Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of FlowVisor/UpgradingTo0.8.17

12/27/12 19:45:20 (11 years ago)
Josh Smift



  • FlowVisor/UpgradingTo0.8.17

    v1 v1  
     3= Upgrading to !FlowVisor 0.8.17 =
     5Upgrading to !FlowVisor 0.8.17 is slightly tricky, because the process is different depending whether your current configuration is in a database, or in a flat XML file. FV 0.8.2 and earlier used a flat XML file; 0.8.3 and later use a database.
     7Before doing anything else: If you were previously storing your FV password in /etc/flowvisor/fvpasswd, move it to the new recommended location, /etc/flowvisor.passwd:
     10sudo mv /etc/flowvisor/fvpasswd /etc/flowvisor.passwd
     13If you were storing your FV password in a different file, you can move it or not, as you like. (But if you don't put it in /etc/flowvisor.passwd, you'll need to edit all the fvctl commands below.)
     15Identifying which version of !FlowVisor you have now can be slightly tricky, because 'fvctl ping' gives incorrect results in some versions. One reliable way to tell is whether 'fvctl dumpConfig' command works: Try
     18fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor.passwd dumpConfig /tmp/config.json
     21If that says "command 'dumpConfig' does not exist" (and prints a long usage message), you have an XML-based version. If it creates a JSON version of your FV configuration, you have a DB-based version. Follow the appropriate subsection in the "Upgrade the software" section below!
     23= Common pre-install steps =
     25First, there are some things to do regardless of which version you're upgrading from.
     27== Capture state before the upgrade ==
     29Get a dump of the flowspace and slice info:
     33rm -rf ~/tmp/flowvisor-upgrade
     34mkdir -p ~/tmp/flowvisor-upgrade/before
     35cd ~/tmp/flowvisor-upgrade/before
     37fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor.passwd dumpConfig config.json
     38fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor.passwd listFlowSpace | sed -re 's/id=\[[0-9\-]+\]/[id number stripped]/' > flowspace
     39for slice in $(fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor.passwd listSlices | awk '{print $3}' | sort); do echo "Info for slice: $slice" ; fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor.passwd getSliceInfo $slice | egrep -v ^connection_[0-9]+= | sort ; done > sliceinfo
     42You'll diff this later against similar output from after the upgrade.
     44(If you're running an XML-based version, the 'fvctl dumpConfig' command won't actually do anything; that's normal and expected.)
     46== Check your current version ==
     48Try both of these commands:
     51fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor.passwd ping pong
     52dpkg -s flowvisor | grep ^Version
     55Just keep track of the output for now, in case you end up wanting to know later.
     57== Update your APT sources entry ==
     59Update the FOAM apt sources entry, changing
     62deb unstable/binary-$(ARCH)/
     68deb stable contrib
     71(This is a little vague because you might have this entry in /etc/apt/sources.list, or /etc/apt/sources.list.d/<something>, or some other place. But probably one of those two.)
     73Make sure that worked and that it's available:
     76sudo apt-get update
     77apt-cache show flowvisor | grep "^Version"
     80The output of the second command should include a line saying "Version: 0.8.17", as well as a line for whatever version you currently have.
     82Configure APT to trust the ONL signing key:
     87sudo apt-key add onlab-repo.gpg
     88rm onlab-repo.gpg
     91= Version-specific steps =
     93Make sure you do only '''one''' of these subsections!
     95== Upgrading from an XML-based version ==
     97Do this subsection '''only''' if you're upgrading from an XML-based version!
     99Upgrading from an XML version requires you to convert the flat XML configuration file into FV's new database format. (Or you can throw away your current !FlowVisor state, if you're really really sure that you don't care about any of it, but you probably don't want to do that.)
     101Stop the currently running Flowvisor:
     104sudo service flowvisor stop
     107Check whether you currently have /etc/flowvisor, /usr/etc/flowvisor, or both, and what user owns them -- if it's '''not''' 'flowvisor', remember this fact, because there will be an additional important step later.
     110ls -Flad /etc/flowvisor /usr/etc/flowvisor
     113If you don't have either /etc/flowvisor or /usr/etc/flowvisor, something is probably amiss; get GPO and/or ONL involved to help figure out what's going on.
     115If /etc/flowvisor is a symlink, remove it:
     118sudo rm /etc/flowvisor
     121If you now have a directory /usr/etc/flowvisor, and no /etc/flowvisor, rename the directory:
     124sudo mv /usr/etc/flowvisor /etc/flowvisor
     127At the end of all that, you should have your existing config directory in /etc/flowvisor. If it's '''not''' owned by the 'flowivsor' user, remember this -- there will be an additional important step later.
     129Install the software, and remove old dependencies that aren't needed any more:
     132sudo apt-get install flowvisor
     133sudo apt-get autoremove
     136If your /etc/flowvisor directory, and its contents, are '''not''' owned by the 'flowvisor' user, change it:
     139sudo chown flowvisor:flowvisor -Rh /etc/flowvisor
     142Generate a new FV database (just hit return when prompted for a password, this will be overwritten by the next step; and ignore the "keytool error" error, it's just telling you that you already have a key pair):
     145sudo -u flowvisor fvconfig generate /dev/null
     148Convert your config.xml file to a config.json file
     151sudo -u flowvisor fvconfig convert /etc/flowvisor/config.xml
     154There are three !FlowVisor variables that are off by default in new installations, but may be on in upgraded ones, which we recommend that you turn off: run_topology_server, stats_desc_hack, and checkpointing.
     156To do that, edit your new config.json file, e.g. with 'sed' like this:
     159sudo -u flowvisor sed -i -e 's/"run_topology_server": true/"run_topology_server": false/' /etc/flowvisor/config.json
