Changes between Version 47 and Version 48 of ClusterDMtg070209

07/30/09 09:56:38 (15 years ago)



  • ClusterDMtg070209

    v47 v48  
    4747        [  wiki]  [[BR]]
    4848        [  slides]  [[BR]]
    49         [ Notes], particularly concerning:  plan to make ORCA a prodcution capability for BEN;  towards requesting connections from Internet2;  first experimenter to be Keren Bergman;  could use more funding;  woudl like GPO to help with documentation. [[BR]]
     49        [ Notes], particularly concerning:  plan to make ORCA a prodcution capability for BEN;  towards requesting connections from Internet2;  first experimenter to be Keren Bergman;  could use more funding;  would like GPO to help with documentation. [[BR]]
    51         11:00           DOME project [  wiki] [  slides] (Brian Levine, Mark Corner, Brian Lynn)
     5111:00   DOME project (Brian Levine, Mark Corner, Brian Lynn)[[BR]]
    53 Connection to Internet2
    54 - In discussions with local OIT staff
    55 - Will connect to I2 directly via fiber from campus to Springfield to Boston, working in tandem with VISE team; requesting one VLAN ID, expecting little traffic; will have the capability to inject frames with VLAN tags
    57 Experiments by outsiders
    58 - Have portal for job submission, one resource: wifi card, 900MHz radio coming next year; gets status; interfaces to ORCA
    59 - Experiments on Buses. DTN tolerant downloading of experiments to buses; dynamic creation of VM sandbox to execute experiments, includes partitions, networking, devices; scheduling of experiments based on ORCA leases
    60 - Instrumented measurements.  Half the core is about remote management and diagnostics.  Researcher data is uploaded automatically if
    61   certain file format is used.
    63 * Should compare DOME measurements to ORBIT
    65 * Should compare disconnected operation in DOME with ORBIT/WiMAX
    67 Plans for Spiral 2
    69 - Goal is to deploy on buses this summer.  5-6 out of 40 buses in field per day.
    71 - Will bring on undergrad projects in the fall from "Intro to Networking" class.  Imagine only 1 or 2 projects will get far enough to use the real system.  Have a PhD graduating this year heading to  Arkansas who is expected do experiments.
    73 - Plan to allow experimenters to access XTend radios
    75 - Want 'true and open access to testbed by experimenters'
    77 - Tutorials on how to use?  May require some separate funding.  Keren very interested in such a tutorial. 
    79 - Concern about maintaining documents after publishing.  This is made more difficult since the prototypes are rapidly evolving.
    81 - Concern that supporting users will delay system development because of the need to have a stable system.  GPO thinks projects have latitude to define the level of stability and support that makes sense for them.  Currently, GENI is in the 'exploratory prototyping' phase, likely that composition and design will change over time.
    83 - Anish: We've found that tutorials are good as a way to train PIs grad students and colleagues.  There's a real cost to keeping it up  but it is in general a good idea.  What events would be a good fit?  Having a pull from users helps a lot. 
    85 - Chip: one approach is that folks want to use a remote system initially then make their own local copy.  Anish: yes, that's our experience but doing 'cross-experiments' has been quite hard.  Not  clear what the benefit is to other users.
    87 - What are the GPO's incentives to get people to do experiments?  Not much.  The GPO doesn't sponsor research.  This is what NSF does. The GPO sponsor trial experiments to help shake down the system.
     53        [  wiki] [[BR]]
     54        [  slides] [[BR]]
     55        [ Notes], particularly concerning:  connection to Internet2;  instrumented measurements (* consider comparison to ORBIT approach)(* consider comparison of disconnected approach to ORBIT/WiMAX);  plans for use in "Intro to Networking" class in fall;  ways to train students, e.g., tutorials;  concerns about maintaining documents;  concerns about supporting users vs system development;  how to attract more experimenters, can GPO help (no), maybe NSF. [[BR]]
    8957        11:30           ViSE project [  wiki][  slides] (Prashant Shenoy, Michael Zink, David Irwin)