Version 79 (modified by 15 years ago) (diff) | ,
Project Number
Project Title
Slivers and Slices in a Diverse, Outdoor, Mobile Network Testbed
Testbed name: Diverse Outdoor Mobile Environment (DOME)
a.k.a., Vehicular Mobile Network (obsolete title)
Technical Contacts
Principal Investigator:
Brian Levine,
UMass Amherst,
brian email at
Co-Principal Investigator:
Mark Corner,
UMass Amherst,
mcorner email at
Research Staff: Brian Lynn, UMass Amherst, blynn email at
Participating Projects and Organizations
Diverse Outdoor Mobile Environment (DOME) project
UMass Amherst, Amherst, MA
Microsoft Research, Redmond,WA
HP Laboratories, Princeton, NJ
Intel Research, Hillsboro, OR
Cisco Systems, San Jose, CA
The scope of work on this project is to extend the DOME outdoor, mobile network testbed to support slivering and utilize a GENI candidate control framework (ORCA). This work includes the following items. 1) A virtualized operating system on the vehicular computers using Xen, which will allow for the isolation of experiments and customization of the operating environment, as well as permitting each experiment to begin from a known configuration. 2) Virtualized access to attached devices, including a 802.11 radio, GPS, and 900 MHz radio on each bus. 3) Standardized, general GENI mechanisms to authenticate users, install customized software and experiments, schedule DOME resources, and to log results. 4) Integration, deployment and access to GENI users.
Current Capabilities
The DOME software has been completed. This includes:
1) Final testing of the ability to run user-defined experiments in a virtual
environment on the bricks (computers on the buses).
2) The completion of the DOME portal; the portal allows users to upload
files (VM partitions), create experiments, schedule experiments and
perform maintenance tasks.
3) Field verification of the disruption tolerant interface between the buses
and the portal for downloading experiments and communicating leases.
4) The addition of a logging facility with persistent storage and an export
facility, integrated with the portal.
5) A workaround to allow the canceling of leases was implemented in the
DieselNet Controller, and an interface was provided via the DOME portal.
6) The DOME GENI software was distributed to all buses in August; this involved
re-imaging and re-installing the hard drives on all bricks.
7) DOME completed its integration with ORCA; the ability to distribute actors
between UMass and RENCI was verified.
8) We implemented DOLPHIN, a lightweight scheduler that allows us to
temporarily take ORCA offline to perform maintenance and install ORCA
updates without disrupting DOME on the buses.
9) DOME's virtualization capabilities were demonstrated at GEC5. We showed the
ability to schedule and launch experiments on a DOME brick. This was done
using ORCA as the framework.
The availability of DOME has been announced to external GENI researchers:
1) Documentation and software was posted to GENI - DOME web site and portal.
2) Various utilities to reduce the size of partitions, test the launching of
experiments, generate log files, etc. were made available.
3) Examples of experiments, methods to access devices, etc. were posted on
the portal.
4) Documentation was written and placed to the portal. This included
documentation so that users can have their own development bricks.
5) Note that a login is not required to access documents and software; a login is only required by those running experiments.
MilestoneDate(DOME: 1a Implement, integrate and document the required DieselNet hardware updates)?
MilestoneDate(DOME: 1b Implement, integrate and document the Xen operating system and its virtualization features)?
MilestoneDate(DOME: 1c Implement, integrate and document virtualized access to the WiFi radio)?
MilestoneDate(DOME: 1d Import and setup a GENI-compliant control framework based on ORCA)?
MilestoneDate(DOME: 1e Implement, integrate and document a first release (v1.0) of the software)?
MilestoneDate(DOME: 1f Demo basic virtualization and experiment control functions)?
MilestoneDate(DOME: 1g provide a VLAN connection from your testbed's server to the Internet2 backbone network)?
DOME: 1out Outreach activites in year 1
MilestoneDate(DOME: S2.a Complete integration with broker in clearinghouse)?
MilestoneDate(DOME: S2.b Cluster plan for VLANs between testbeds)?
MilestoneDate(DOME: S2.c Control VLAN connections)?
MilestoneDate(DOME: S2.d Import extended ORCA v2.1)?
MilestoneDate(DOME: S2.e Improve virtualization and experiment control)?
MilestoneDate(DOME: S2.f Import extended ORCA v2.2)?
MilestoneDate(DOME: S2.g Include 900MHz radios)?
MilestoneDate(DOME: S2.h Demo experiment with another testbed)?
MilestoneDate(DOME: S2.i Plan for VLANs to endpoints)?
MilestoneDate(DOME: S2.j Available to GENI users)?
MilestoneDate(DOME: S2.k POC to GENI response team)?
MilestoneDate(DOME: S2.l POC to GENI security team)?
