Version 50 (modified by 15 years ago) (diff) | ,
Cluster D Integration
ORCA/BEN and ORCA Augmentation
KanseiSensorNet (KANSEI)
Embedded Real-Time Measurements (ERM)
Data Intensive Cloud Control (DICLOUD)
OKGems: Cyber-Physical System (OKGEMS)
Integrated Measurement Framework (IMF)
iGENI Distributed Network Research Infrastructure (IGENI)
Meetings and Demos
ORCA-fest May 28, 2009, web site
Cluster D Conference Call on June 11, 2009
Cluster D Review Meeting July 2, 2009
"ORCA/BEN Integration Demo with Stitching of VLANs between BEN and NLR", July 7, 2009
"ORCA/BEN Integration Demo July 7, 2009, web site
Cluster D Meetings at GEC5 July 20 and 21, 2009
References and Documents
GENI - ORCA web site, including ORCA code and ticket system
Subscribe to Cluster D mailing list (, for PIs and senior personnel, to discuss administrative cluster-wide issues
Subscribe to CLuster D mailing list (, primarily for developers, to discuss technical issues about the implementation, etc.
Prototype DOME controller and handler modules for ORCA, 2009
Spiral 1 Plan Document, on 7/02/09
Spiral 2 Roadmap slides, with task ratings, on 7/21/09
Cluster D Roadmap Document, on 10/15/09
Cluster D Roadmap Drawings, on 10/15/09
Goals for Spiral 2
The following goals have been established by the GPO for Spiral 2.
Goal 1: Live experiments, the central goal of Spiral 2. Support significant numbers of research experiments in the end-to-end prototype systems. The GPO expects live experimentation to begin near the end of Spiral 1, which will intensify through Spiral 2 as we begin continuous operation of the prototype systems. This will begin to give us all substantial (early) operational experience, as these experiments will help us all understand the prototypes' strengths and weakness, which will drive our Spiral 3 goals.
Goal 2: Identity management
Goal 3: Improved integration of data & control planes, within clusters
Goal 4: Instrumentation
Goal 5: Interoperability, permitting clusters to access the widest number of aggregate
Key Dates in Spiral 2
Begin 9/1/09 or 10/1/09, depending on the project
ORCA Rel 1.3 10/1/2009
GEC6 11/16/09
ORCA Rel 2.1 2/1/10
GEC7 3/16/10
ORCA Rel 2.2 6/1/10
GEC8 7/20/10
End 8/31/10 or 9/30/10, depending on the project
ORCA Rel 2.3 10/1/10
ORCA Software Releases
The following roadmap describes features and capabilities of ORCA software releases.
These releases are currently scheduled for every 4 mo. , and include work done by both Solicitation 1 (1582) and Solicitation 2 (1700) ORCA projects.
FOr questions, or the latest status, go to
GENI - ORCA, web site maintained by RENCI, including ORCA code and ticketing system
or contact Ilia Baldine Ilia Baldine at RENCI
ORCA Rel 1.3 10/1/2009
ORCA Rel 2.1 2/1/10
ORCA Rel 2.2 6/1/10
ORCA Rel 2.3 10/1/10
BEN Connectivity
DOME Connectivity
Kansei Connectivity
Instrumentation and Mesurements
Cluster D Clearinghouse at RENCI ; get login from Ilia Baldine
DOME and Federated Scheduling, i.e., towards an experiment that utilizes resources from multiple testbeds
Attachments (23)
- 070209b ClusterD_Spiral1_Plan.doc (90.0 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
- 072109b ClusterD_Meeting_GEC5.ppt (311.5 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
- 092309 ORCA_APIs_Flows.doc (11.8 MB) - added by 15 years ago.
- DOME-Federation.pdf (105.6 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
- 101509 ClusterD_Spiral2_Roadmap.pdf (133.5 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
- Visio-101509_ClusterD_Spiral2_Drawings.pdf (103.5 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
Visio-101509_ClusterD_Spiral2_Drawings_Page_01.2.jpg (495.5 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
fig 1-1
Visio-101509_ClusterD_Spiral2_Drawings_Page_02.jpg (389.9 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
fig 1-2
Visio-101509_ClusterD_Spiral2_Drawings_Page_03.jpg (280.4 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
fig 1-3
Visio-101509_ClusterD_Spiral2_Drawings_Page_04.jpg (272.6 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
fig 1-4
Visio-101509_ClusterD_Spiral2_Drawings_Page_05.jpg (292.0 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
fig 1-5
Visio-101509_ClusterD_Spiral2_Drawings_Page_06.jpg (290.3 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
fig 1-6
Visio-101509_ClusterD_Spiral2_Drawings_Page_07.jpg (299.1 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
fig 1-7
Visio-101509_ClusterD_Spiral2_Drawings_Page_08.jpg (491.8 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
fig 1-8
Visio-101509_ClusterD_Spiral2_Drawings_Page_09.jpg (300.9 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
fig 2-1
Visio-101509_ClusterD_Spiral2_Drawings_Page_10.jpg (304.6 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
fig 2-2
- features1.jpg (346.8 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
- features 2.jpg (235.1 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
- ops1.jpg (171.0 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
- ops2.jpg (71.3 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
- experiment.jpg (167.3 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
- vlan.jpg (156.1 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
- Visio-111609_ClusterD_Connectivity_Page_3.jpg (251.9 KB) - added by 15 years ago.