Changes between Version 21 and Version 22 of GEC13Agenda/ExperimenterWorkflowTutorial/Tutorial

03/13/12 01:27:28 (13 years ago)



  • GEC13Agenda/ExperimenterWorkflowTutorial/Tutorial

    v21 v22  
    734734= III. Run a Layer 2 Experiment =
    736 The mesoscale GENI resources are connected on Layer 2, which enables Layer 2, i.e. non-IP experiments. In this exercise we are going to run a layer 2 ping program, where we are going to send raw Ethernet frames of a custom Ethernet type to a server and receive a reply. Currently MyPLC only supports IP experiments, so we will use our ProtoGENI host which we have reserved in the beginning.
    737    * check that your sliver is ready
     736The mesoscale GENI resources are connected on Layer 2, which enables Layer 2, i.e. non-IP, experiments. In this exercise we are going to run a layer 2 ping program, where we are going to send raw Ethernet frames of a custom Ethernet type to a server and receive a reply. Currently MyPLC only supports IP experiments, so we will use our ProtoGENI host which we have reserved in the beginning.
     737   * Check that your sliver is ready
    738738   {{{
    739739 sliverstatus -a <AM_NICKNAME> <SLICE_NAME>
    740740   }}}
    741    If you haven't reserved your own node, then try logging in with your credentials anyway, if you fail please let us know.
     741   If you haven't reserved your own node, then try logging in with your credentials anyway. If you fail please let us know.
    743743   * If your sliver is ready, login to the node (if your host is '''pg33''', '''pg32''' please read the notes):
    765765    [alice@protogeni1 ~]$ /sbin/ifconfig
    766766   }}}
    767    This should list only three interface, the loopback and the control interface and an interface with a name similar to eth#.####
     767   This should list at least three interfaces, the loopback and the control interface and an interface with a name similar to eth#.####
    768768   Verify that the data interface is up :
    769769   {{{
    784784   In this case the name is 'eth1.1750'.
    786    * Run the Layer 2 Ping
     786   * '''Run the Layer 2 Ping.'''
    787787   We have pre-configured the network to forward along Layer2 packets of Ethernet type listed in your account sheet, so let's try pinging with that.
    788788   The software that is going to send Layer 2 pings, is called pingPlus.