08:53 Milestone SPP: Develop initial component interface completed
Develop initial version of component interface software matching GENI …
02:01 GeniOmisGEC4 edited by Mike Patton
23:09 GeniOmisGEC4 edited by Mike Patton
Fixed some typos that creeped in. (diff)
22:40 GeniOmisGEC4 created by Mike Patton
22:38 GeniOmis edited by Mike Patton
Added link for GEC4 agenda (diff)
15:38 GEC2.zip attached to GEC2 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GEC2 All Presentations
15:36 TUESDAY_PDFs.zip attached to GEC2 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GEC2 March 4 Presentations
15:35 MONDAY_PDFs.zip attached to GEC2 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GEC2 March 3 Presentations
15:34 SUNDAY_PDFs.zip attached to GEC2 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GEC2 March 2 Presentations
12:00 Data Plane Measurements edited by dgurkan@uh.edu
New version of Milestone 2 has been linked. (diff)
11:58 GENI_MS2_DMEAS_February09-v2.pdf attached to Data Plane Measurements by dgurkan@uh.edu
Updated version of Milestone 2.
10:47 Ticket #63 (CMU Demo at GEC4) created by hdempsey@bbn.com
(email from Pat Gunn 2/28/09)
CMU's CMULab project (part of the …
10:41 gbp-bwg-6-07.ppt attached to GENITransitionBackbone by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Design Issues for the GENI Backbone Platform PowerPoint
10:41 gbp-bwg-6-07.pdf attached to GENITransitionBackbone by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Design Issues for the GENI Backbone Platform PDF
10:40 geni-backbone-jun07.ppt attached to GENITransitionBackbone by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GENI Backbone Working Group PowerPoint
10:40 geni-backbone-jun07.pdf attached to GENITransitionBackbone by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GENI Backbone Working Group PDF
10:39 event_WWG_GPO_mtg_7_7207.pdf attached to GENITransitionMobile by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GENI Wireless Overview: GPO-WWG PDF
10:39 geni_71007.ppt attached to GENITransitionDistributed by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GENI Transition Meeting: Distributed Services PowerPoint
10:38 geni_71007.pdf attached to GENITransitionDistributed by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GENI Transition Meeting: Distributed Services PDF
10:37 event_71707_PMT-Transition-07130_182B7A.ppt attached to GENITransitionProjectManagement by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GENI Transition Meeting: Project Management PowerPoint
10:37 event_71707_PMT-Transition-07130_182B7A.pdf attached to GENITransitionProjectManagement by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GENI Transition Meeting: Project Management PDF
10:32 event_arch_transition_71807.ppt attached to GENITransitionFacilityArch by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GENI Architecture: Transition Facility Architecture Working Group …
10:31 event_arch_transition_71807.pdf attached to GENITransitionFacilityArch by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GENI Architecture: Transition Facility Architecture Working Group PDF
09:07 GpENI edited by jpgs@ittc.ku.edu
08:45 GpENI edited by jpgs@ittc.ku.edu
08:42 GpENI edited by jpgs@ittc.ku.edu
17:31 Ticket #62 (Complete bringing 5 HomeNet nodes up) created by Aaron Falk
Status from Dave Andersen on 3/11/09:
15:18 event_OptWS_allfiles.tgz attached to GENIOpticalWorkshop by peter.stickney@bbn.com
All available Optical Workshop Files
15:17 event_OptWS_biswanath_geni_ws_sep07-1.pdf attached to GENIOpticalWorkshop by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Networking Summary
15:17 event_OptWS_Menyuk_summary.txt attached to GENIOpticalWorkshop by peter.stickney@bbn.com
15:16 event_OptWS_Optical_Edge_Architectures.pdf attached to GENIOpticalWorkshop by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Optical Edge Architectures
15:15 event_OptWS_Cross-Layer.pdf attached to GENIOpticalWorkshop by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Cross-Layer Research Agenda
15:15 event_OptWS_Topological_Opportunities.pdf attached to GENIOpticalWorkshop by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Topological Opportunities
15:15 event_OptWS_Commercial_Roadmap.pdf attached to GENIOpticalWorkshop by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Commercial Roadmap
15:14 event_OptWS_Koch GENI PIC Presentation.pdf attached to GENIOpticalWorkshop by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Photonic Integration Trends
15:14 event_OptWS_GENI_Project_Director.pdf attached to GENIOpticalWorkshop by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Time to start building: How will optics influence future network …
15:13 event_OptWS_Blumenthal-GENIOptical-2007.pdf attached to GENIOpticalWorkshop by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Backbone Node High-Level Requirements
15:13 event_OptWS_NSF GENI Optical Workshop.pdf attached to GENIOpticalWorkshop by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GENI Introduction
15:12 event_OptWS_OpticalWorkshopAgenda.pdf attached to GENIOpticalWorkshop by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Welcome, Workshop Objective
15:12 event_OptWS_091107.pdf attached to GENIOpticalWorkshop by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GENI Optical Workshop Announcement
13:23 CE_GPO_Update.pdf attached to GEC2 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GPO Update
13:23 EZ_GEC.pdf attached to GEC2 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