MilestoneDate(DOME: S2.m Contribution to GENI outreach)?
Project Technical Documents
GENI - DOME web site
DOME Substrate Description, 2008
Prototype DOME controller and handler modules for ORCA, 2009
DOME and Federated Scheduling, i.e., towards an experiment that utilizes resources from multiple testbeds.
Quarterly Status Reports
DOME: 4Q08 Status Report
DOME: 1Q09 Status Report
DOME: 2Q09 Status Report
DOME: 3Q09 Status Report
DOME: Year 1 Final Report
Spiral 1 Connectivity
Location of equipment: For Spiral 1, all work will be done via a lab at UMassAmherst. However, the intention of this project is deploy equipment on mobile nodes in DieselNet. (See DOME Substrate Description for a description of all hardware, and see DOME Web Site for a description of DieselNet's current deployment.). Some engineering to prepare for mobile deployment will also be conducted during Spiral 1.
Layer 3 Connectivity: IP access will be through UMass Amherst's campus network, using their public IP addresses.
Layer 2 Connectivity: In cooperation with OIT at UMass-Amherst we have provided a VLAN connection from our control plane server to an Internet2 point-of-presence in Boston. An MOU was agreed upon with the UMass Office of Information Technology (OIT) regarding connecting Internet2 to the DOME and ViSE servers, along with
VLAN access. The OIT contact is Rick Tuthill, tuthill email at The agreements include:
1) CS shall order OIT-provisioned network jacks in appropriate locations in the Computer Science building using normal OIT processes. (completed)
2) OIT shall configure these jacks into a single VLAN that shall be extended over existing OIT-managed network infrastructure between the Computer Science building and the Northern Crossroads (NoX) Internet2 Gigapop located at 300 Bent St in Cambridge, MA.
3) OIT agrees to provide a single VLAN for “proof-of-concept” testing and initial GENI research activities.
4) The interconnection of the provided VLAN between the NoX termination point and other Internet2 locations remains strictly the province of the CS researchers and the GENI organization.
5) This service shall be provided by OIT at no charge to CS for the term of one year in the interest of OIT learning more about effectively supporting network-related research efforts on campus.
In an email dated September 28th, 2009 Rick Tuthill of UMass-Amherst OIT updated us on the status of this connection, as follows:
6) The two existing ports at the CS building in room 218A and room 226 and all intermediary equipment are now configured to provide layer-2 VLAN transport from these networks jacks to the UMass/Northern Crossroads(NoX) handoff at 300 Bent
St in Cambridge, MA.
7) The NoX folks are not doing anything with this research VLAN at this time. They need further guidance from GENI on exactly what they’re supposed to do with the VLAN.
8) Also, once IP addressing is clarified for this VLAN, we’ll need to configure some OIT network equipment to allow the selected address range(s) to pass through.
We intend this VLAN connection to service both the ViSE and the DOME testbeds. Note that Layer 2 ethernets will not extend to the DieselNet nodes, due to limitations in the existing deployed systems, but IP tunnels to the layer 2 VLAN termination points should be feasible for connecting mobile endpoints to the GENI virtual ethernets.
In the coming year, we have committed to planning with our peers in Cluster D and the GPO on how to best use this new capability. As part of this plan, and before we can send/receive traffic on this link, we will discuss the roles and capabilities of Internet2 in forwarding our traffic to its correct destination.
GPO Liason System Engineer
Harry Mussman
Attachments (17)
DOME_SubstrateCatalog.pdf (104.8 KB) - added by 16 years ago.
DOME substrate catelogue
- GENI-DOME-milestone1a.pdf (133.2 KB) - added by 16 years ago.
- DOMEGENI-Q1status.pdf (117.1 KB) - added by 16 years ago.
- DOMEGENI-Q2status.pdf (166.6 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
- GENI-DOME-milestone1b.pdf (178.7 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
- GENI-DOME-milestone1cd.pdf (395.9 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
- DOMEGENI-Q3status.pdf (165.8 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
- DOMEGENI-Q4status.pdf (163.7 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
- GENI-domefinal.pdf (74.1 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
- mou.pdf (88.8 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
- DOME-Federation.pdf (105.6 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
- DOMEGENI-Y2Q1-status.pdf (120.3 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
DOMEGENI-Y2Q2-status.pdf (28.2 KB) - added by 14 years ago.
Y2Q2 status report
DOME_2010Q3_Status.pdf (36.2 KB) - added by 14 years ago.
Q3 2010 Quarterly Status
DOME-Review-2010.pdf (3.0 MB) - added by 14 years ago.
DOME Project Review 2010
- DOME-WiMAX.pdf (2.7 MB) - added by 13 years ago.
- UMassWimax-GEC10.pdf (1.4 MB) - added by 13 years ago.