[[PageOutline]] == Demo on Feb 5, 2013: Progress Towards GEMINI v2(beta) Release == February 5, 2013, 1pm - 4pm [[BR]] Via webex [[BR]] DRAFT (2/1) Agenda: [[BR]] === Introductions === 1:00pm [[BR]] === 1) Service to service authentication and authorization, using proxy certs === 1:05pm [[BR]] Ezra [[BR]] [wiki:GEMINI_AA_DEMO GEMINI AA Demo] === 2) Instrumentize script === 1:25pm [[BR]] Ezra and Hussam [[BR]] + configuration (figure) [[BR]] Hussam's slice will be pre-created and look like [[BR]][[Image(gemini.png,border=1)]] + summary of demo steps [[BR]] There will be two version of the demo due to state of the code being worked on. Hussam's version of the instrumentize will have all code related to active measurement installation, configuration disabled, where as Ezra's version of the same instrumentation script will have the active measurements with the AA Stuff enabled.[[BR]] === Demo Plan ===[[BR]] * A slice will be pre-created. [[BR]] * GN is loaded with a custom image called “GEMINI_GN”[[BR]] * All MP Nodes are loaded with a custom image called “GEMINI_MP” [[BR]] * Show the scripts that comprise the whole instrumentize process[[BR]] * Start the Instrumentize Process [[BR]] * Start gdesktop-init.py [[BR]] * Start gdesktop-instrumentize.py [[BR]] Executing the demo: Hussam & Ezra + current interfaces to other entities, and message flows (like “AA-workflow”) [[BR]] Both version of the instrumentation code will talk to the GENIDESKTOP Parser Service to obtain User information, Slice/Slice Credential Information and Manifest information thus making the instrumentation process somewhat independent of the Control Frameworks. NO communication between AMs/SAs and the User's instrumentation code is required since this now the work of the Parser service. A Detailed list of the Parser API and its return values is provided in this document [attachment:ParserAPI.pdf]. [[BR]] + features available now (2/5) [[BR]] * All previous Passive data collection functionality still available.[[BR]] * Drupal CMS to display passive data collected on the GN available[[BR]] * Passive data archive to irods using GSI and proxy certs [[BR]] + features expected to be available by GEC16 (3/19) [[BR]] * Convert Parser API backend to use OMNI inorder to make it compatible with different Control Frameworks and AMs[[BR]] * Add new Parser API call to allow the parser to store the AM list provided by the user. This is required since OMNI requires that user provide this list or else it polls every AM in its list obtained from the Clearing House, which would slow down the parser.[[BR]] + issues that need to be resolved before GEC16 (3/19) [[BR]] * Deploy and test the complete merged Active and Passive instrumentation code in the User Workspace and from the GeniDesktop.[[BR]] === 3) Configuring GEMINI services, from GUI in GN, to UNIS, to services === 1:40pm [[BR]] Ahmed + others? [[BR]] + configuration (figure) [[BR]] + summary of demo steps [[BR]] + current interfaces to other entities, and message flows (like “AA-workflow”) [[BR]] + features available now (2/5) [[BR]] + features expected to be available by GEC16 (3/19) [[BR]] + issues that need to be resolved before GEC16 (3/19) [[BR]] === 4) Measurements, BLiPP in nodes, to MS in GN, to GUI on GN === 2:00pm [[BR]] Matt [[BR]] + configuration (figure) [[BR]] [https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1FGeQd5vwefien-rQ-4r3AuPc57syFvepzBjA3hdOx3o/edit?usp=sharing Blipp