NetSE Council Update
13:22 WL_Network_Science.pdf attached to GEC2 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GENI and the Challenges of Network Science
13:22 JC_Control_Plan.pdf attached to GEC2 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Perspectives on the GENI Control Plane
13:21 NM_Wiring_Closet.pdf attached to GEC2 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Platforms for Innovation in Our Campus Networks (Or: "Why can't I …
13:21 RR_workflow.pdf attached to GEC2 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Beyond Experiment Control: Experiment Workflow
13:21 JA_Workflow.pdf attached to GEC2 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Supporting Experiment Workflows in GENI
13:19 JC_Services.pdf attached to GEC2 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Experimenter Workflow and Services WG
13:19 HZ_Substrate.pdf attached to GEC2 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Federated, Autonomous KanseiWireless Sensor Networks
13:18 PC_Substrate.pdf attached to GEC2 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
A Platform for High Performance Overlay Hosting Services
13:18 CQ_Substrate.pdf attached to GEC2 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
An Experimental Facility for Optical Access and its Integration with …
13:18 GM_Substrate.pdf attached to GEC2 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GENI Substrate
13:18 DG_Substrate.pdf attached to GEC2 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GENI Measurements
13:17 RR_Substrate.pdf attached to GEC2 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Open, Virtualizable Cellular Base Station
13:17 KB_Substrate.pdf attached to GEC2 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Control Plane Architecture for Inserting OPS (and other emerging …
13:17 AA_Substrate.pdf attached to GEC2 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Wireless Sensor Networking: GENI Style
13:16 PS_Substrate.pdf attached to GEC2 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Realistic and Repeatable Wireless Experimentation Using Physical Layer …
13:16 JE_Substrate.pdf attached to GEC2 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GENI Substrate WG Agenda and Deliverables
13:16 HS_opt_in.pdf attached to GEC2 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
User Opt-In Working Group
13:16 HD_OMIS.pdf attached to GEC2 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
OMIS Working Group
13:15 TF_RSpec.pdf attached to GEC2 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Resource description in GENI: Rspec model
13:15 JW_CFWG.pdf attached to GEC2 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Control Framework WG
13:15 HO_AKARI.pdf attached to GEC2 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
AKARI and JGN2plus
13:14 SG.pdf attached to GEC2 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
The Long Arc Behind Internet Economics: Five Rules of Thumb
13:14 AF_Use_Case.pdf attached to GEC2 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GENI Use Case
13:14 JW_Network_Science.pdf attached to GEC2 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Network Science and Engineering
13:14 CE_Welcome.pdf attached to GEC2 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Welcome from GPO, NetSE Council, NSF
13:13 CE_Solic_Pro.pdf attached to GEC2 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GPO Solicitation Process
13:13 Sunday_GENI_WG.pdf attached to GEC2 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GENI Working Groups
13:13 Sunday_GENI_Arch.pdf attached to GEC2 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GENI Architecture
13:12 CE_Welcome_Monday.pdf attached to GEC2 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Welcome to GENI
13:23 Ticket #12 (Understand DOR better and discuss its use with the various control ...) closed by Vic Thomas
13:18 Ticket #61 (Develop, write up and post to wiki plan for developing a registry that ...) created by Vic Thomas
CNRI has developed plan. They reviewed this plan with Harry Mussman …
11:15 Milestone CMU Lab: Formulate initial RSpecs for wireless nodes completed
CMU Lab completed the milestone "Formulate initial RSpecs for wireless …
11:10 ClusterB edited by hmussman@bbn.com
11:09 022709b_ver1.1_ClusterB_Meeting.pdf attached to ClusterB by hmussman@bbn.com
11:03 SpiralOne edited by Aaron Falk
11:00 SpiralOne edited by Aaron Falk
10:59 SpiralOne edited by Aaron Falk
10:58 SpiralOne edited by Aaron Falk
10:58 SpiralOne edited by Aaron Falk
10:58 SpiralOne edited by Aaron Falk
09:06 RUP.pdf attached to RUP by hdempsey@bbn.com
20:44 GeniOmis edited by hdempsey@bbn.com
move meeting notes for GEC3 (diff)
20:03 Ticket #24 (need to make draft RSpec proposals public) closed by duerig@bas.flux.utah.edu
fixed: The draft changes to the RSpec proposed by CMU have been published. …
16:05 RUP edited by hdempsey@bbn.com
16:01 RUP created by hdempsey@bbn.com
15:56 GeniOmis edited by hdempsey@bbn.com
15:52 GeniOmis edited by hdempsey@bbn.com
Add link to draft Recommended Use Policy (diff)
18:25 ClusterB edited by hmussman@bbn.com
18:24 ClusterB edited by hmussman@bbn.com
18:23 topology-example-xml.png attached to ClusterB by hmussman@bbn.com
Topology example from Chris Tracy on 030909
18:22 030909 DRAGON_Notes.docx attached to ClusterB by hmussman@bbn.com
DRAGON notes from Chris Tracy 030909
17:36 Embedded Real-Time Measurements edited by Franz Fidler
