Changes between Version 20 and Version 21 of GAPI_AM_API_V3_DETAILS

07/19/12 10:05:04 (12 years ago)
Aaron Helsinger




    v20 v21  
    3434        geni_api_versions = {
    3535             '3' = <This server's AM API absolute URL>
    36              '2' = <Prior API version still supported at a slightly different URL>
     36             '2' = <Prior API version still supported at a slightly different URL - optional but included here>
    3737        }
    3838        geni_request_rspec_versions = [{
    3939             type = "GENI"
    4040             version = "3"
    41              schema = ""
    42              namespace = ""
    43              extensions = ["", <other URLs here>]
     41             schema = "" # required but may be empty
     42             namespace = "" # required but may be empty
     43             extensions = ["", <other URLs here>] # required but may be empty
    4444        }]
    4545        geni_ad_rspec_versions = [{
    4646             type = "GENI"
    4747             version = "3"
    48              schema = ""
    49              namespace = ""
    50              extensions = ["", <other URLs here>]
     48             schema = "" # required but may be empty
     49             namespace = "" # required but may be empty
     50             extensions = ["", <other URLs here>] # required but may be empty
    5151        }]
    52         geni_credential_types = [{ # Accept only SFA style credentials for API v3
     52        geni_credential_types = [{ # This AM accepts only SFA style credentials for API v3
    5353             geni_type = "geni_sfa"
    5454             geni_version = "3"
    5555       }]
    56        geni_single_allocation = 0 # false - can operate on individual slivers
    57        geni_allocate = "geni_many" # Can do multiple Allocates
     56       geni_single_allocation = 0 # false - can operate on individual slivers. This is the default, so could legally be omitted here.
     57       geni_allocate = "geni_many" # Can do multiple Allocates. This is not the default value, so is required here.
    5858      }
    5959  output = <None>
    8787geni_api_versions: an XML-RPC struct containing 1+ entries of:
    88   Name: Integer - supported GENI AM API version
     88  Name: Integer (encoded as a String) - supported GENI AM API version
    8989  Value: String - Absolute URL to the XML-RPC server implementing that version of the GENI AM API
    9292 `geni_request_rspec_versions`::
    93     An array of data structures indicating the RSpec types accepted by this AM in a request. The [wiki:GAPI_AM_API_V3/CommonConcepts#RSpecdatatype contract for RSpec versions is described with links to further reading on the Common Concepts page].
     93    An array of data structures indicating the RSpec types accepted by this AM in a request. The [wiki:GAPI_AM_API_V3/CommonConcepts#RSpecdatatype contract for RSpec versions is described with links to further reading on the Common Concepts page]. Per that contract, AMs will produce manifest RSpecs with a schema that is based on the given request type and version.
    9595 `geni_ad_rspec_versions`::
    105105 `schema`::
    106    An URL pointing to a schema which can be used to verify the given type of RSpec. May be empty.
     106   A URL pointing to a schema which can be used to verify the given type of RSpec. May be empty.
    108108 `namespace`::