
Version 4 (modified by Aaron Helsinger, 12 years ago) (diff)


GENI Aggregate Manager API Draft Revisions Method Signatures Summary

This page documents the DRAFT GENI Aggregate Manager API full method signatures, if all proposed revisions are adopted. This includes proposals that have already been adopted, and others still under discussion.

The current officially adopted version of the API is 2 and is documented on the main API page.

The current adopted or proposed changes for the AM API, whose impacts are reflected here, are documented on the AM API Draft wiki page.

Change summary - method signatures

If the generally agreed-upon change sets listed here are adopted, the final method signatures will be as follows:

Common Arguments and Returns

structs and optional arguments

Unless otherwise specified, all arguments and returns of type struct may include aggregate or resource-specific entries. As arguments, such options must be optional for the client to supply, with the aggregate providing a reasonable default.

datetime data type

All datetime arguments and returns in this API shall conform to RFC 3339. This represents a subset of the valid date/time strings permissible by the standard XML-RPC date/time data type, dateTime.iso8601.

In the specification of this API, this is described as dateTime.rfc3339.

RSpec data type

Throughout this API, multiple arguments and returns are labeled as an RSpec. These fields shall be understood as XML documents following one of the schemas advertised in the return from GetVersion. All such RSpecs must pass an XML schema validator, must list all used schemas and namespaces within the document, using schemas that are publicly available. The GetVersion return advertises schemas for advertisment and request RSpecs; the schemas for manifest RSpecs are assumed to be available at the same base URL, but using a corresponding manifest schema.

A fully GENI AM API compliant aggregate will always support the GENI standard schemas for RSpecs, available at As of 4/2012, the current GENI RSpec version is 3. Aggregates are free to use an alternate format internally, but must accept and produce compliant RSpecs on demand.

The Aggregate Manager API requires this contract: Aggregates advertise the type and version of RSpec formats that they support. If available, they specify the schema, namespace and extensions combination which is the authoritative definition of that format. Clients of the API should understand that combination in order to know how to understand the resources available at that aggregate.

If an aggregate advertises a particular type/version (optionally defined with a combination of schema, namespace and extensions) in the geni_ad_rspec_versions attribute of GetVersion, then it promises to send a correct Advertisement RSpec in response to a ListResources call which supplies a geni_rspec_version option containing that type/version. (geni_rspec_version is a struct with 2 members, type and version. type and version are case-insensitive strings, matching those in geni_ad_rspec_versions).

If an Aggregate advertises a particular type/version (optionally defined with a combination of schema, namespace and extensions) in the geni_request_rspec_versions attribute of GetVersion then it promises to correctly honor an Allocate (was CreateSliver in API v2) call containing a request RSpec in the given format, and then to return a Manifest RSpec in the corresponding format (i.e. a GENI format request is answered with a GENI format manifest). The aggregate also promises to send a correctly formatted Manifest RSpec in response to a Describe call which supplies a valid slice or sliver URN and an geni_rspec_version option containing that supported type/version.

In this API, such RSpec fields are labeled as type geni.rspec.


Many methods take an array of credentials. This is an array of credential type, version, and string value.

credentials = [
    geni_type: <string>, 
    geni_version: <string>,
    geni_value: <string>,

At least one credential must be a valid slice credential for the slice specified in slice_urn if that is an argument, or for the slice that contains the named slivers, if sliver urns are an argument, or a valid administrative credential with sufficient privileges. When sliver_urns are supplied, all such slivers must belong to the same slice, over which the given credential provides access. Credentials must be valid (signed by a valid GENI certificate authority either directly or by chain, not expired, and grant privileges to the client identified by the SSL client certificate). Each method requires specific privileges, which must be granted by the provided credentials. Note that the semantics of this argument is not clear: most implementations require a single credential to provide all needed privileges. Alternative interpretations might, for example, accumulate privileges from each valid credential to determine overall caller permissions. For details on GENI AM API format credentials, see the GENI wiki.


The geni_end_time argument requests an expiration of the specified slivers. It is in dateTime.rfc3339 format (defined above). When an explicit argument, it is required, and aggregates must honor the request to the extent local policy permits. When an option in the options struct, clients may omit the option, and AMs may choose not to or be unable to honor this option, but may still succeed the overall request.


geni_best_effort: <XML-RPC boolean 1 or 0, default false (0)>

Clients may omit this option, but aggregates must honor the option if possible. This option modifies the way that the operation applies to all named slivers. By default (geni_best_effort=false), the operation must apply equally to all slivers, either succeeding or failing for all. When true, the aggregate may succeed the operation for some slivers, while failing the operation for other slivers.


struct geni_users[] is an option for some methods.

