Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of ClusterECall061411

07/21/11 09:30:25 (13 years ago)



  • ClusterECall061411

    v3 v4  
    3939  UCLA (1797)   PI: Mario Gerla, Giovanni Pau    [[BR]]
    4040  [  slides]  [[BR]]
    41   Antenna on 10th floor, -5deg tilt.  [[BR]]
     41  [  slides]
     42  Antenna on 10th floor, -5deg tilt;  have huge shadow;  plan to move to hill side of campus.  [[BR]]
    4243  Windows laptop with USB-connected 6250.  [[BR]]
    43   Seeing 14Mb/s DL, 2 - 3 Mb/s UL;  connect to vehicle up to 300 m;  client always receives, but cannot always connect;  helped by setting client IP address;  windows client works better than Linux client.  [[BR]]
    44   Done handoff WiMAX to WiFi;  heavy rain doubled delay  (why?) [[BR]]
     44  Measurements begun.  [[BR]]
    4545  $40k to install link to I2.[[BR]]
    46   Installed WiMAX RF AggMgr, but not yet in use.[[BR]]
    47   Planning load tests with large number of clients.      [[BR]]
    48   Poster from demo session:  [  poster]  [[BR]]
    49   Issue:  HTC EVO handset:  Giovanni Pau will get one in Europe, end of May, Vodaphone dealer, unlocked.  How can we get more? [[BR]]
     46  Ready to load OMF/OML when available.  [[BR]]
     47  Issue:  HTC EU EVO handset is not WIMAX, but is LTE.  Exploring path to HTC with Mauro Sentinelli, vice-chair of GSM Forum. [[BR]]
    5149  Colorado: (1768) PI: Dirk Grunwald Univ. of Colorado, Boulder  [[BR]]
    115113  UCLA (1797)   PI: Mario Gerla, Giovanni Pau    [[BR]]
    116114  [  slides]  [[BR]]
    117   Seeing 14Mb/s DL, 2 - 3 Mb/s UL;  connect to vehicle up to 300 m;  client always receives, but cannot always connect;  helped by setting client IP address;  windows client works better than Linux client.  [[BR]]
    118   Poster from demo session:  [  poster]  [[BR]]
     115  [  slides]  [[BR]]
     116  Measurement started with dual-mode vehicular node;  seeing 14Mb/s DL, 2 - 3 Mb/s UL;  connect to vehicle up to 300 m;  client always receives, but cannot always connect;  helped by setting client IP address;  windows client works better than Linux client.  [[BR]]
     117  Done handoff WiMAX to WiFi;  heavy rain doubled delay  (why?) [[BR]]
     118  Using WINLAB script with improvements;  will publish.  [[BR]]
     119  Have software to assess coverage on map:  [  Radio Mobile for Windows].  [[BR]]
     120  Working with MIT group on network coding experiment over WiMAX/WiFi/Satellite.  [[BR]]
    120122  Colorado: (1768) PI: Dirk Grunwald Univ. of Colorado, Boulder  [[BR]]