Version 1 (modified by 9 years ago) (diff) | ,
Aggregate Name
Aggregate Overview
Aggregate Resources | 35 buses (that service a 150 sq. mi. area) each with a DOME brick, a computer (1GHz Celeron CPU, 1GBB RAM, 60GB hard drive, Linux OS). The brick is connected to three radios: an 802.11b/g Access Point (AP) to allow other buses to connect via WiFi and to provide Internet access to bus riders, a PCI-based 802.11g interface that is fully programmable by experiments (madwifi driver), and a longer-range MaxStream XTend 900MHz radio to connect to other buses. Additionally, a GPS device is accessible to experiments. Testbed software automatically pushes out experiments to buses, schedules experiments, and provides logging to pull results from buses. |
Typical Experiments | Mobility experiments that ranging from infrastructure-based networking to sparse and dense ad hoc networks that are disruption prone. Experiments that provide services to mobile users. |
Aggregate Web Page | has more information about this testbed. |
Aggregate Status | has status of the buses in the testbed. |
Layer 2 Connectivity | Support for user-customized VM kernels allows direct access to PCI WiFI. |
The DOME Network:
Experimenter Support
Guides and Documents | |
Support | See DOME web site |
Compatible Tools | Logging and reports. Discovery tools and software examples available on the site. |
Using this Aggregate
Clearinghouses Recognized | ORCA Clearinghouse |
Usage Policies | Time-based scheduling, all or subset of the buses can be reserved |
Aggregate Manager URL | Not applicable |
Sample Rspecs | Not applicable |
Aggregate Management
Aggregate Operator | Dept. of Computer Science, UMass Amherst |
Resource Owner | Dept. of Computer Science, UMass Amherst |
Operation POC | See the DOME web site for contact information |
Technical POC | See the DOME web site for contact information |
Developer Links | Platform software: |
Attachments (1)
DOME-Network.png (64.8 KB) - added by 14 years ago.
DOME Network
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