Changes between Version 16 and Version 17 of GAPI_AM_API_V3_DETAILS

07/13/12 11:40:45 (12 years ago)
Aaron Helsinger




    v16 v17  
    120120 `geni_available`::
    121     Optional. An [ XML-RPC] boolean value indicating whether the caller is interested in all resources or available resources. If this value is {{{true}}}, the result should contain only available resources. If this value is {{{false}}} or unspecified, both available and allocated resources should be returned. The Aggregate Manager is free to limit visibility of certain resources based on the {{{credentials}}} parameter.
     121    Optional. An [ XML-RPC] boolean value indicating whether the caller is interested in all resources or available resources. If this value is true (`1`), the result should contain only available resources. If this value is false (`0`) or unspecified, both available and allocated resources should be returned. The Aggregate Manager is free to limit visibility of certain resources based on the {{{credentials}}} parameter.
    123123 `geni_compressed`::
    124     Optional. An [ XML-RPC] boolean value indicating whether the caller would like the result to be compressed. If the value is true (1), the returned resource list will be compressed according to [ RFC 1950]. If the value is false (0) or unspecified, the return will be text.
     124    Optional. An [ XML-RPC] boolean value indicating whether the caller would like the result to be compressed. If the value is true (`1`), the returned resource list will be compressed according to [ RFC 1950]. If the value is false (`0`) or unspecified, the return will be text.
    126126 `geni_rspec_version`::
    127     Required. An [ XML-RPC] struct indicating the type and version of Advertisement RSpec to return. The struct contains 2 members, {{{type}}} and {{{version}}}. {{{type}}} and {{{version}}} are ''case-insensitive'' strings, matching those in {{{geni_ad_rspec_versions}}} as returned by `GetVersion` at this aggregate. This option is ''required'', and aggregates are expected to return a {{{geni_code}}} of {{{1}}} ('Bad Arguments') if it is missing. Aggregates should return a {{{geni_code}}} of {{{4}}} ({{{BADVERSION}}}) if the requested RSpec version is not one advertised in `GetVersion` as supported. The [wiki:GAPI_AM_API_V3/CommonConcepts#RSpecdatatype contract for RSpec versions is described with links to further reading on the Common Concepts page].
     127    Required. An [ XML-RPC] struct indicating the type and version of Advertisement RSpec to return. The struct contains 2 members, {{{type}}} and {{{version}}}. {{{type}}} and {{{version}}} are ''case-insensitive'' strings, matching those in {{{geni_ad_rspec_versions}}} as returned by `GetVersion` at this aggregate. This option is ''required'', and aggregates are expected to return a {{{geni_code}}} of {{{1}}} ('BADARGS') if it is missing. Aggregates should return a {{{geni_code}}} of {{{4}}} ({{{BADVERSION}}}) if the requested RSpec version is not one advertised as supported in `GetVersion`. The [wiki:GAPI_AM_API_V3/CommonConcepts#RSpecdatatype contract for RSpec versions is described with links to further reading on the Common Concepts page].
    130130=== Return ===
    131 `ListResources` returns a `value` containing an RSpec listing and describing resources at this aggregate. Depending on the arguments, this may be all local resources, only available local resources.
    133 `ListResources` returns the [wiki:GAPI_AM_API_V3/CommonConcepts#ReturnStruct standard return from all AM API methods], which has a specific [wiki:GAPI_AM_API_V3/CommonConcepts#ReturnStruct structure and semantics described on the Common Concepts page], including specific requirements for the {{{code}}} and {{{output}}} members.
     131`ListResources` returns a `value` containing an RSpec listing and describing resources at this aggregate. Depending on the arguments, these may be all local resources, or only available local resources.
     133`ListResources` returns the [wiki:GAPI_AM_API_V3/CommonConcepts#ReturnStruct standard return struct from all AM API methods] (`output`, `value`, `code`).
    135135  `value`::
    136      `ListResources` returns an RSpec in GENI standard schema.
     136     `ListResources` returns an RSpec conforming to the GENI standard schema.
    138138    If the aggregate cannot support the requested {{{type}}}/{{{version}}} (that pair is not listed in {{{geni_ad_rspec_versions}}}), then the aggregate returns an error ({{{geni_code}}}) of {{{4}}} ({{{BADVERSION}}}), and the {{{value}}} is not defined.
    152152== `Describe` Details ==
    153 `Describe` is used to list the resources belonging to a particular reservation. The return is always a single manifest RSpec, whose contents cover the set of slivers whose URNs were supplied, or which are contained in the single slice whose URN was supplied as an argument.
     153`Describe` is used to list the resources belonging to a particular reservation. The return is always a single manifest RSpec, describing the resources in the set of slivers whose URNs were supplied, or describing the entire single slice whose URN was supplied as an argument.
    155155The manifest RSpec should contain all necessary details about resource identity, configuration, and access information necessary for experimenters to use the resources. As that configuration information may change as the resource becomes operationally `geni_ready`, this information may change. Otherwise, the manifest is mostly static.
    157157Additionally, `Describe` returns basic state and expiration information for all queried slivers.
    159 For details on options to `Describe`, see !ListResources above, and the Common Concepts page.
     159For details on options to `Describe`, see `ListResources` above, and the Common Concepts page.
    161161Sample Return `value`:
    271271|| `UNSUPPORTED` || The aggregate does not permit operations on individual slivers in the same slice of this form ||
    273 == Status Details ==
     273== `Status` Details ==
    274274Get dynamic status about one or more slivers in a given slice. In contrast to `Describe`, `Status` is used to query dynamic state information about slivers. Aggregates may include detailed configuration information at their own discretion.
    354354This operation is for operator use, to stop a misbehaving resource. Once shut down, the slivers are not available for experimenter use. The underlying resources may be returned to the pool of available resources, depending on resource type and aggregate implementation.
    356 This method returns true, unless resource remain running in the slice after this operation.
     356This method returns true (`1`), unless the resources remain running in the slice after this operation.
    358358Error codes: