[[PageOutline]] == Installing Omni == To install Omni, just follow the instruction at [http://trac.gpolab.bbn.com/gcf/wiki/OmniQuickStart Omni Quick Start]. In more detail, install the following packages {{{ sudo apt-get install python-m2crypto python-dateutil \ python-openssl libxmlsec1 xmlsec1 \ libxmlsec1-openssl libxmlsec1-dev }}} Download release gcf1.3 from http://www.gpolab.bbn.com/local-sw/ under /usr/local/geni/ and untar it. {{{ tar xvfz gcf-1.3.tar.gz \rm gcf-1.3.tar.gz ln -s gcf-1.3/ gcf }}} Added in the end of the .profile and the .bashrc file of the GENI user these lines: {{{ # set PATH so it includes geni software if it exists if [ -d "/usr/local/bin/gcf/src" ] ; then PATH="/usr/local/bin/gcf/src:/usr/local/bin/gcf/examples:$PATH" export PYTHONPATH="/usr/local/bin/gcf/src:$PYTHONPATH" fi }}} == Other changes == * Installed chrome * Installed Flash plugin for firefox * Added security exception for pgeni.gpolab.bbn.com in Firefox * In my effort to add a security exception for the bbn pgeni site in chrome I also added: {{{ sudo apt-get install libnss3-tools }}} This still doesn't work in chrome == GEMINI == === Credentials === - Installed in /home/geni/Tutorials/GEMINI - directory for each user - omni_config file - ssh directory contains pgeni certificate (pem and p12) and ssh key pair === Tools === ==== creddy ==== - http://abac.deterlab.net/ - pay careful attention to yap and strongswan versions === git repositories === - Added UW to /home/geni/src - GEMINI scripts and rspecs === Bookmarks === - GEMINI Tutorial wiki - GEMINI portal == GIMI/ExoGENI == === Credentials === - Installed in /home/geni/Tutorials/GIMI - directory for each user (gimi01-30) - ssh directory contains pgeni certificate, keystore, and ssh key pair - updated credconfig.sh to do the following: - Place appropriate GENI certificate in /home/geni/.ssl - Place appropriate JKS file in /home/geni/.ssl - Generate omni_config in /home/geni/.gcf - including generating ssh key pair from the certificate - Configure .flukes.properties to point to keystore and SSH key - Configure irodsEnv and initialize iRODS client password === Tools === ==== OMF EC, RC, AM ==== - Installed version 5.4. - apt source: deb http://pkg.mytestbed.net/ubuntu precise/ - packages: - omf-aggmgr-5.4 - omf-expctl-5.4 - omf-resctl-5.4 ==== OML server ==== - Installed version 2.8.1 - apt source: deb http://pkg.mytestbed.net/ubuntu precise/ - packages: - oml2-server ==== iRODS client ==== - Installed in //irods - Version 3.1 downloaded from https://www.irods.org/download.html - Added to geni user PATH ==== R ==== - Installed r-base from http://cran.cnr.berkeley.edu/bin/linux/ubuntu === git repositories === - Added GENI-!UserWorkspace to /home/geni/src - GIMI scripts === Bookmarks === - GIMI wikis - iRODS web client == Omni == Installed gcf 2.1 at /usr/local/bin and changed the gcf link to point to gcf 2.1 instead of gcf 2.0 == Flack == * Added keys for all users at : ~/Tutorials/Flack/ssh-keys/ * Created script for adding a Flack ssh key to the agent. The script is at ~/Tutorials/Flack/bin/add-key.sh * Modified path at ~/.profile and ~/.bashrc to include ~/Tutorials/Flack/bin/ in the path * Enabled Firefox to handle ssh keys by following [wiki:HowTo/EnableSSHLinksFirefoxUbuntu these instructions]