
Version 2 (modified by Aaron Helsinger, 13 years ago) (diff)


Methods if minimal AM API v3 is adopted

If the 'minimal' AM API v3 set of change sets is adopted, the AM API methods will be as follows:


struct GetVersion([optional: struct options])

Return struct:

        int geni_api;
        struct geni_api_versions {
             URL <this API version #>; # value is a URL, name is a number
             [optional: other supported API versions and the URLs where they run]
        array geni_request_rspec_versions of {
             string type;
             string version;
             string schema;
             string namespace;
             array extensions of string;
        array geni_ad_rspec_versions of {
             string type;
             string version;
             string schema;
             string namespace;
             array extensions of string;


struct ListResources(string credentials[], struct options)

Where options include:

  boolean geni_available;
  boolean geni_compressed;
  string geni_slice_urn;
  struct geni_rspec_version {
    string type;
    string version;

Return: rspec (ad or Manifest)


struct CreateSlivers(string slice_urn,
                    string credentials[],
                    string rspec,
                    struct users[],
                    struct options)

Options include:

  boolean geni_donotstart (optional)

Return struct:

 string rspec=<manifest>,
 geni_expires=<RFC3339 sliver expiration, as in geni_expires from SliversStatus>,
 string geni_status=<sliver state - allocated or changing or ready>,
 <others that are AM specific>


struct RenewSlivers(string slice_urn,
                    string credentials[],
                    string expiration_time, 
                    struct options)

Return: boolean


struct SliversStatus(string slice_urn, string credentials[], struct options)


  string geni_urn: <sliver URN>
  string geni_status: <ready or changing or allocated...>
  geni_expires: <datetime of expiration>
  struct geni_resources: [ { geni_urn: <resource URN>
                      geni_status: ready
                      geni_error: ''},
                    { geni_urn: <resource URN>
                      geni_status: ready
                      geni_error: ''}

Where for individual resources this block may be returned:

'users' => [{'urn'   => $user1_urn.
             'login' => $login,
             'protocol' => [ssh, or ?],
             'port' => [22 or ?],
             'keys'  => [...] },
            {'urn'   => $user2_urn.
             'login' => $login,
             'protocol' => [ssh, or ?],
             'port' => [22 or ?],
             'keys'  => [...] }


struct StartSlivers(string slice_urn, string credentials[], struct options)

Return: boolean


struct DeleteSlivers(string slice_urn, string credentials[], struct options)

Return: boolean


struct Shutdown(string slice_urn, string credentials[], struct options)

Return: boolean