Components] [http://www.websequencediagrams.com/cgi-bin/cdraw?lz=CnRpdGxlIEJsaXBwIERhdGEgRmxvdwoKbm90ZSBvdmVyABUGOiByZWFkIGNvbW1hbmQgbGluZQAREmFkZCBjb25maWcgZmlsAAoXZGVmYXVsdHMAUhAgVU5JUzogc2V0dXAgbm9kZQoAgQ8FLT4rABMGaWYgaGF2ZSBhABgFX2lkIGdldAAjBlVOSVMtPi0AgSAJdHVybgA-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&s=modern-blue Blipp Data Flow] + summary of demo steps [[BR]] + current interfaces to other entities, and message flows (like “AA-workflow”) [[BR]] + features available now (2/5) [[BR]] + generic scheduling [[BR]] + passive probes [[BR]] + cpu [[BR]] + memory [[BR]] + network [[BR]] + active probes [[BR]] + ping [[BR]] + more unit tests [[BR]] + measurement aggregation [[BR]] + flexible, cascading configuration structure [[BR]] + features expected to be available by GEC16 (3/19) [[BR]] + metadata reuse, either from service summary, or caching locally [[BR]] + net probe to gather port info and merge with what's already in unis [[BR]] + bandwidth probe [[BR]] + one way ping probe [[BR]] + issues that need to be resolved before GEC16 (3/19) [[BR]] + AA [[BR]] + Many more tests [[BR]] + Configuration interface [[BR]] === 5) GENI Desktop, initing global node, displaying topology, instrumentize, displaying measurements === 2:30pm [[BR]] UKentucky Charles [[BR]] + configuration (figure) [[BR]] + summary of demo steps [[BR]] + current interfaces to other entities, and message flows (like “AA-workflow”) [[BR]] + features available now (2/5) [[BR]] + features expected to be available by GEC16 (3/19) [[BR]] + issues that need to be resolved before GEC16 (3/19) [[BR]] === 6) Steps for accessing iRODS from GN via GSI === 3:00pm [[BR]] Hussam, Wesley, Jeanne, Shu [[BR]] + configuration (figure) [[BR]] + summary of demo [wiki:GEMINIGNtoiRODSDemo steps] [[BR]] + current interfaces to other entities, and message flows (like “AA-workflow”) [[BR]] Uses proxy certs generated during the instrumentize process and copied onto the GN Node. [[BR]] + features available now (2/5) [[BR]] * Current version on archives passive measurement data and metadata.[[BR]] * There is no web-interface for the user to run this archive process[[BR]] * I am not sure if the web-interface supports GSI authentication to view the data and metadata. If this feature is not available, then it would be a really huge task for the user to view the data and metadata since the icommands are complicated form a user's viewpoint.[[BR]] * Irods account creation is outside the scope of the GEMINI Instrumentize process. The user is expected to have this account before hand.[[BR]] + features expected to be available by GEC16 (3/19) [[BR]] * Web-interface to initiate the archive process [[BR]] + issues that need to be resolved before GEC16 (3/19) [[BR]] * If there are plans for archiving Active measurement data, then that itself is a huge amount of work.[[BR]] === Features needed by GEC16 (3/19) === 3:30pm [[BR]] discussion [[BR]] + Image for GN [[BR]] + Image for other nodes [[BR]] + Basic host measurements, using BLiPP [[BR]] + Some active network measurements, using BLiPP [[BR]] === Issues that need to be resolved before GEC16 (3/19) === 3:45pm [[BR]] discussion [[BR]] + Usable on InstaGENI racks; also protoGENI? [[BR]] + Approach to first tutorial session: all demo (agree?) [[BR]] + Small-group topics for second tutorial session [[BR]] [[Image(Visio-120312_AuthenticationAuthorization_Figures8.jpg, 90%)]] [[BR]] [[Image(Visio-120312_AuthenticationAuthorization_Figures9.jpg, 70%)]] [[BR]] [[Image(Visio-120312_AuthenticationAuthorization_Figures10.jpg, 70%)]] [[BR]] [[Image(Visio-012813_ExpWorkflow_Figures.jpg, 60%)]] [[BR]] [[Image(AA-workflow.jpg, 50%)]] [[BR]]Instyrumentize