
Version 6 (modified by, 14 years ago) (diff)


Cluster E and WiMAX Deployment Call on Feb 23, 2011


BBN Technologies Harry Mussman, Tony Michel, Manu Gosain
NEC Laboratories America x
WINLAB Ivan Seskar
Columbia Univ Sung-Hoon Seo, Jan Janak
Polytechnic Institute of NYU Thanasis Korakis
UCLA Giovanni Pau
Colorado email from Dirk Grunwald
UMass Amherst Brian Lynn
Wisconsin Derek Meyer

Who will attend GEC10? Mussman; Gosain; Seskar; Korakis; Pau + 2; Corner; Meyer

Early GEC10 meeting agenda at: Suggested topics: installation status; range/throughput measurements; move to WImAX RF AggMgr; move to OMF/OML; how to serve experimenters

WiMAX Developer Mailing List

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PLEASE use this list for all questions, dialog, etc.

WiMAX Integration Wiki

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Deployment Status (one slide from each campus)

Columbia University (1770) PI: Henning Schulzrinne Sung Hoon Seo and Jan Janak: slides Waiting for contract approval and installation; hope for early March.

Polytechnic Institute of NYU (1751) PI: Thanasis Korakis Thanasis: slides Have installed and are using WiMAX RF AggMgr.

UCLA (1797) PI: Mario Gerla, Giovanni Pau Giovanni: Antenna on 10th floor, -5deg tilt; Windows laptop with usb-connected 6250; seen 14Mb/s DL, 1 Mb/s UL;; connect to vehicle up to 230M; handoff WiMAX to WiFi; heavy rain doubled delay; $40k to install link to I2; isntalled WiMAX RF AggMgr, but not yet in use; will do range measurements by GEC10.

Colorado: (1768) PI: Dirk Grunwald Univ. of Colorado, Boulder

email from Dirk: We've changed the mounting location because we think the wind profile of the antenna makes the mounting system on top of the other building questionable. We regularly get 40-60mph winds this time of year.

We've already selected the new location. It's one of the two locations where our campus is installing their own WiMAX equipment. There is a spare pole & mount already in place, so that simplifies installation. We have to install the "IDU" in a weatherized metal enclosure. Installation starts next Monday. The parts have been ordered this week & installation is being done by our campus IT group and professional building maintenance people.

We also have a professional RF propagation survey done from this location. I've attached that as a PPT. This is for the (now) existing WiMAX system our campus has put up. Our antenna will be pointing due north. The existing propagation model doesn't include our system yet, and we're getting that done -- this will provide a model that we will calibrate using the signal analyzer and RF cards. [ slides]

UMass Amherst (1731) PI: Mark Corner, Brian Lynn Brian: [ slides] Have 6250 modem working with brick. Have data path working; have requested a second VLAN from IT.

Wisconsin (1724) PI: Suman Banerjee Derek Meyer: [ slides] Have 6250 modem working. Installation in progress.

BBN Technologies, Cambridge MA Manu Gosain and Tony Michel (see below)

Deployment Status Summary

On Feb 23:

Campus Who Indoors Outdoors Using Intel 6250 modem? Using WiMAX RF AggMgr? Access to GENI backbone? Comments
Columbia University Jan Janak Yes Hope for early March Yes x ? Indoor testing started; received info request from Clearwire
Polytechnic Institute of NYU Thanasis Korakis - Yes Yes Yes ? Working on mobile stations and measurements
University of California, Los Angeles Giovanni Pau - Yes Intel 5130 modem Installed, but not using Campus via CENIC to I2 for Internet; $40k charge Outdoor testing starting
University of Colorado, Boulder Dirk Grunwald Yes Installation starting Monday x x Pricing campus tunnel to I2 Working with campus IT; outdoor testing started
University of Massachusetts Brian Lynn Yes Plan March 2011 Yes, with USB, under Xen x Requesting 2nd VLAN Facility plan revised; prelim shading analysis completed
University of Wisconsin, Madison Derek Meyer Yes Installation underway x x I2 is in next lab Plant mgmt to install on Waisman Ctr
BBN Technologies Manu Gosain - Yes Yes Yes I2, NLR Outdoor iperf testing underway
Rutgers University Ivan Seskar - Yes Yes Yes I2 Plan Bush Campus install by Feb 2011

Software Installation

Documentation and procedures (Manu Gosain) Review of process to move to new WiMAX RF AggMgr.

Mobile Stations

Linux PC with Intel WiMAX card (Tony Michel and Tom Cahill) Review of process to build an image from scratch.

HTC EVO handset (Giovanni Pau) Will get one in Europe, end of Feb, Vodaphone dealer, unlocked. How can we get more?


Range and capacity at BBN (Tony Michel and Tom Cahill) Latest results

Established an experiment exchange and experimenter mailing list, at (Harry Mussman)

GENI WiMAX Licenses

Campus Call Sign Frequency [MHz] Location Comment
Columbia University WF2XIU 2590 NL 40-48-34; WL 73-57-36
Polytechnic Institute of NYU WF2XJM 2590 NL 40-41-41; WL 73-59-09
WF2XJM 2610 NL 40-41-39; WL 73-59-10
University of Colorado, Boulder WF2XJV 2572 NL 39-59-53; WL 105-15-07
WF2XJV 2572 NL 40-00-24; WL 105-16-17
WF2XJV 2572 NL 40-00-26; WL 105-15-47
WF2XJV 2572 NL 40-00-29; WL 105-16-04
Universty of California, Los Angeles WF2XLG 2572, 2590 NL 34-04-09; WL 118-26-36
WF2XLG 2572, 2590 NL 34-04-19; WL 118-27-05
WF2XLG 2572, 2590 NL 34-04-00; WL 118-26-31
University of Massachusetts WF2XGQ 2590 NL 42-23-37; WL 72-31-55
BBN Technologies WF2XHS 2512.5 (5 MHz) NL 42-23-18; WL 71-08-57
WF2XHD 2590 NL 42-23-18; WL 71-08-57
University of Wisconsin, Madison 2545
Rutgers University WE2XWE 2590 NL 40-31-17; WL 74-27-40
WE2XWE 2610 NL 40-28-05; WL 74-26-44

Attachments (8)