

16:40 Integration edited by Josh Karlin
16:36 Integration edited by ricci@cs.utah.edu
15:49 Ticket #203 (KANS SPP having problems) created by Josh Karlin
John DeHart mentioned that the KANS SPP node might need a power cycle. …
13:45 Integration edited by Josh Karlin
13:42 SPP_VLAN.png attached to Integration by Josh Karlin
13:41 Integration edited by Josh Karlin
13:36 I2PoPKANS edited by Josh Karlin
13:33 I2PoPWASH edited by Josh Karlin
13:10 Integration edited by Josh Karlin
13:09 Integration edited by Josh Karlin
13:05 SpiralOne edited by Josh Karlin
12:24 GENIIntegration.png attached to Integration by Josh Karlin
11:12 DTunnels-3Q09-status edited by feamster@cc.gatech.edu
11:11 trilogy_064.jpg attached to DTunnels-3Q09-status by feamster@cc.gatech.edu
Valas Valancius talking about BGP Mux at Trilogy Summer School
11:11 DTunnels-3Q09-status edited by feamster@cc.gatech.edu
08:42 Milestone ProtoGENI: L2 control in backbone nodes completed
Establish L2 connections within the ProtoGENI backbone network, using …
08:38 Ticket #202 (No carrier on ProtoGENI HP switch port A19 at I2 SALT) created by Josh Karlin
The A19 port of ProtoGENI's ProCurve switch at SALT does not get …


18:38 Ticket #199 (Complete L2 control of I2 nodes.) closed by ricci@cs.utah.edu
14:04 Ticket #201 (Extend BGP-Mux software release to include ProtoGENI compatible ...) created by Aaron Falk
Nick has been maintaining a BGP-Mux repository. When the BGP-Mux …
10:58 Ticket #188 (Third SPP node shipped) closed by Josh Karlin
fixed: Install is completed. John DeHart says all is well. The KANS SPP …


16:42 Ticket #173 (Second SPP node preparing to ship) closed by hdempsey@bbn.com
fixed: No furhter issues
16:42 Ticket #162 (First SPP node shipped) closed by hdempsey@bbn.com
fixed: No further issues.
16:19 Ticket #158 (Set installation dates for first 3 nodes.) closed by hdempsey@bbn.com
fixed: All nodes installed.
14:14 Ticket #157 (schedule node installations) closed by ricci@cs.utah.edu
fixed: The installs were all completed on schedule.
14:13 Ticket #195 (SALT install) closed by ricci@cs.utah.edu
fixed: This install was completed on September 4th.
14:12 Ticket #197 (KANS I2 install) closed by ricci@cs.utah.edu
fixed: All links are now functional, and the install is complete.
14:11 Ticket #189 (WASH I2 node install) closed by ricci@cs.utah.edu
fixed: This installation was completed on August 19. Some additional work to …
11:25 Ticket #200 (Verify cluster mates have needed CF support) created by Aaron Falk
Rob is sending out an email asking cluster mates to confirm they have …
11:24 Ticket #199 (Complete L2 control of I2 nodes.) created by Aaron Falk
Need to integrate ProtoGENI control of nodes with ProtoGENI front end.
11:23 Ticket #198 (Complete control plane integration of three Spiral 1 backbone nodes) created by Aaron Falk
Rob says the control plane software works in the lab. Once the third …
11:12 Milestone ProtoGENI: Support experiments on ProtoGENI cluster completed
Keep the evolving ProtoGENI testbed available to GENI users, starting …
09:39 DTunnels-3Q09-status edited by Aaron Falk
removed uncompleted milestone (diff)
00:00 Milestone ProtoGENI: Integrate, install 3 nodes in I2 - completed
Acquire HW for 3 programmable backbone network nodes, complete basic …