     160sudo -u flowvisor sed -i -e 's/"stats_desc_hack": true/"stats_desc_hack": false/' /etc/flowvisor/config.json
     161sudo -u flowvisor sed -i -e 's/"checkpointing": true/"checkpointing": false/' /etc/flowvisor/config.json
     164Load it into the new database:
     167sudo -u flowvisor fvconfig load /etc/flowvisor/config.json
     170Now skip down to "Common post-install steps".
     172== Upgrading from a DB-based version ==
     174Do this subsection '''only''' if you're upgrading from an DB-based version!
     176Upgrading from a DB version prior to 0.8.17 may delete your entire database, and the 'flowvisor' user. This section includes steps to back up and restore the DB; the new version will re-create the 'flowvisor' user, but if it gets a different UID than it had before, you may also have to fix up some permissions on various files and directories.
     178So, just in case, get the UID of the current 'flowvisor' user:
     181id flowvisor
     184Keep track of this UID for a later step.
     186Back up your current database:
     189fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor.passwd dumpConfig config-backup.json
     192Stop the currently running Flowvisor:
     195sudo service flowvisor stop
     198Remove the current verson, and the old database:
     201sudo apt-get remove flowvisor
     202sudo rm -rf /usr/share/db/flowvisor
     205Install the software, and remove old dependencies that aren't needed any more:
     208sudo apt-get install flowvisor
     209sudo apt-get autoremove
     212(There may not be any old dependencies, in which case the second command won't do anything; that's fine.)
     214If your /etc/flowvisor directory, and its contents, are '''not''' owned by the 'flowvisor' user, change it, and also some other places where !FlowVisor stores files, and check for any other stray files owned by the old UID:
     217sudo chown flowvisor:flowvisor -Rh /etc/flowvisor /var/log/flowvisor /tmp/jna /tmp/config.json
     218sudo find / -user OLDUID -print
     221where "OLDUID" is the old UID you found before.
     223Generate a new FV database (just hit return when prompted for a password, this will be overwritten by the next step; and ignore the "keytool error" error, it's just telling you that you already have a key pair):
     226sudo -u flowvisor fvconfig generate /dev/null
     229There are three !FlowVisor variables that are off by default in new installations, but may be on in upgraded ones, which we recommend that you turn off: run_topology_server, stats_desc_hack, and checkpointing.
     231To do that, edit your new config.json file, e.g. with 'sed' like this:
     234sudo -u flowvisor sed -i -e 's/"run_topology_server": true/"run_topology_server": false/' /etc/flowvisor/config.json
     235sudo -u flowvisor sed -i -e 's/"stats_desc_hack": true/"stats_desc_hack": false/' /etc/flowvisor/config.json
     236sudo -u flowvisor sed -i -e 's/"checkpointing": true/"checkpointing": false/' /etc/flowvisor/config.json
     239Load it into the new database:
     242sudo -u flowvisor fvconfig load /etc/flowvisor/config.json
     245Now skip down to "Common post-install steps".
     247= Common post-install steps =
     249Finally, there are some things to do regardless of which version you're upgrading from.
     251== Rotate some old logs ==
     253While FV is conveniently down, rotate some old logs out of the way:
     256sudo mv /var/log/flowvisor/flowvisor-stderr.log /var/log/flowvisor/flowvisor-stderr.log.1
     257sudo mv /var/log/flowvisor/flowvisor.log /var/log/flowvisor/flowvisor.log.1
     258sudo gzip /var/log/flowvisor/*.log.1
     261If one or the other of those don't exist, you'll get an error saying as much from the appropriate 'sudo mv' command, which you can safely ignore.
     263== Fire it up ==
     265Start up !FlowVisor:
     268sudo service flowvisor start
     271Make sure it's listening:
     274fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor.passwd ping pong
     277That should print "PONG(fvadmin): FV version=flowvisor-0.8.17::pong". If you get a "connection refused" error, wait a few more seconds and try again. It shouldn't take more than 30 seconds or a minute to start up; if it's still not working after that long, something has gone wrong, and you should probably get GPO and/or ONL involved to help.
     279== Compare the new "after" state to the "before" state ==
     281Get a dump of the flowspace and slice info:
     285rm -rf ~/tmp/foam-upgrade/after
     286mkdir -p ~/tmp/flowvisor-upgrade/after
     287cd ~/tmp/flowvisor-upgrade/after
     289fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor.passwd dumpConfig config.json
     290fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor.passwd listFlowSpace | sed -re 's/id=\[[0-9\-]+\]/[id number stripped]/' > flowspace
     291for slice in $(fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor.passwd listSlices | awk '{print $3}' | sort); do echo "Info for slice: $slice" ; fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor.passwd getSliceInfo $slice | egrep -v ^connection_[0-9]+= | sort ; done > sliceinfo
     294Diff the results against the "before" results:
     297cd ~/tmp/flowvisor-upgrade/before
     298for file in * ; do diff -u $file ../after/$file ; done
     301You'll probably see some minor differences, including some or all of:
     303 * In config.json, checkpointing, stats_desc_hack, and run_topology_server changing from true to false.
     304 * In config.json, 'version changing to "flowvisor-0.8.17".
     305 * In sliceinfo and config.json, controller_port values changing.
     306 * In sliceinfo and config.json, drop_policy settings changing.
     308None of those are cause for alarm, nor is it alarming if you ''don't'' see some of those differences.
     310Anything beyond those is unexpected, and worth looking into with GPO and/or ONL.
     312== Clean up ==
     314Once you're confident that this is all working as expected, make a backup copy of your configs just in case, and remove them from /etc/flowvisor:
     317cp /etc/flowvisor/config.{xml,json} ~
     318sudo -u flowvisor rm /etc/flowvisor/config.{xml,json}
     321That's it! Enjoy FV 0.8.17.