
Version 16 (modified by, 13 years ago) (diff)


Instrumentation and Measurement (I&M) Working Session at the GEC-13

Tuesday, March 13, 10:00am-12noon and 1:30pm-3:00pm
Session leader: Harry Mussman (GENI Project Office, Raytheon BBN Technologies)


This is the I&M working session that will review progress towards a comprehensive set of I&M tools for GENI experimenters and for infrastructure measurement.

It will start with reports from several of the design topic teams formed at the GEC-12 working session; these will include the contributions of the I&M projects continuing from Solicitation 2.

Then the two large Solicitation 3 I&M D&P projects, GIMI and GEMINI, will review their progress.

Finally, we will discuss how to support experimenters and infrastructure measurement.



This is a tentative agenda, which may change.

1) Introductions


2) Reports by I&M design topic teams


At GEC12, nine I&M priority design topics were identified, and nine teams were assigned to understand and resolve these topics by GEC13.

See the list of topics, including a brief summary of each topic.

3) Adjourn


4) Update on GIMI project

PI Michael Zink, University of Massachusetts at Amherst (
Co-PI Max Ott, NICTA (
Key personnel Ilia Baldine, RENCI (

GIMI wiki
GIMI website at UMass Amherst


Starts with OML, and provides easy-to-use tools for GENI environment

*First focus: I&M use cases for experiments, with default OML Client in nodes that gathers passive measurements like INSTOOLS, and provides basic node-to-node connectivity tests using ping and iperf
*Second focus: I&M use cases for infrastructure measurement
*Later focuse: add sensor measurement data, carried in data network

*Spiral 4 supported aggregates: ORCA servers/VMs and ExoGENI (RENCI) racks
*Later, support: WiMAX sites
*Spiral 5 supported aggregates: protoGENI/Emulab servers/VMs and InstaGENI (HP) racks

*Introduces XML messaging service, with pub/sub, in public IP space
*Introduces iRODS service for digital object archive.

Members of the GIMI project will review:

*Current architecture and design

*Current status

*Preview of tonight's GEC-13 demo

*Plan for GEC-14 tutorial

5) Update on GEMINI project

PI Martin Swany, Indiana University (
Co-PI Chris Small, Indiana University (
Co-PI James Griffioen, University of Kentucky (
Co-PI Zongming Fei, University of Kentucky (



Starts with LAMP, which provides flexible tools based on perfSONAR for active infrastructure measurements
++Fold INSTOOLS features into LAMP to form GEMINI tools, and then discontinue INSTOOLS

*First focus: I&M use cases for infrastructure measurement *Include sharing of data with other users (e.g., operators), at an interface with authorization using a GENI credential
*Show how to monitor clusters/racks
*Show how to measure Layer 2 and OpenFlow paths (with input from OnTimeMeasure project)

*Second focus: I&M use cases for experiments
*Consider how to gather basic host measurements with BLiPP service (as was done by INSTOOLS using SNMP)
*Consider how to gather customized data from applications (as provided by OML Client)

++Extending LAMP with INSTOOLS features:
*Consider how to load tools on top of basic image
*Consider how to extend Periscope to include druple content management service
*Consider how to add xserver to basic node image, to login from portal using vnc protocol
*Continue separate portal service, which is really a gateway service, within a user workspace service
*Consider how to add interface to archive service, e.g., iRODs

*Spiral 4 supported aggregates: protoGENI/Emulab servers/VMs and InstaGENI (HP) racks
*Spiral 5 supported aggregates: ORCA servers/VMs and ExoGENI (RENCI) racks

*Continue INSTOOLS portal service, in user workspace, to find GUIs
*Continue LAMP local and global UNIS service, to register available measurement data, and network topology

Members of the GEMINI project will review:

*Current architecture and design

*Current status

*Preview of tonight's GEC-13 demo

*Plan for GEC-14 tutorial

6) Support for experimenters


7) Support for infrastructure measurement


8) Adjourn


Attachments (15)