'''[wiki:GEC16Agenda/WiMAX-Tutorial/Coop/04 Previous]''' == Writing the Experiment Script == Once all of the OMF application wrappers are installed on the OMF EC console, we can prepare the experiment script: [[br]] > '''Deconstructing the experiment script''': [[br]] > Every OMF-enabled node in the experiment (purple node) is represented by a "defGroup" stanza. [[br]] > Every OML-enabled application that runs on an OMF node is represented by an "addApplication" stanza within the "defGroup" [[br]] {{{ #!ruby defProperty('hrnPrefix', "omf.witest.node", "Prefix to use for the HRN of resources") defProperty('sender', "[13,5,8]", "List of IDs for the resources to use as senders") defProperty('groupSize', 1, "Number of resources to put in each group of senders") defProperty('duration',50, "Duration of experiment") defProperty('attUrl', "http://wimaxrf:5052/wimaxrf/bs/set?dl_profile1", "URL prefix for setting MCS") defProperty('queue-length',50, "Length to buffer for") groupList = [] res = eval(property.sender.value) groupNumber = res.size >= property.groupSize ? (res.size.to_f / property.groupSize.value.to_f).ceil : 1 (1..groupNumber).each do |i| list = [] (1..property.groupSize).each do |j| popped = res.pop ; list << popped if !popped.nil? end senderNames = list.collect do |id| "#{property.hrnPrefix}#{id}" end senders = senderNames.join(',') info "Group Receiver #{i}: '#{senders}'" groupList << "Receiver#{i}" defGroup("Receiver#{i}", senders) do |node| node.net.x0.profile = '51' node.net.x0.ip = "128.238.38.%y%" node.net.x0.netmask = "" node.net.w0.mode = "adhoc" node.net.w0.type = 'g' node.net.w0.channel = "6" node.net.w0.essid = "witest" node.net.w0.ip = "192.168.0.%y%" node.net.w0.netmask = "" node.addApplication("wmxstat_universal") do |app| app.measure('status') end node.addApplication("test:app:iperf") do |app| app.setProperty('udp', true) app.setProperty('server', true) app.setProperty('port', 12345) app.setProperty('interval', 1) app.measure('UDP_Rich_Info', :samples =>1) end node.addApplication("coopshim") do |app| app.setProperty('queue-length', "#{property.queue-length}") app.measure('req', :samples =>1) app.measure('recv', :samples =>1) app.measure('sent', :samples =>1) end end end onEvent(:ALL_UP_AND_INSTALLED) do |event| system("/usr/bin/wget -qO- #{property.attUrl}=13") wait 15 system("/usr/bin/wget -qO- #{property.attUrl}=21") allGroups.startApplications wait property.duration wait 10 system("/usr/bin/wget -qO- #{property.attUrl}=13") allGroups.stopApplications Experiment.done end }}} [[br]] '''[wiki:GEC16Agenda/WiMAX-Tutorial/Coop/06 Next]'''