Changes between Version 32 and Version 33 of GAPI_AM_API_DRAFT

02/29/12 06:34:53 (12 years ago)
Aaron Helsinger




    v32 v33  
    304304 - Get a ticket promising resources requested in the rspec.
     305 - If there is already an outstanding ticket for the slice, an error is returned.
    305306 - Return: ticket
    306307 - Result State: {{{ticketed}}}
    329330  - Note that resources which do not require a 'start' may already be {{{ready}}} on normal return from !RedeemTicket.
    330331 - Omitting the ticket causes the aggregate to redeem the outstanding ticket for this slice if any. If none, return an error code.
     332 - The ticket must be valid: not expired or previously redeemed or replaced. If so, an error is returned.
    332334 3. !ReleaseTicket
    337339 - Return: True or error
    338340 - Omitting the ticket causes the aggregate to release the 0 or 1 outstanding tickets for this slice.
     341 - If this ticket was from !UpdateSlivers, then the sliver returns to the {{{allocated}}} state and existing resources are not modified.
    340343 4. !UpdateTicket
    344347                                string ticket, struct options)
    346  - For updating a reservation in place, replacing one ticket with a new one.
     349 - For updating a reservation in place, replacing one ticket with a new one. On success, the old ticket is invalid.
    347350 - Return: Ticket
    348351 - Result State: {{{ticketed}}}
    349352 - Options may include {{{geni_start_time}}} and {{{geni_end_time}}} (see below)
     353 - The ticket must be valid: not expired or previously redeemed or replaced. If so, an error is returned.
    351355 5. !UpdateSlivers
    365369 - Get a promise for resources that would replace currently allocated resources, as defined in [#ChangeSetC:UpdateSlivers Change Set C].
    366370 - Result State: {{{ticketed}}}
     371 - On completion, the slice has both a ticket and a set of slivers at this aggregate. Overall it is both {{{allocated}}} and {{{ticketed}}}, which is called {{{ticketed}}}.
    367372 - Options may include {{{geni_start_time}}} and {{{geni_end_time}}}, a RFC3339 requested start and end time for the reservation (option not required).
    368373   - The request should Fail (return an error code) if the resources cannot be reserved from or until the requested time.