'''[wiki:GEC16Agenda/WiMAX-Tutorial/Video/03 Previous]''' == Writing the Experiment Script == Once all of the OMF application wrappers are installed on the OMF EC console, we can prepare the experiment script: {{{ #!ruby defProperty('res', 2, "First node") defProperty('prefix', "omf.necwimax.node", "Prefix for node names") # Video properties defProperty('vlcport', 9001, "Port on node to send video stream to") defProperty('duration', 30, "Length of time to save video for") defProperty('bitrate', 100, "Bitrate of transcoded video") defProperty('scale', 0.5, "Scale of transcoded video") defProperty('vlcsenderbin', "/home/wimax/vlc-2.0.5/vlc", "Full path to VLC binary to run on sender") defProperty('vlcsendargs', " -I dummy -V dummy --quiet --play-and-exit --run-time #{property.duration}", "Arguments to pass to VLC sender") defProperty('vlcsend', ":sout=\'#transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=#{property.bitrate},scale=#{property.scale},acodec=none}:std{access=udp{ttl=1},mux=ts,dst={property.vlcport}}\'", "Text of VLC sout stanza for sender") defProperty('vlcomlargs', "--extraintf omlstats --oml-exp-id #{Experiment.ID} --oml-server tcp: --oml-id video-source", "OML arguments for VLC sender") defGroup('receiver', "#{property.prefix}#{property.res}") do |node| node.net.t0.channel = "2590000,10" node.net.t0.mtu=1470 node.net.t0.netmask = "" node.net.t0.ip = "" node.addApplication("wmxstat_universal") do |app| app.measure('status') end node.addApplication("vlc") do |app| app.setProperty('quiet', true) app.setProperty('play-and-exit', true) app.setProperty('intf', 'dummy') app.setProperty('extraintf', 'omlstats') app.setProperty('input', "udp://@:#{property.vlcport}") app.setProperty('sout', "''#standard{access=file,mux=ts,dst=/root/#{Experiment.ID}.mp4}''") app.measure('audio', :samples =>1) app.measure('video', :samples =>1) app.measure('input', :samples =>1) app.measure('output', :samples =>1) end end onEvent(:ALL_UP_AND_INSTALLED) do |event| system("/home/#{ENV['USER']}/getbsconf -i wimaxrf --oml-server tcp:localhost:3003 --oml-id console --oml-exp-id #{Experiment.ID}") wait 10 allGroups.startApplications system("ssh wimax@ \"#{property.vlcsenderbin} #{property.vlcsendargs} udp://@:9000 #{property.vlcsend} #{property.vlcomlargs}\"") wait property.duration allGroups.stopApplications wait 2 allGroups.exec("/usr/local/bin/iput -f /root/#{Experiment.ID}.mp4 video") wait 5 Experiment.done end }}} [[br]] > '''Deconstructing the experiment script''': [[br]] > Every OMF-enabled node in the experiment (purple node) is represented by a "defGroup" stanza. [[br]] > Every OML-enabled application that runs on an OMF node is represented by an "addApplication" stanza within the "defGroup" [[br]] '''[wiki:GEC16Agenda/WiMAX-Tutorial/Video/05 Next]'''