Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of CommonFederationAPIv2

04/09/14 14:30:58 (11 years ago)
Aaron Helsinger



  • CommonFederationAPIv2

    v4 v5  
    666666Slices may have a set of members associated with them in particular roles. Certain SA may have policies that require certain types of membership requirements (exactly one lead, never empty, no more than a certain number of members, etc.). To that end, we provide a single omnibus method for updating slice membership in a single transaction, allowing any authorization or assurance logic to be supported at a single point in SA implementations.
    668 The set of recognized role types (e.g. LEAD, ADMIN, MEMBER, OPERATOR, AUDITOR) are to be listed in the get_version for a given Slice Authority.
    670 The following methods are written generically (with type arguments) to support the Slice Member Service as well as the Project Member Service (below).
     668The set of recognized role types (e.g. `LEAD`, `ADMIN`, `MEMBER`, `OPERATOR`, `AUDITOR`) are to be listed in the get_version for a given Slice Authority.
     670The following methods are written generically (with type arguments) to support the Slice Member Service as well as the [#ProjectMemberServiceMethods Project Member Service (below)].
    725725# Arguments:
    726 #   Member_urn: The member for whom to find slices to which it belongs
     726#   type: type of object for whom to lookup membership
     727#          (in the case of Slice Member Service, "SLICE",
     728#           in the case of Project Member Service, "PROJECT")
     729#   member_urn: The member for whom to find slices to which it belongs
    728731# Return:
    789792== Project Member Service Methods ==
    791 Projects may have members associated with them in particular roles and thus supports the same methods for member management as described above for the Slice Member Service. The differences are that the type provide is "PROJECT", the urn provided is a project URN and the membership information returned is tagged with "PROJECT_URN' and 'PROJECT_ROLE' as appropriate.
     794Projects may have members associated with them in particular roles and thus supports the same methods for member management as described above for the [#SliceMemberServiceMethods Slice Member Service]. The differences are that the type provide is "PROJECT", the urn provided is a project URN and the membership information returned is tagged with "PROJECT_URN' and 'PROJECT_ROLE' as appropriate.
     796For method signatures, see the listing under the [#SliceMemberServiceMethods Slice Member Service].
    793798|| ''' Method ''' || ''' Description ''' ||