17:13 GeniControlFrameworkRequirements edited by hmussman@bbn.com
17:09 030609_CFRequireReviewTopics.pdf attached to GeniControlFrameworkRequirements by hmussman@bbn.com
Includes summary of conference call on February 25, 2009 to review …
15:55 Closing_Thoughts.pdf attached to TestingGround/GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Current Top GENI Risks
15:55 Closing_Thoughts.pdf attached to GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Current Top GENI Risks
15:54 NSF_Mobility_Workshop_July_31_2007_summary.pdf attached to TestingGround/GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Mobility in Wireless Networks: NSF Workshop, Rutgers, Jul 31-Aug 1, 2007
15:54 NSF_Mobility_Workshop_July_31_2007_summary.pdf attached to GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Mobility in Wireless Networks: NSF Workshop, Rutgers, Jul 31-Aug 1, 2007
15:54 Opticalworkshopsummary.pdf attached to TestingGround/GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Report from the GENI Optical Workshop in September
15:54 Opticalworkshopsummary.pdf attached to GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Report from the GENI Optical Workshop in September
15:54 Front-Desk.jpg attached to TestingGround/GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Front Desk at GEC1
15:54 Front-Desk.jpg attached to GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Front Desk at GEC1
15:53 BW_Virtualization_with_DON.pdf attached to TestingGround/GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Bandwidth Virtualization with Digital Optical Networks
15:53 BW_Virtualization_with_DON.pdf attached to GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Bandwidth Virtualization with Digital Optical Networks
15:53 Preliminary_Thoughts_About_GENI.pdf attached to TestingGround/GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Preliminary Thoughts About GENI
15:53 Preliminary_Thoughts_About_GENI.pdf attached to GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Preliminary Thoughts About GENI
15:53 Cross-Layer_Research.pdf attached to TestingGround/GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Cross-Layer Research in GENI
15:53 Cross-Layer_Research.pdf attached to GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Cross-Layer Research in GENI
15:52 Great_Plains_Network.pdf attached to TestingGround/GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GENI Insights from the Great Plains Network
15:52 Great_Plains_Network.pdf attached to GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GENI Insights from the Great Plains Network
15:52 Intel_Thoughts.pdf attached to TestingGround/GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Thoughts on GENI
15:52 Intel_Thoughts.pdf attached to GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Thoughts on GENI
15:52 Atsushi_Iwata-Expectations_for_the_GENI_Project.pdf attached to TestingGround/GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Expectations for the GENI Project and Technical Challenges for a Next …
15:52 Atsushi_Iwata-Expectations_for_the_GENI_Project.pdf attached to GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Expectations for the GENI Project and Technical Challenges for a Next …
15:51 Utah_ProtoGENI.pdf attached to GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
The Utah ProtoGENI Project
15:51 Utah_ProtoGENI.pdf attached to TestingGround/GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
The Utah ProtoGENI Project
15:50 High_Perf_Overlay_Hosting_Serv_Platform.pdf attached to TestingGround/GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
A Platform for High Performance Overlay Hosting Services
15:50 High_Perf_Overlay_Hosting_Serv_Platform.pdf attached to GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
A Platform for High Performance Overlay Hosting Services
15:50 Opt-In_WG_Meeting.pdf attached to TestingGround/GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
End-User Opt-In Working Group Meeting
15:50 Opt-In_WG_Meeting.pdf attached to GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
End-User Opt-In Working Group Meeting
15:49 RSpec-GDC1.pdf attached to TestingGround/GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Narrow Waist Working Group Meeting
15:49 RSpec-GDC1.pdf attached to GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Narrow Waist Working Group Meeting
15:49 geni_arch_msp.pdf attached to TestingGround/GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
The GENI Narrow Waist
15:49 geni_arch_msp.pdf attached to GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
The GENI Narrow Waist
15:49 CTVR_Testbeds.pdf attached to TestingGround/GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
CTVR and Future Internet Testbeds
15:49 CTVR_Testbeds.pdf attached to GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
CTVR and Future Internet Testbeds
15:49 Bruce_Nordman_Networks_Energy_and_Energy_Efficiency.pdf attached to TestingGround/GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Networks, Energy, and Energy Efficiency
15:49 Bruce_Nordman_Networks_Energy_and_Energy_Efficiency.pdf attached to GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Networks, Energy, and Energy Efficiency
15:48 GPO_Solicitation_Process.pdf attached to TestingGround/GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
The GPO Solicitation Process
15:48 GPO_Solicitation_Process.pdf attached to GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
The GPO Solicitation Process