20:11 DTunnels-2Q09-status edited by feamster@cc.gatech.edu
20:11 DTunnels-2Q09-status created by feamster@cc.gatech.edu
20:10 DTunnels edited by feamster@cc.gatech.edu
20:09 DTunnels-3Q09-status edited by feamster@cc.gatech.edu
14:36 Ticket #197 (KANS I2 install) created by Josh Karlin
ProtoGENI install at KANS is ongoing. Machines are powered up. …
13:07 DTunnels-3Q09-status edited by feamster@cc.gatech.edu
11:14 DTunnels-3Q09-status edited by feamster@cc.gatech.edu
11:13 DTunnels-3Q09-status edited by feamster@cc.gatech.edu
11:13 DTunnels-3Q09-status edited by feamster@cc.gatech.edu
11:11 DTunnels-3Q09-status edited by feamster@cc.gatech.edu
11:11 DTunnels-3Q09-status edited by feamster@cc.gatech.edu
11:10 sigcomm2009-demo.jpg attached to DTunnels-3Q09-status by feamster@cc.gatech.edu
Valas Valancius giving a demo of BGP Mux at SIGCOMM 2009
11:08 DTunnels-3Q09-status created by feamster@cc.gatech.edu
10:07 Milestone BGPMux: Virtual Network with BGPMux How-To -- completed
Outreach Milestone: Produce a thorough how-to for use of the BGPMux & …
10:07 Ticket #184 (initial how-to draft available) closed by Aaron Falk
fixed: Updated draft available at …
09:36 howto.pdf attached to DTunnels by feamster@cc.gatech.edu
09:36 howto.pdf attached to BGPMux by feamster@cc.gatech.edu


15:20 Integration edited by Josh Karlin
15:19 GENIIntegration.graffle.zip attached to Integration by Josh Karlin
14:45 Milestone MAX: Specific contribution to GENI outreach completed
Specific contribution to GENI outreach plan for Spiral 1. …
14:44 Ticket #196 (MAX outreach) closed by Christopher Small
fixed: Task completed. -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Re: Open …
14:43 Ticket #196 (MAX outreach) created by Christopher Small
8. Specific contribution to GENI outreach plan for Spiral 1. (1-12mo) …
13:26 DTunnels edited by feamster@cc.gatech.edu
13:26 DTunnels edited by feamster@cc.gatech.edu


14:09 I2PoPKANS edited by Josh Karlin
10:31 I2PoPKANS edited by Josh Karlin
10:29 I2PoPKANS edited by Josh Karlin
10:13 I2PoPKANS created by Josh Karlin
10:03 I2PoPSALT edited by Josh Karlin
10:01 I2PoPSALT edited by Josh Karlin
09:02 Integration edited by Josh Karlin
07:52 Integration edited by Josh Karlin


15:53 Integration edited by Josh Karlin
14:26 Integration edited by Josh Karlin
14:23 Integration edited by Josh Karlin
12:52 PlanetLabBackbone edited by Josh Karlin
12:50 PlanetLabBackbone edited by Josh Karlin
12:50 PlanetLabBackbone edited by Josh Karlin


18:06 SpiralOne edited by hdempsey@bbn.com
add link to node Integration pages (diff)
17:54 PlanetLabBackbone edited by Josh Karlin
17:54 ProtoGENIBackbone edited by Josh Karlin
17:53 I2PoPSALT edited by Josh Karlin
17:52 I2PoPWASH edited by Josh Karlin
17:50 I2PoPWASH edited by Josh Karlin
17:50 PlanetLabBackbone edited by Josh Karlin
17:49 ProtoGENIBackbone edited by Josh Karlin
17:49 Integration edited by Josh Karlin
17:49 Integration edited by Josh Karlin
17:47 I2PoPSALT edited by Josh Karlin
17:42 I2PoPSALT created by Josh Karlin
17:41 I2PoPWASH created by hdempsey@bbn.com
17:40 ProtoGENIBackbone created by Josh Karlin
17:39 PlanetLabBackbone created by Josh Karlin
17:38 Integration created by hdempsey@bbn.com


16:09 DTunnels edited by feamster@cc.gatech.edu
16:01 DTunnels edited by feamster@cc.gatech.edu
08:54 ORCABEN edited by hmussman@bbn.com
08:52 ORCABEN edited by hmussman@bbn.com
08:49 ilia RSpec Workshop NDL.ppt attached to ORCABEN by hmussman@bbn.com


11:50 Ticket #195 (SALT install) created by Josh Karlin
The SALT installation began today (9/2/09) and is expected to finish …


