Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of EnterpriseGENI/1Q11

04/05/11 01:34:05 (14 years ago)
Srini Seetharaman



  • EnterpriseGENI/1Q11

    v4 v5  
    5757   * We manage three networks:
    5858      * Demo network
     59         * Building regression tests to check on stability of the network
     60         * Upgraded FlowVisor to make things more stable
     61         * Replaced NECSW5 with HPSW4 in the demo network and updated existing slices
     62         * Introduced more experiments through expedient
    5963      * Production wired network
     64         * Deployed BigSwitch controller and did extensive testing in production setting
     65         * Introduced FlowVisor to conduct experiments in wired network
    6066      * Production wireless network
     67         * Experimenting with the NEC Helios controller
     68         * Upgraded FlowVisor
    6169   * We support deployments in two other production networks
    62       * Gates
     70      * Gates
     71         * Setup a VMWare server with BigSwitch controller running in the VM
     72         * This will be used for VLAN74 in overall Gates network, after first round of testing
    6373      * CIS/CIX
     74         * Created an OpenFlow network with 6 switch, 3 WiFi APs and 1 dedicated monitoring box
     75         * Uplink to Gates building network. Currently supporting 40 classroom users
    6577= Support other campuses =
    6678   * Helping campuses deploy new software
    67    * Testing controllers
     79      * Upgraded Expedient and FlowVisor on all campuses
     80   * Testing controllers on their behalf and sharing our experience
     81   * Interact with campuses to obtain feature requirements for SNAC
     82      * The main request was to introduce VLAN partitioning in the controller
    6984= Pronto Switch donation =