15:48 Meet_the_GENI_Working_Groups.pdf attached to TestingGround/GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Meet the GENI Working Groups
15:48 Meet_the_GENI_Working_Groups.pdf attached to GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Meet the GENI Working Groups
15:48 Building_GENI_Time_to_Start.pdf attached to GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Building GENI: It's Time to Start
15:48 GSC_Welcome.pdf attached to TestingGround/GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Welcome from the GENI Science Council
15:48 GSC_Welcome.pdf attached to GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Welcome from the GENI Science Council
15:47 Suzi_Iacono-Welcome_from_NSF.pdf attached to TestingGround/GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Welcome from NSF
15:47 Suzi_Iacono-Welcome_from_NSF.pdf attached to GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Welcome from NSF
15:47 Addressing_GENI_Risks.pdf attached to TestingGround/GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Open GPO/GSC meeting on GENI risks
15:47 Addressing_GENI_Risks.pdf attached to GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Open GPO/GSC meeting on GENI risks
15:47 Substrate.tgz attached to TestingGround/GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Substrate Working Group Meeting
15:47 Substrate.tgz attached to GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Substrate Working Group Meeting
15:42 IMG_3506.JPG attached to TestingGround/GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Lunch at GEC1
15:42 IMG_3506.JPG attached to GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Lunch at GEC1
15:41 IMG_3499.JPG attached to TestingGround/GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Lunch at GEC1
15:41 IMG_3499.JPG attached to GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Lunch at GEC1
15:03 OMIS_agenda.pdf attached to TestingGround/GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Operations, Management, Integration and Security Agenda
15:03 OMIS_agenda.pdf attached to GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Operations, Management, Integration and Security Agenda
14:49 GEC1allfiles.tgz attached to TestingGround/GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
All available GEC1 presentations
14:49 GEC1allfiles.tgz attached to GEC1 by peter.stickney@bbn.com
All available GEC1 presentations
21:40 Ticket #60 (PlanetLab Demo for GEC4) created by hdempsey@bbn.com
From Larry Peterson: I plan to do a geniwrapper demo. All I need is …
12:44 SpiralOne edited by hdempsey@bbn.com
Add SPP alternate project name for Overlay Hosting Nodes (diff)
12:32 SpiralOne edited by hdempsey@bbn.com
Add Raven alternate project name for ProvisioningService (diff)
14:43 010909comments1 GENI-SE-CH-RQ-01.3.pdf attached to GeniControlFrameworkRequirements by hmussman@bbn.com
Includes comments through 2/25/09
07:52 GpENI edited by jpgs@ittc.ku.edu
07:48 GpENI edited by jpgs@ittc.ku.edu
18:11 GpoDoc edited by Vic Thomas
18:11 GpoDoc edited by Vic Thomas
18:06 GpENI edited by jpgs@ittc.ku.edu
18:05 GpENI edited by jpgs@ittc.ku.edu
18:03 ExperimentLifeCycle-v01.1.pdf attached to ExperimentLifecycleDocument by Vic Thomas
Version 1.1 of the Experiment Lifecycle Document (pdf version)
18:02 ExperimentLifeCycle-v01.1.doc attached to ExperimentLifecycleDocument by Vic Thomas
Version 1.1 of the Experiment Lifecycle Document (MS Word version)
10:08 GENI_MS1_ERM_March09_v1-1.pdf attached to Embedded Real-Time Measurements by Franz Fidler
Technical Note, Milestone 1
10:07 Embedded Real-Time Measurements edited by Franz Fidler
10:04 GENI_MS2_ERM_March09_v1-0.pdf attached to Embedded Real-Time Measurements by Franz Fidler
Technical Note, Milestone 2
09:51 Ticket #59 (MANFRED GEC4 demo: initial integration of dynamic circuits into the ...) created by chris@maxgigapop.net
In our demonstration for GEC4, MANFRED will demonstrate initial …
11:57 Ticket #58 (Need additional configuration documentation) created by Aaron Falk
According to Dave Andersen (2/3/09) this was completed in January 09. …
09:13 Ticket #57 (WiMAX GEC4 Demo) created by Ivan Seskar
We plan to demonstrate basic outdoor operation of the fully deployed …
07:48 Ticket #56 (ORBIT GEC4 Demo) created by Ivan Seskar
We will present an extension of ORBIT Management Framework to support …
17:35 Data Plane Measurements edited by dgurkan@uh.edu
17:31 GENI-MS1- DMEAS-February09-v1-0.pdf attached to Data Plane Measurements by dgurkan@uh.edu
17:31 Data Plane Measurements edited by dgurkan@uh.edu
14:56 Milestone ERM: Perform discrete-event network simulations completed
Perform discrete-event network simulations to quantitatively evaluate …
14:55 Milestone ERM: Develop specifications and networking protocols completed
Develop (draft due 1 month earlier) final set of specifications and …
14:55 Milestone ERM: GENI requirements for real-time measurements completed
Assess and evaluate GENI requirements for real-time user access to …
14:03 Milestone D Meas: Document embedded measurement capabilities completed
Document embedded measurement capabilities of all substrate …
14:01 Milestone D Meas: Review all substrate technologies in spiral-1 completed
Review all (optical, wireless, edge compute, etc.) substrate …
10:52 Ticket #55 (DTunnels Demo) created by feamster@cc.gatech.edu
This project includes following two main software components
1. TCS …
10:43 Ticket #54 (Gush demo) created by jeannie@cs.williams.edu
I plan to show a demo of the functionality of Gush on PlanetLab.