15:39 MillionNodeGENI edited by Vic Thomas
15:38 Rspec_format.pdf attached to MillionNodeGENI by Vic Thomas
Rspec design used by Million Node GENI
15:32 Embedded Real-Time Measurements edited by caroline@ee.columbia.edu
15:13 GENI_MS6_ERM_Sept09_v1-0.pdf attached to Embedded Real-Time Measurements by caroline@ee.columbia.edu
ERM_2009 Milestone6
11:47 Milestone ERM: Support the GPO in developing an experimental use-case completed
Support the GPO in developing an experimental use-case based on a …


16:21 GpoDoc edited by Vic Thomas
16:16 GpoDoc edited by Vic Thomas
08:24 Milestone ENTGENI: Host OpenFlow workshop at Stanford completed
Host an OpenFlow workshop at Stanford to educate university …
08:23 Ticket #194 (Complete OpenFlow workshop) closed by hdempsey@bbn.com
08:23 Ticket #194 (Complete OpenFlow workshop) created by hdempsey@bbn.com
Workshop was held on August 27, 28. It included public sessions and …
08:04 Ticket #175 (Schedule demo of EnterPrise GENI with PlanetLab.) closed by hdempsey@bbn.com


14:41 CmuLab-2Q09-status created by Aaron Falk
14:36 CmuLab edited by Aaron Falk
14:08 MAX2ProtoATWash.jpg attached to I2PoPWASH by Josh Karlin
MAX -- ProtoGENI connection at I2 WASH (thanks to Chris Tracy for diagram)
14:07 typical-dragon-node-diagram.png attached to I2PoPWASH by Josh Karlin
MAX Dragon node (from MAX GENI wiki)
14:07 typical-dragon-node-equipment.png attached to I2PoPWASH by Josh Karlin
MAX Dragon node (from MAX GENI wiki)
13:18 DTunnels edited by Aaron Falk
12:37 SPP-Backbone-Node.jpg attached to I2PoPWASH by Josh Karlin
illustration thanks to SPP wiki
11:49 protogeni-backbone-node2.png attached to I2PoPWASH by Josh Karlin
Backbone ProtoGENI node (courtesy of ProtoGENI backbone node wiki)
11:49 protogeni-backbone-node.png attached to I2PoPWASH by Josh Karlin
Backbone ProtoGENI node (courtesy of ProtoGENI backbone node wiki)
10:37 ProtoGENI-Dells-back.jpg attached to I2PoPWASH by Josh Karlin
Back of ProtoGENI Dells (photo thanks to Chris Tracy)
10:37 ProtoGENI-Dells-front.jpg attached to I2PoPWASH by Josh Karlin
Front of ProtoGENI Dells (photo thanks to Chris Tracy)
10:37 ProtoGENI-ProCurve-front.jpg attached to I2PoPWASH by Josh Karlin
Front of ProtoGENI ProCurve switch (photo thanks to Chris Tracy)
10:22 spp-dell-front.jpg attached to I2PoPWASH by Josh Karlin
SPP Dell R200 Control Processor (thanks to Chris Tracy for the photo)
10:22 spp-netgear-front.jpg attached to I2PoPWASH by Josh Karlin
SPP Netgear switch (thanks to Chris Tracy)
10:21 spp-node-back.jpg attached to I2PoPWASH by Josh Karlin
SPP ATCA Back (Thanks to Chris Tracy)
10:21 spp-node-front.jpg attached to I2PoPWASH by Josh Karlin
Front of SPP ATCA (thanks to Chris Tracy)


18:13 Milestone MillionNodeGeni: End-host resource advertisement and discovery function using RSpecs completed
End-host resource advertisement and discovery function using RSpecs …
17:22 I2WASHRACKS.jpg attached to I2PoPWASH by Josh Karlin
Centered view of the three I2 racks at WASH.
13:22 Milestone MAX: Integrate DRAGON/GENI control framework completed
Integrate DRAGON/GENI control framework with DRAGON testbed (completed …
13:22 Milestone MAX: Integrate DRAGON/GRMS completed
Integrate DRAGON/GRMS with candidate GENI control framework (completed …
13:22 Ticket #187 (Integrate DRAGON/GENI CF with DRAGON testbed) closed by Christopher Small
fixed: Work is completed, modulo bugs in the PlanetLab GENI code. Work-around …
13:20 Ticket #186 (Integrate DRAGON with a GENI CF) closed by Christopher Small
fixed: Work is completed, modulo bugs in the PlanetLab GENI code. Work-around …


