When I do a POST to the experiment service, I can see that the user has been added to a project[[BR]] But When I do {{{ curl http://emmy9.casa.umass.edu:8002/users/geni-dbhat/ }}} It does not list the project that I just added it to. If I do {{{ curl http://emmy9.casa.umass.edu:8002/projects/GIMITesting/users/ }}} I can see geni-dbhat in the list Here is the code in which I am creating the JSON: {{{ def postUser(self): data = [{'name': "geni-" + self.user_name}] headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'text/plain'} #data=json.dumps(data) json_filename = self.workdirectory + "/user.json" print ("Saving JSON to file: " + json_filename) jsonf = open(json_filename,'w') data = json.dumps(data) jsonf.write(data) jsonf.close() os.system('curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary @'+ json_filename +' ' + self.restURL + ':' + str(self.restPort) + '/projects/' + self.proj_name + '/users') }}} The contents of my json file are: {{{ [{"name": "geni-dbhat"}] }}}