06:53 Milestone MAX: Purchase virtualization servers and connections completed
Purchase virtualization servers and complete end-to-end VLAN …
06:52 Milestone MAX: Extend DRAGON/GRMS completed
Extend DRAGON/GRMS as an aggregate manager to include optical and edge …
02:32 TIED edited by faber@isi.edu
spelling typo. (diff)
01:27 Ticket #53 (GEC4 demo facilities for TIED) created by jtw@isi.edu
We'll bring a demo of a federated experiment across 2-3 testbed …
13:13 Milestone WiMAX: 1b Validate open API capabilities of the WiMAX base station completed
b) Validate, document and demo the open API capabilities of the WiMAX …
10:36 Ticket #52 (GpENI demo at GEC4) created by jpgs@ittc.ku.edu
This will be an extraordinarily simple and rather boring demo that …
17:35 Ticket #51 (UMLPEN Demo at GEC4) created by Yan Luo
We plan to demo the initial integration of Programmable Edge Node with …
15:17 Ticket #50 (ProtoGENI demo at GEC#4) created by ricci@cs.utah.edu
We plan to demo some new features of the ProtoGENI control framework …
14:23 Gec4Agenda edited by Aaron Falk
14:01 Ticket #49 (ViSE GEC4 Demonstration) created by David Irwin
The ViSE project will demonstrate sensor control using the Orca …
13:57 Ticket #48 (DOME demo) created by blynn@cs.umass.edu
We'll show a brick and the capabilities that we have implemented. …
12:38 Ticket #47 (ORCA-BEN vlan demo) created by Ilia Baldine
We will present a brief demo of ORCA provisioning VLANs across BEN w/ …
11:30 Ticket #46 (Kansei DEMO) created by zengw@cse.ohio-state.edu
The KanseiGenie team led by Prof. Arora at Ohio State University is …
10:12 Embedded Real-Time Measurements edited by Franz Fidler
10:09 Embedded Real-Time Measurements edited by Franz Fidler
10:02 Embedded Real-Time Measurements edited by Franz Fidler
MS1, MS2, and MS3 submitted (diff)
14:02 GDD-07-47.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Life of a Packet within a GENI Experiment
14:02 GDD-07-46.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GENI System Requirements Document (SRD)
14:01 GDD-07-45.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GENI Facility Construction Plan
14:01 GDD-07-44.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GENI Facility Design
14:01 GDD-07-43.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Requirements for Wireless GENI Experiment Control and Management
14:00 GDD-06-42.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Using the Component and Aggregate Abstractions in the GENI Architecture
14:00 GDD-06-41.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Facility Usage Scenarios
14:00 GDD-06-40.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Community-Oriented Network Measurement Infrastructure (CONMI) Workship …
14:00 GDD-06-39.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Management Authority: Reference Implementation
13:59 GDD-06-38.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Engineering Guidelines
13:59 GDD-06-37.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Meta-Management System for GENI
13:59 GDD-06-36.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GENI Backbone Run-Time Software for Experimenters
13:59 GDD-06-35.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GENI System Glossary
13:59 GDD-06-34.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GENI Project Office: Reference Design & Requirements
13:58 GDD-06-33.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Project Development Plan: Readiness Stage
13:58 GDD-06-32.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Report of NSF Workshop on Distributed Real-time and Embedded Systems …
13:58 GDD-06-31.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
In VINI Veritas: Realistic and Controlled Network Experimentation
13:58 GDD-06-30.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
WBS: Guidelines for Completion
13:58 GDD-06-29.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GENI Work Breakdown Structure
13:57 GDD-06-28.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GENI Research Plan
13:57 GDD-06-27.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GENI Topology Design
13:57 GDD-06-26.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Backbone Node: Requirements and Architecture