13:06 GENI-SEC-ARCH-0.55.pdf attached to GENISecurity by alefiya.hussain@sparta.com
Spiral One Security Architecture Report
13:01 Ticket #169 (Work in progress for this report) closed by alefiya.hussain@sparta.com
00:00 Milestone SECARCH: S1.c Revised Security Design Report completed
Develop and incrementally revise and extend a series of pragmatic …


16:22 Milestone TIED: S1.e Provide user access to DETER via TIED. completed
Provide user access to DETER testbed using TIED building blocks (month …
14:12 Ticket #165 (Get feedback on GMOC internal data format from GENI projects) reopened by hdempsey@bbn.com
Reopening ticket to allow update from TIED.
13:46 Ticket #165 (Get feedback on GMOC internal data format from GENI projects) closed by hdempsey@bbn.com
fixed: Brief discussions took place with TIED at GEC5. TIED does not seem to …
13:09 TIEDClearinghouse edited by faber@isi.edu
11:25 Ticket #193 (MAX connection over I2 to ProtoGENI) created by Josh Karlin
MAX and ProtoGENI are now connected. See wiring diagram attached to …
00:06 Ticket #192 (Demonstrate VLAN connectivity to/from TIED testbeds.) created by hdempsey@bbn.com
Multiple statically configured VLANs providing an aggregate 1 Gbps …


23:58 Ticket #108 (Provide information on prototype clearinghouse and where/how it will ...) closed by hdempsey@bbn.com
23:08 Ticket #109 (Identify GENI TIED release v 0.1) closed by hdempsey@bbn.com
fixed: PI added documentation on how fedd provides GENI clearinghouse and …
22:26 Ticket #191 (Verify that users are able to access DETER resources to run TIED ...) created by hdempsey@bbn.com
Use the documentation provided on TIEDClearinghouse wiki page to …
17:17 Ticket #64 (Operational Dataset discussion strawman from GMOC) closed by hdempsey@bbn.com
fixed: Brief discussions with GMOC staff, John Wroclawski and Ted Faber took …
16:40 Ticket #110 (Explain how GENI users can access DETER via TIED) closed by hdempsey@bbn.com
fixed: Documentation provided on 7/2/09 at …
13:40 Ticket #190 (MAX outreach) created by Christopher Small
Coordinate with the University of Maryland’s Clark School of …
11:06 Ticket #189 (WASH I2 node install) created by Josh Karlin
ProtoGENI node is installed and reachable. Still testing wave …
10:49 Milestone ORBIT: 1c provide reference implementations of extended OMF software to WiMAX project completed
c) Work with WiMAX base station project, agree on extended OMF …
10:44 Ticket #188 (Third SPP node shipped) created by Josh Karlin
KANS SPP node has been received and should be ready for install. …
10:34 Ticket #187 (Integrate DRAGON/GENI CF with DRAGON testbed) created by Christopher Small
Deploy the DRAGON/GENI CF software in the DRAGON testbed
10:31 Ticket #186 (Integrate DRAGON with a GENI CF) created by Christopher Small
Design and implement code to integrate DRAGON with a GENI control …


16:49 Mid-Atlantic Crossroads edited by Christopher Small
Co-PI Jarda Flidr has left the project (and MAX) (diff)
13:57 Milestone MAX: Make a working prototype completed
Make a working prototype (tested) GENI (substrate and control …
13:32 Ticket #185 (Make prototype available to GENI researchers) closed by Christopher Small
fixed: Chris Tracy posted the following offer to the GENI dev liston 8/14/09, …
13:32 Ticket #185 (Make prototype available to GENI researchers) created by Christopher Small
Make a working prototype (tested) GENI (substrate and control …
13:30 Ticket #132 (MANFRED/MAX GEC5 demo) closed by Christopher Small
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.