment. The application may be already installed on the resources or may be deployed as part of the experiment's execution. The information declared via this command are generic attributes of the application (e.g. the path to its binary), the parameters that it accepts (e.g. 'target' in this example), and the measurements that it provides (e.g. "rtt_stats" in this example). This command's syntax is available [http://mytestbed.net/projects/omf6/wiki/OEDLOMF6#defApplication here] c. '''''defGroup.''''' This command is used to define a group of resources which we will use in this experiment. A group may contain many resources and a resource may be included in many groups. This commands may also be used to associate a set of configurations and applications to all resources in a group. In this example, we are defining 2 groups (First_Peer and Second_Peer), each with only one resource, then we are configuring the IP addresses of these resources, and associating the previously declared application to them. Its syntax is available [http://mytestbed.net/projects/omf6/wiki/OEDLOMF6#defGroup here]. d. '''''onEvent.''''' This command declares the set of actions to perform when some specific event is triggered. In this example, the event is "ALL_UP_AND_INSTALLED", i.e. when all node resources are ready to receive commands and all applications associated to them are installed. The actions to perform when such event triggers are: print some message, start the applications associated to each group with some delay, wait some time and then stop the experiment. The syntax for this is available [http://mytestbed.net/projects/omf6/wiki/OEDLOMF6#onEvent here]. e. '''''defGraph.''''' This commands defines the graph that we would like to generate while the application is running. In this example, we are defining 2 graphs, one is a line chart and the other a pie chart. These graphs will be drawn using measurements declared in the previous defApplication command, and requested in the previous defGroup commands. The syntax for this is available [http://mytestbed.net/projects/omf6/wiki/OEDLOMF6#defGraph here]. == Part 2 - Execute == [[Image(wiki:GENIExperimenter/Tutorials/Graphics:execute_on.png, 76)]] == Part 3 - Finish == [[Image(wiki:GENIExperimenter/Tutorials/Graphics:finish_on.png, 76)]] == Help & Additional Resources == ---- [wiki:GEC18Agenda/LabWikiAndOEDL/Introduction <-- Back to LabWiki and OEDL] | [wiki:GEC18Agenda/LabWikiAndOEDL Jump to Main Tutorial Page] | [wiki:GEC18Agenda/LabWikiAndOEDL/Experiment2 Next to Experiment 2 -->]