13:57 GDD-06-25.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Backbone Software Architecture
13:56 GDD-06-24.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GENI Distributed Services
13:56 GDD-06-23.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GENI Facility Security
13:56 GDD-06-22.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Wireless and Sensor Experiments
13:56 GDD-06-21.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
System Engineering Document for Wireless Subnets
13:56 GDD-06-20.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Cognitive Radio Networks in GENI
13:55 GDD-06-19.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Sensor Networks in GENI
13:55 GDD-06-18.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Urban Vehicular Networks in GENI
13:55 GDD-06-17.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Virtualization and Slicing of Wireless Networks
13:55 GDD-06-16.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Requirements Document for Security of GENI Wireless Networks,
13:54 GDD-06-15.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Requirements Document for Management and Control of GENI Wireless Networks
13:54 GDD-06-14.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Overview of Wireless, Mobile and Sensor Networks in GENI
13:54 GDD-06-13.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GENI Component: Reference Design
13:54 GDD-06-12.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GENI Instrumentation and Measurement Systems (GIMS) Specification
13:54 GDD-06-11.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Overview of the GENI Architecture
13:53 GDD-06-10.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Towards Operational Security for GENI
13:53 GDD-06-09.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
A Proposed Architecture for the GENI Backbone Platform
13:53 GDD-06-08.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GENI Design Principles
13:53 GDD-06-07.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
GENI: Conceptual Design, Project Execution Plan
13:52 GDD-05-06.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Report of the NSF Workshop on Research Challenges in Distributed …
13:52 GDD-05-05.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Report of NSF Workshop on A Clean-Slate Design for the Next-Generation …
13:52 GDD-05-04.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Report of NSF Workshop on New Architectures and Disruptive …
13:51 GDD-05-03.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Report of NSF Workshop on Mapping a Future for Optical Networking and …
13:51 GDD-05-02.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Report of NSF Workshop on Overcoming Barriers to Disruptive Innovation …
13:51 GDD-05-01.pdf attached to OldGPGDesignDocuments by peter.stickney@bbn.com
Overcoming the Internet Impasse Through Virtualization
11:12 20051219-WNYC-830AM.wma attached to OldGPGTimeline by peter.stickney@bbn.com
The World Audio wma 2005-12-19
11:12 20051219-WNYC-830AM.ogg attached to OldGPGTimeline by peter.stickney@bbn.com
The World Audio ogg 2005-12-19
11:08 Gec4Agenda edited by Aaron Falk
11:05 Gec4Agenda edited by Aaron Falk
11:03 design_principles.pdf attached to OldGPGTimeline by peter.stickney@bbn.com
April 29, 2006 GENI: Guiding Design Principles
11:00 GDD-06-08.pdf attached to OldGPGTimeline by peter.stickney@bbn.com
August 2006 GENI Design Principles
10:53 GDD-06-07.pdf attached to OldGPGTimeline by peter.stickney@bbn.com
January 2006 Project Execution Plan
18:05 Milestone SECARCH: S1.a Draft Security Design Report completed
Develop and incrementally revise and extend a series of pragmatic …
18:05 Ticket #44 (Deliver final draft of Security document.) closed by hdempsey@bbn.com
fixed: Document is posted on wiki at …
18:02 Ticket #29 (Request feedback on strawman operational dataset from ORBIT control ...) closed by hdempsey@bbn.com
fixed: Held conf call with GPO and ORBIT. Marco sent info to GMOC, …
17:21 ExperimentLifecycleDocument edited by Vic Thomas
17:13 Gec4Agenda edited by Aaron Falk
17:12 Gec4Agenda edited by Aaron Falk
added working group sessions (diff)
17:08 Ticket #45 (GEC4 Demonstration Plans for Washington University SPP Node) created by jdd@arl.wustl.edu
We will remotely demonstrate an SPP Node.
