
Version 1 (modified by, 9 years ago) (diff)


Aggregate Name


Aggregate Overview

Aggregate Resources 35 buses (that service a 150 sq. mi. area) each with a DOME brick, a computer (1GHz Celeron CPU, 1GBB RAM, 60GB hard drive, Linux OS). The brick is connected to three radios: an 802.11b/g Access Point (AP) to allow other buses to connect via WiFi and to provide Internet access to bus riders, a PCI-based 802.11g interface that is fully programmable by experiments (madwifi driver), and a longer-range MaxStream XTend 900MHz radio to connect to other buses. Additionally, a GPS device is accessible to experiments. Testbed software automatically pushes out experiments to buses, schedules experiments, and provides logging to pull results from buses.
Typical Experiments Mobility experiments that ranging from infrastructure-based networking to sparse and dense ad hoc networks that are disruption prone. Experiments that provide services to mobile users.
Aggregate Web Page has more information about this testbed.
Aggregate Status has status of the buses in the testbed.
Layer 2 Connectivity Support for user-customized VM kernels allows direct access to PCI WiFI.

The DOME Network:

DOME Network

Experimenter Support

Guides and Documents
Support See DOME web site
Compatible Tools Logging and reports. Discovery tools and software examples available on the site.

Using this Aggregate

Clearinghouses Recognized ORCA Clearinghouse
Usage Policies Time-based scheduling, all or subset of the buses can be reserved
Aggregate Manager URL Not applicable
Sample Rspecs Not applicable

Aggregate Management

Aggregate Operator Dept. of Computer Science, UMass Amherst
Resource Owner Dept. of Computer Science, UMass Amherst
Operation POC See the DOME web site for contact information
Technical POC See the DOME web site for contact information
Developer Links Platform software:

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