Changes between Version 22 and Version 23 of FlowVisor

07/08/13 13:52:45 (11 years ago)
Josh Smift



  • FlowVisor

    v22 v23  
    3939== Version ==
    41 The GPO currently recommends version 1.0.8 for GENI sites.
    43 As of June 2013, we're in the proess of working with sites to upgrade to that version. Sites that haven't yet upgraded are mostly running 0.8.17; existing GENI racks may be running even older versions of 0.8.
     41The GPO had recommended version 1.0.8 for GENI sites, but we've since found some showstopper issues with it, and are not recommending uprading at this time to sites running 0.8.17.
     43Sites that haven't yet upgraded are mostly running 0.8.17; existing GENI racks may be running older versions of 0.8.
     45=== GENI deployment process ===
     47The GPO generally aims to have a scheduled deployment of a new version of !FlowVisor immediately after GEC. There may also be unscheduled deployments of bugfix versions between GECs.
     49Here's an outline of the process for scheduled deployments, with timeframes (relative to "ask sites to upgrade") for when to start each step:
     51 * T minus 12 weeks: Evaluate possible next target versions.
     52 * T minus 11 weeks: Select the next target version down to the minor release number (henceforth "Version X.Y"), start basic "does it work at all" testing.
     53 * T minus 10 weeks: Go/no-go decision about Version X.Y; make tickets for any known issues. (If "no-go", select a new Version X.Y, do basic testing, etc.)
     54 * T minus 9 weeks: Install and test at BBN on dev systems; make tickets for any issues.
     55 * T minus 6 weeks: Go/no-go decision about Version X.Y:
     56   * If "go", select the next target version down to the maintenance release number (henceforth "Version X.Y.z"), and install Version X.Y.z on staging and then production at BBN.
     57   * If "no-go", select a new Version X.Y, install and test at BBN, etc -- two weeks until final go/no-go.
     58 * T minus 4 weeks: Final go/no-go decision.
     59 * T minus 1 week: At GEC, announce Version X.Y.z as the new GENI-recommended version.
     60 * T: Ask sites to upgrade to Version X.Y.z; follow up with sites as needed.
     62Here's an outline of the process for unscheduled deployments:
     64 * Install and test at BBN on dev systems; make tickets for any issues.
     65 * When there are no remaining issues, install and test on staging and then production at BBN.
     66 * When we're confident that there aren't any previously-undetected issues, announce the new version as the new GENI-recommended version.
     67 * Ask sites to upgrade; follow up with sites as needed.
     69It's much the same as the scheduled deployment process, but without the steps related to selecting a version, since this process only applies to an already-identified bugfix version (typically something that fixes bugs that are sufficiently critical that they can't wait until the next scheduled deployment).
    4571== !FlowVisor APIs ==