We will use two laptops, one …
13:24 GENISecurity edited by Stephen Schwab
13:22 GENISecurity edited by Stephen Schwab
13:18 GeniOmisGEC3Notes edited by Mike Patton
I promised to take "Draft" off the page title, so now I did… (diff)
11:11 Embedded Real-Time Measurements edited by Franz Fidler
11:10 GENI_QR_ERM_Dec08.pdf attached to Embedded Real-Time Measurements by Franz Fidler
11:08 Embedded Real-Time Measurements edited by Franz Fidler
11:04 Embedded Real-Time Measurements edited by Franz Fidler
11:03 Embedded Real-Time Measurements edited by Franz Fidler
11:03 Embedded Real-Time Measurements edited by Franz Fidler
10:59 Embedded Real-Time Measurements edited by Franz Fidler
15:55 RegionalOptIn edited by Matt Mathis
15:49 GeniOptIn edited by Matt Mathis
15:32 RegionalOptIn edited by Matt Mathis
15:29 OptInReqs edited by Matt Mathis
15:28 OptInReqs edited by Matt Mathis
15:26 OptInReqs edited by Matt Mathis
15:17 OptInReqs.pdf attached to OptInReqs by Matt Mathis
15:17 OptInReqs created by Matt Mathis
14:33 RegionalOptIn edited by Matt Mathis
11:48 Ticket #13 (Install new equipment in UKU Emulab) closed by griff@netlab.uky.edu
fixed: New equipment has been installed in the UK Emulab and the new …
00:00 Milestone REGOPT: S1.a Produce opt-in requirements document completed
Produce an opt‐in requirements document for the GENI Spiral 1 …
09:58 Ticket #44 (Deliver final draft of Security document.) created by hdempsey@bbn.com
Deliver final draft of Security document (followup to first draft …
09:56 Ticket #26 (Provide new completion date for report.) closed by hdempsey@bbn.com
fixed: Preliminary draft delivered 2/9/09. Not posted on wiki, as some …
16:04 DeliverablePage edited by jjacob@geni.net
16:00 Spiral1 substrate catalog.doc attached to DeliverablePage by jjacob@geni.net
15:44 Ticket #37 (Provide source code for Xen operating system and its virtualization ...) closed by hmussman@bbn.com
fixed: On Feb 12, 2009
Here is the URL for the DOME source code:
14:18 Ticket #43 (Million Node GENI demo at GEC 4) created by justinc@cs.washington.edu
Need place to put a laptop (table or similar) and wireless or wired …
11:28 ClusterB edited by hmussman@bbn.com
11:27 ClusterB edited by hmussman@bbn.com
09:54 Milestone DOME: 1b Implement, integrate and document the Xen operating system and its virtualization features completed
Implement, integrate and document the Xen operating system and its …
14:54 ClusterB edited by hdempsey@bbn.com
add audio file (diff)
14:39 Larry_Feb_13.wav attached to ClusterB by hdempsey@bbn.com
audio of Larry Peterson's presentation and discussion
14:31 SpiralOne edited by hdempsey@bbn.com
typo fix typo (diff)
14:30 SpiralOne edited by hdempsey@bbn.com
typo (diff)
17:52 ClusterB edited by hmussman@bbn.com
17:49 ClusterB edited by hmussman@bbn.com
17:36 ClusterB edited by hmussman@bbn.com
17:35 ClusterB edited by hmussman@bbn.com
17:35 PL-EntG.pdf attached to ClusterB by hmussman@bbn.com
17:34 ClusterB edited by hmussman@bbn.com
17:34 pl_x_geni.pdf attached to ClusterB by hmussman@bbn.com
17:30 ClusterB edited by hmussman@bbn.com
17:30 021309_Cluster_B_Options.pdf attached to ClusterB by hmussman@bbn.com
17:26 ClusterB edited by hmussman@bbn.com
17:24 ClusterB edited by hmussman@bbn.com
17:21 ClusterB edited by hmussman@bbn.com
17:17 ClusterB edited by hmussman@bbn.com
17:16 ClusterB edited by hmussman@bbn.com
17:14 MANFRED-13Feb2009-DenverMeeting.pdf attached to ClusterB by hmussman@bbn.com
17:11 ClusterB edited by hmussman@bbn.com
17:11 ClusterB edited by hmussman@bbn.com
17:10 ClusterB edited by hmussman@bbn.com
17:08 Presentation1-BR.pdf attached to ClusterB by hmussman@bbn.com
17:07 ClusterB edited by hmussman@bbn.com
17:05 Enterprise Geni.pdf attached to ClusterB by hmussman@bbn.com
17:02 ClusterB edited by hmussman@bbn.com
16:58 ClusterB edited by hmussman@bbn.com
16:57 ClusterB edited by hmussman@bbn.com
15:29 ClusterB edited by hdempsey@bbn.com
15:27 RelatedProjects edited by chris@maxgigapop.net
fix broken link (diff)
15:24 ClusterB edited by hdempsey@bbn.com
15:22 ClusterB edited by hdempsey@bbn.com
15:14 MillionNodeGENI edited by Vic Thomas
15:11 MillionNodeGENI-components.gif attached to MillionNodeGENI by Vic Thomas
Diagram showing relationship between end-host VM, node manager and …
15:10 MillionNodeGENI edited by Vic Thomas
15:10 sfa_Nov2008_vs_Feb2009.pdf attached to ClusterB by hdempsey@bbn.com
changes between the Nov2008 and Feb2009 versions of the SFA document
15:07 ClusterB edited by hdempsey@bbn.com
15:05 ClusterB created by hdempsey@bbn.com
15:05 SpiralOne edited by hdempsey@bbn.com
15:02 Cluster B integration documents edited by hdempsey@bbn.com
14:55 Cluster B integration documents edited by hdempsey@bbn.com
14:51 PL-EntG.ppt attached to Cluster B integration documents by hdempsey@bbn.com
Spiral 1 goals. Milestones for Enterprise GENI and PlanetLab
14:49 Cluster B integration documents created by hdempsey@bbn.com
14:45 SpiralOne edited by hdempsey@bbn.com
14:44 End_host_VM_Techniques_Design_Document.pdf attached to MillionNodeGENI by Vic Thomas
Design of the end host virtual machine.
