Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of GEC13Agenda/ExperimenterWorkflowTutorial/Tutorial

03/12/12 19:42:43 (13 years ago)



  • GEC13Agenda/ExperimenterWorkflowTutorial/Tutorial

    v3 v4  
    764764   Notice the RTT on the packets and compare it with the above ping.
    766 = III. Exercise 3: Run a Layer 2 Experiment =
    767 = V. Run a Layer 2 ping =
     766= III. Run a Layer 2 Experiment =
    768768The mesoscale GENI resources are connected on Layer 2, which enables Layer 2, i.e. non-IP experiments. In this exercise we are going
    769769to run a layer 2 ping program, where we are going to send raw Ethernet frames of a custom Ethernet type to a server and receive a reply.
    773773 sliverstatus -a <AM_NICKNAME> <SLICE_NAME>
    774774   }}}
     775   If you haven't reserved your own node, then try logging in with your credentials anyway, if you fail please let us know.
    776777   * If your sliver is ready, login to the node (if your host is '''pg33''', '''pg32''' please read the notes):
    786787   '''NOTE 1:''' If your node is '''''' or '''''', you will need to do some extra work to login to the node. The control interface of these nodes is behind a firewall so you will login to your node through ''. Run
    787788   {{{
    788    xterm -e ssh -i ssh/<username>_key -L2222:<host>:22 <username> &
    789    }}}
    790    This command forwards local port 2222 to go through the connection at and from there connect to your host on port 22.
    791    Now you are ready to login to your node
    792    {{{
    793    ssh -i /ssh/<username>_key <username>@localhost -p 2222
     789   xterm -e ssh -i ./ssh/geni_key gpousr##@<hostname> &
    794790   }}}
    796    '''NOTE 2:''' If your node is '''''', remember you are sharing your node with Alice. To login to the node do :
    797     {{{
    798     xterm -e ssh -i ~/omni_tutorial/ssh/<USERNAME>_key &
    799     }}}
    803792   * Check to see that the software has been downloaded :
    804793   {{{
    805    [alice@protogeni1 ~]$ ls
    806    config_dir  pingPlus
    807    }}}
    809    * Configure the node. When you login to the node, the data interface of the host is not configured.
     794   [alice@protogeni1 ~]$ pingPlus
     795   }}}
     797   * Test that the node has been configured correctly. The data interfaces in the ProtoGENI nodes are not configured. The install script that was run when you reserved the node should have configured it for you.
    810798   {{{
    811799    [alice@protogeni1 ~]$ /sbin/ifconfig
    812800   }}}
    813    This should list only two interface, the loopback and the control interface. Part of the tarball that was downloaded, is a script that will configure the node, and compile the Layer 2 ping software. Run
    814    {{{
    815     ./config_dir/
    816    }}}
    817    The output for Alice would look like
    818    {{{
    819 [alice@protogeni1 ~]$ ./config_dir/
    820 DEVICE=eth1.1750
    821  USERCTL=no
    822  VLAN=yes
    823  IPADDR=
    824  NETMASK=
    825  BOOTPROTO=static
    826  ONBOOT=yes
    828 Added VLAN with VID == 1750 to IF -:eth1:-
    829 gcc    -c -o packetFunctions.o packetFunctions.c
    830 gcc    -c -o pingPlusListener.o pingPlusListener.c
    831 gcc  packetFunctions.o pingPlusListener.o  -o pingPlusListener
    832 gcc    -c -o pingPlus.o pingPlus.c
    833 gcc  packetFunctions.o pingPlus.o -o pingPlus
    834    }}}
     801   This should list only three interface, the loopback and the control interface and an interface with a name similar to eth#.####
    835802   Verify that the data interface is up :
    836803   {{{