Clients may omit this option. Aggregates should honor this option for any resource that accepts the provided login keys, and ignore it for other resources. This option is an array of user structs, which contain information about the users that might login to the sliver that the AM needs to know about. For example, this option is the mechanism by which users supply their SSH public keys, permitting SSH login to allocated nodes. In such cases, the corresponding manifest RSpec will contain the ssh-users element on each such node, showing the login username and applicable public keys. When this option is supplied, each struct must include the key 'keys', which is an array of strings and can be empty. The struct must also include the key 'urn', which is the user’s URN string. For example:

    keys: [<ssh key>, <ssh key>]
    keys: [<ssh key>]


An XML-RPC struct. For GetVersion only, this argument is optional. In all other methods, it is required. Only ListResources has required entries in the options struct. Aggregates are compliant with this API change by accepting this argument. Aggregates may accept entries to this struct. Aggregates should not require any new options to any method - they should always have a reasonable default for any such option. Aggregates should document new options arguments. The prefix geni_ is reserved for members that are part of this API specification. Implementations should choose an appropriate prefix to avoid conflicts.


Several methods take some URNs to identify what to operate on. These methods are defined as accepting a list of arbitrary strings we call URNs. This API defines two kinds of URNs that may be supplied here, slice URNs and sliver URNs (see the GENI identifiers page, and Change Set K). Some aggregates may understand other URNs, but these are not defined or required here. Aggregates that accept only URNs defined by this API will return an error when given URNs not in one of those forms. This API requires that aggregates accept either a single slice URN, or 1+ sliver URNs that all belong to the same slice. Aggregates are not required to accept both a slice URN and sliver URNs, 2+ slice URNs, or a set of sliver URNs that crosses multiple slices. Some aggregates may choose to accept other such combinations of URNs. Aggregates that accept only arguments defined by this API will return an error when given more than 1 slice URN, a combination of both slice and sliver URNs, or a set of sliver URNs that belong to more than 1 slice.


Query static configuration information about this aggregate manager implementation, such as API and RSpec versions supported.

struct GetVersion([optional: struct options])

The options argument may be omitted entirely by clients.

Return struct:

        int geni_api;
        struct geni_api_versions {
             URL <this API version #>; # value is a URL, name is a number
             [optional: other supported API versions and the URLs where they run]
        array geni_request_rspec_versions of {
             string type;
             string version;
             string schema;
             string namespace;
             array extensions of string;
        array geni_ad_rspec_versions of {
             string type;
             string version;
             string schema;
             string namespace;
             array extensions of string;
        array geni_credential_types of {
             string geni_type <case insensitive>;
             string geni_version <containing an integer>;


Retrieve RSpecs listing resources at this aggregate, an Advertisement RSpec of available resources.

struct ListResources(struct credentials[], struct options)

Where options include:

  boolean geni_available <optional>;
  boolean geni_compressed <optional>;
  struct geni_rspec_version {
    string type;
    string version;

Note that all options may be omitted by the client, exception geni_rspec_version which is required. The aggregate must honor all supplied options.

credentials is the standard argument defined above.

Return: A geni.rspec advertisment RSpec.


AKA ListResources when supplied a slice URN.

Retrieve a manifest describing the resources contained by the entities named, e.g. a single slice or a set of the slivers in a slice.

struct Describe(string urns[], struct credentials[], struct options[])

Where options include:

  boolean geni_compressed <optional>;
  struct geni_rspec_version {
    string type;
    string version;

Note that all options may be omitted by the client, exception geni_rspec_version which is required. The aggregate must honor all supplied options.

credentials is the standard argument defined elsewhere.

Note that the manifest RSpec for allocated slivers may contain less detail than for provisioned slivers.

Return struct:

   geni_rspec: <geni.rspec, Manifest - may be empty though)>
   geni_urn: <string slice urn, as requested>
   geni_slivers: [
                  geni_sliver_urn: <string sliver urn>
                  geni_expires: <dateTime.rfc3339 allocation expiration string, as in geni_expires from SliversStatus>,
                  geni_allocation_status: <string sliver state - allocated or ?? >,
                  geni_operational_status: <string sliver operational state>

Aggregates are expected to combine the manifests of all requested slivers into a single manifest RSpec.

FIXME: Allow multiple manifests? Options to specify only allocated or only provisioned slivers?


AKA CreateSlivers() Request resources described by the given request RSpec to be allocated to the given slice. On success, one or more slivers are allocated, containing resources satisfying the request, and assigned to the given slice. The manifest RSpec describing those resources is returned.

struct Allocate(string slice_urn,
                    struct credentials[],
                    geni.rspec rspec,
                    struct options)

credentials is the standard argument defined above.