14:40 Ticket #10 (Develop and document an approach to integration with one or more ...) closed by Vic Thomas
12:22 ProvisioningService edited by Vic Thomas
12:19 raven-overview.png attached to ProvisioningService by Vic Thomas
Raven Overview Diagram (provided by J. Hartman)
12:12 GushProto edited by Vic Thomas
12:11 GushProto edited by Vic Thomas
12:08 gush-arch.png attached to GushProto by Vic Thomas
Gush Architecture Picture (from …
12:07 GushProto edited by Vic Thomas
12:26 RelatedProjects edited by Chip Elliott
12:15 GeniNationalLambdaRail edited by Chip Elliott
12:15 GeniNationalLambdaRail edited by Chip Elliott
12:09 GeniInternet2 edited by Chip Elliott
12:08 GeniNationalLambdaRail created by Chip Elliott
12:02 GeniInternet2 created by Chip Elliott
11:56 SpiralOne edited by Chip Elliott
17:28 GeniNewcomers edited by Chip Elliott
17:09 GeniWikiGettingStarted edited by Chip Elliott
17:09 GeniWikiGettingStarted edited by Chip Elliott
17:06 SpiralOne edited by Chip Elliott
17:01 GeniWikiGettingStarted edited by Chip Elliott
16:59 GeniWikiGettingStarted edited by Chip Elliott
16:58 GeniNewcomers edited by Chip Elliott
16:56 GeniWorkingGroups edited by Chip Elliott
16:55 GeniWikiGettingStarted edited by Chip Elliott
16:53 GeniSubstrate edited by Chip Elliott
16:51 GeniServices edited by Chip Elliott
16:50 GeniOptIn edited by Chip Elliott
16:49 GeniControl edited by Chip Elliott
16:48 GeniWorkingGroups edited by Chip Elliott
16:46 GeniWorkingGroups created by Chip Elliott
16:36 GeniOmis edited by Chip Elliott
16:33 GeniNewcomers edited by Chip Elliott
16:32 SpiralOne edited by Chip Elliott
16:27 GeniNewcomers edited by Chip Elliott
added much intro text, reshuffled for clarity of exposition (diff)
16:08 GeniGlossary edited by Chip Elliott
16:05 GeniGlossary edited by Chip Elliott
replace 'facility' with 'infrastructure' to avoid MREFC coloration (diff)
15:58 RelatedProjects edited by Chip Elliott
15:55 FIREGENI edited by Chip Elliott
15:52 FIREGENI edited by Chip Elliott
15:48 15 Anastasius_Gavras.pdf attached to FIREGENI by Chip Elliott
Anastasius Gavras - Use cases for PII testbed federation
15:47 14 Martin_May.pdf attached to FIREGENI by Chip Elliott
Martin May - Future Internet and OneLab2
15:47 13 Phuoc_Tran-Gia.pdf attached to FIREGENI by Chip Elliott
Phuoc Tran-Gia - G-Lab perspective
15:46 12 Thomas_Magedanz.pdf attached to FIREGENI by Chip Elliott
Thomas Magedanz - PanLab perspective
15:45 11 Timur_Friedman.pdf attached to FIREGENI by Chip Elliott
Timur Friedman - OneLab2 perspective
15:44 10 Mauro_Campanella.pdf attached to FIREGENI by Chip Elliott
Mauro Campanella - Federica perspective
15:43 09 Serge_Fdida.pdf attached to FIREGENI by Chip Elliott
Serge Fdida - FIRE overview
15:42 08 Steve_Corbato.pdf attached to FIREGENI by Chip Elliott
Steve Corbato - ProtoGENI perspective
15:40 07 Ted_Faber.pdf attached to FIREGENI by Chip Elliott
Ted Faber - TIED perspective
15:40 06 Max_Ott.pdf attached to FIREGENI by Chip Elliott
Max Ott - ORBIT perspective
15:39 05 Jeffrey_Chase.pdf attached to FIREGENI by Chip Elliott
Jeff Chase - ORCA perspective
15:38 04 Marc_Fiuczynski.pdf attached to FIREGENI by Chip Elliott
Marc Fiuczynski - PlanetLab perspective
15:37 03 Aaron_Falk.pdf attached to FIREGENI by Chip Elliott
Aaron Falk - GENI Introduction and Goals
15:36 02 Max_Lemke.pdf attached to FIREGENI by Chip Elliott
Max Lemke - FIRE Introduction and Goals
15:35 01 Per_Blixt.pdf attached to FIREGENI by Chip Elliott
Per Blixt - Welcome
15:32 FIREGENI created by Chip Elliott
15:18 RelatedProjects edited by Chip Elliott
12:43 Ticket #42 (Raven demo at GEC4) created by jhh@cs.arizona.edu
We will demo Raven at GEC4 including the use of GENI credentials to …
Note: See
for information about the timeline view.