Opened 16 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#3 closed (fixed)

Bring up OpenVPN tunnels between CMU Lab and ProtoGENI

Reported by: Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: CMU Lab: Tunneling packets from Utah to CMU
Component: CMULAB Version: SPIRAL1
Keywords: VLAN, I2, CMU Lab Cc: Aaron Falk,, Leigh Stoller,


Dave Andersen to provide revised date for when GRE tunnels will be established between ProtoGENI and CMU Lab.

Change History (13)

comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by

Component: GPOCMULAB

comment:2 Changed 16 years ago by Aaron Falk

Cc: Aaron Falk added
Owner: changed from Aaron Falk to

comment:3 Changed 16 years ago by Aaron Falk

Dave on Jan 15:

If you don't mind me giving a conservative estimate, let's say three weeks on GRE tunneling.

I.e., expected complete date: Feb 6, 2009

comment:4 Changed 16 years ago by Aaron Falk

Summary: Revise CMU Lab tunnels milestoneBring up GRE tunnels between CMU Lab and ProtoGENI

Dave on 1/16:

To provide a roughly more accurate answer to the GRE milestone update: Now that our update is complete, the Utah folks are having other sites update to the CVS HEAD of the ProtoGENI code on Monday, and then they'll be starting to activate the GRE tunnels.

I'm not sure how long that process will take, but "it's underway".

comment:5 Changed 16 years ago by Aaron Falk

Cc: added
Owner: changed from to

Dave on 2/2:

update to -HEAD ProtoGENI code is complete and now happy; tunnels are pending Utah activating them

So, owner of this ticket changes to Ricci.

comment:6 Changed 16 years ago by Aaron Falk

Milestone: CMU Lab: Get CMU ProtoGENI node on I2 VLANCMU Lab: Tunneling packets from Utah to CMU

comment:7 Changed 16 years ago by

Owner: changed from to

We've made significant progress on getting GRE tunnels working, just need to finish it up. Will be done by Leigh Stoller, hence the owner change.

comment:8 Changed 16 years ago by Leigh Stoller

GRE tunnels are now working between federates and in fact have been demonstrated. Utah is currently waiting on CMU to install the ProtoGeni code on their Emulab and join the federation so that GRE tunnels can be constructed between their Emulab and others in the federation.

comment:9 Changed 16 years ago by Aaron Falk

Cc: Leigh Stoller added
Owner: changed from to

comment:10 Changed 15 years ago by

GRE tunnels do not work when a testbed's nodes do not have public IP addresses - there's no way for them to talk to foreign testbeds. This type of federation will take a different approach.

I am mostly done with a piece of software (which I am calling metavpn) that wraps OpenVPN to dynamically create/configure/manage/teardown a per-network layer2 VPN within a testbed - when this type of federation is necessary, networks in an experiment will be composed of one OpenVPN instance in each private testbed plus another OpenVPN instance to glue together each such testbed. Right now this will run on ops, although if/as it scales upwards, we should be prepared to move it to a dedicated vpn server (or a pool of them).

When metavpn is done, two more bits of work will be done: 1) Clients must be told to fetch an OpenVPN config and use it (and later to stop doing so and remove it). This code largely exists (for the homenet controlplane I have to do a reasonable subset of this) but will need refinement. 2) snmpit/control framework integration. I will likely neet help from Utah on this (or Utah might want to do this entirely, depending on how effective I can be working on snmpit).

I gave afalk the design document for metavpn as it stands now - I will put it up somewhere soon.

comment:11 Changed 15 years ago by

Current design document for metavpn is here

comment:12 Changed 15 years ago by Aaron Falk

Summary: Bring up GRE tunnels between CMU Lab and ProtoGENIBring up OpenVPN tunnels between CMU Lab and ProtoGENI

comment:13 Changed 15 years ago by Aaron Falk

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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