Changes between Version 16 and Version 17 of DemoInfo

03/16/10 11:09:59 (15 years ago)



  • DemoInfo

    v16 v17  
    113113||[ ORCABEN]||ORCA||||0||0||space for 5 laptops and 1 monitor||1||0||3||0||2||6||1 (bringing their own)||none||
    114114||[ IMF]||ORCA||||1||1||space for 2 laptops||0.5||0||2||0||1||3||0||none||
     115||'''Project Ticket'''||'''Cluster'''||'''Contact'''||'''Projector'''||'''Projector Screen'''||'''Table Space'''||'''Table 6 feet units'''||'''# of wired connections'''||'''# of wireless connections'''||'''# of Static IPs'''||'''Posters'''||'''# of AC Connections'''||'''Monitor'''||'''Special Request'''||
    115116||[ UMLPEN]||ProtoGENI||||1||1||space for 2 laptops||1||2||0||0||1||3||0||none||
    116117||[ DOME]||ORCA||||0||0||space for 1 laptop||0.5||0||1||0||0||1||0||May need one VLAN port||
    125126||[ OFRG]||Openflow||||1||1||space for 2 laptops||1||0||0||0||1||2||0||none||
    126127||[ SCAFFOLD]||PlanetLab||||0||0||No table space. Just poster presentation||0||0||0||0||1||0||0||none||
     128||'''Project Ticket'''||'''Cluster'''||'''Contact'''||'''Projector'''||'''Projector Screen'''||'''Table Space'''||'''Table 6 feet units'''||'''# of wired connections'''||'''# of wireless connections'''||'''# of Static IPs'''||'''Posters'''||'''# of AC Connections'''||'''Monitor'''||'''Special Request'''||
    127129||[ MAX]||PlanetLab||||0||1||space for 3 laptops and 1 monitor||1||1||0||1||2||6||1 (bringing their own)||I would like to know ahead of time if the demo session will be on a network which is connected to the Internet2 IP network. That is will the room be able to reach other institutions like MAX over the Internet2 network. I would think that if demo room is on the regular Duke campus network that will probably be fine. If it is possible for you to let us know in advance what the address/netmask will be for the one static address, that would be helpful. ||
    128130||[ GpENI]||PlanetLab||||1||1||space for 1 laptop||0.5||0||1||0||1||3||0||none||
    133135||[ OFGT]||PlanetLab||||1||1||space for 2 laptops||0.5||1||0||0||1||3||0||22, 2503 and 5901 ports should be unblocked||
    134136||[ SiXis]||ORCA/BEN||||1||1||will bring their own table||0||0||1||0||0||0||2||none||
     137||'''Project Ticket'''||'''Cluster'''||'''Contact'''||'''Projector'''||'''Projector Screen'''||'''Table Space'''||'''Table 6 feet units'''||'''# of wired connections'''||'''# of wireless connections'''||'''# of Static IPs'''||'''Posters'''||'''# of AC Connections'''||'''Monitor'''||'''Special Request'''||