Options include:

  [optional geni_end_time: <dateTime.rfc3339>]

Return struct:

 geni_rspec: <geni.rspec manifest>,
 geni_slivers: [
                  geni_sliver_urn: <string sliver urn>
                  geni_expires: <dateTime.rfc3339 allocation expiration string, as in geni_expires from SliversStatus>,
                  geni_allocation_status: <string sliver state - allocated or ?? >

The manifest is a manifest of only newly allocated slivers.


AKA RenewSliver() or RenewAllocated Request that the named slivers be renewed, with their expiration extended. If possible, the aggregate should extend the slivers to the requested expiration time, or to a sooner time if policy limits apply. This method applies to slivers that are geni_allocated or to slivers that are geni_provisioned, though different policies may apply to slivers in the different states, resulting in much shorter max expiration times for geni_allocated slivers.

struct Renew(string urns[],
                    struct credentials[],
                    dateTime.rfc3339 expiration_time, 
                    struct options)

credentials is the standard argument defined above.

Options include geni_best_effort

Return list of structs:

   geni_sliver_urn: <string>,
   geni_allocation_status: <string>,
   geni_operational_status: <string>,
   geni_expires: <dateTime.rfc3339 when the sliver expires from its current state>,


AKA UpdateAllocated() This method modifies a set of allocated slivers in place. The existing reservations are not lost if the newly requested allocations cannot be satisfied by the aggregate.

Details are suppressed pending agreement on this method.


AKA ProvisionSlivers() Request that the named geni_allocated slivers be made geni_provisioned, instantiating or otherwise realizing the resources, such that they have a valid geni_operational_status and may possibly be made geni_ready for experimenter use.

struct Provision(string urns[], struct credentials[],  
                                   struct options)

credentials is the standard argument defined above.

Options include:

  • geni_best_effort
  • geni_end_time
  • struct geni_users[]

Return struct:

  geni_rspec: <geni.rspec, RSpec manifest>,
     geni_sliver_urn: <string>,
     geni_allocation_status: <string>,
     geni_operational_status: <string>,
     geni_expires <dateTime.rfc3339 when the sliver expires from its current state>,

FIXME: Is the returned manifest only for newly provisioned slivers? Or all slivers at this AM for this slice?


AKA Update() This method requests a modification to 1 or more provisioned slivers. The slivers end up in a new geni_allocated+geni_provisioned state.

Details are suppressed pending agreement on this method.


AKA SliverStatus Retrieve status information about the named slivers. This should be relatively dynamic data, not descriptive data as returned in the manifest RSpec.

struct Status(string urns[], struct credentials[], struct options)

credentials is the standard argument defined above.


  geni_urn: <slice URN>
  geni_slivers: [ 
                    { geni_sliver_urn: <sliver URN>
                      geni_allocation_status: <string, eg provisioned>
                      geni_operational_status: <string, eg ready>
                      geni_expires: <dateTime.rfc3339 of individual sliver expiration>
                      geni_error: <string, eg ''>,
                    { geni_sliver_urn: <sliver URN>
                      geni_allocation_status: <string, eg provisioned>
                      geni_operational_status: <string, eg ready>
                      geni_expires: <dateTime.rfc3339 of individual sliver expiration>
                      geni_error: <string, eg ''>,


Perform the named operational action on the named slivers, possibly changing the geni_operational_status of the named slivers.

struct PerformOperationalAction (string urns[], struct credentials[], string action, 
                                                    struct options={})

credentials is the standard argument defined above.

Options include: geni_best_effort

Return list of structs:

[ {
        geni_sliver_urn : <string>,
        geni_allocation_status: <string, eg provisioned>
        geni_operational_status : <string>,
        geni_expires: <dateTime.rfc3339 of individual sliver expiration>


AKA DeleteSliver Delete the named slivers, making them geni_unallocated. Resources are de-provisioned. No further AM API operations may be performed on slivers that have been deleted.

struct Delete(string urns, struct credentials[], struct options)

credentials is the standard argument defined above.

Options include: geni_best_effort

Return list of structs:

   geni_sliver_urn: <string>,
   geni_allocation_status: <string>,
   geni_expires: <dateTime.rfc3339 when the sliver expires from its current state>,


Perform an emergency shutdown on the slice at this aggregate. Resources should be taken offline, such that experimenter access (on both the control and data plane) is cut off. No further actions on the slice should be possible at this aggregate, until an un-specified operator action restores the slice.

struct Shutdown(string slice_urn, struct credentials[], struct options)

credentials is the standard argument defined above.

Return: XML-RPC boolean