Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#882 closed (fixed)

Streaming between vehicle and infrastructure using Network Coding

Reported by: Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: GPO Version: SPIRAL4
Keywords: GEC13 Cc:


The demo will consist of a video stream from vehicle to infrastructure over wireless channel (WIMAX or WiFi). The quality of the channel is impaired by mobility and external interference. Network Coding can improve video quality by introducing redundancy when needed. This demo will show the effectiveness of Network Coding in such a disruptive environment.

Change History (6)

comment:1 in reply to:  description Changed 13 years ago by

Cc: added
Owner: changed from somebody to

Replying to

The demo will consist of a video stream from vehicle to infrastructure over wireless channel (WIMAX or WiFi). The quality of the channel is impaired by mobility and external interference. Network Coding can improve video quality by introducing redundancy when needed. This demo will show the effectiveness of Network Coding in such a disruptive environment.

Here's an update followed the demo request format.

  1. Brief demo description

The demo will consist of a video stream from a vehicle to infrastructure over one or more wireless channels (WIMAX and/or WiFi). The quality of the channel is impaired by mobility and external interference. Network Coding can improve video quality by introducing redundancy when needed. This demo will show the effectiveness of Network Coding in such a disruptive environment.

  1. List of equipment that will need AC connections

Two labtops, one projector or one monitor

  1. Number of wired network connections


  1. Number of wireless network connections only

Two connections

  1. Number of static addresses needed (if any)


  1. Projector (y)

One projector

  1. Monitor

If projector is not available, one monitor would also work.

  1. Number of posters (poster boards are 20" x 30")

One poster

  1. Description of any special requests


comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by

Status: newassigned

comment:3 Changed 13 years ago by

Thank you for your demo request. We will update this ticket when the resources have been confirmed.

comment:4 Changed 13 years ago by

(If you need to respond to something in this message, please update the ticket on the wiki, or send mail to and I can update it for you. Replies to will return an auto-response.)

We can now confirm that the resources you requested will be available for your demo on Wednesday evening.

comment:5 Changed 13 years ago by


We can now confirm that the resources you requested will be available for your demo on 3/13 Tuesday evening.

comment:6 Changed 13 years ago by

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Thanks again for participating in the GEC 13 evening demo session.

We've added information about the demo session to Please feel free to edit the section about your demo, add any participants who you'd like to credit, add links to other relevant pages, and attach any materials (slides, PDFs of posters, etc) about your demo.

If you have any questions or concerns, or need a hand with any of that, just drop a note to

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