Opened 10 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#1312 closed (fixed)

Science Shakedown / ExoGENI Demo Request GEC21

Reported by: Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: GPO Version: SPIRAL7
Keywords: GEC21 Cc:


Demo description paragraph (three sentence minimum):

This demo will feature recent developments from the GENI Science Shakedown project. Specifically, we will show the ADCIRC Storm Surge model (MPI) running across several GENI racks. In addition, we will show new ExoGENI features.

List of equipment that will need AC connections (e.g. laptop, switch, monitor): Just put in the number of connections needed if your demo description already lists equipment.

One monitor One laptop

Total number of wired network connections (sum standard IP and VLAN connections):

One network connection

Number of wired layer 2 VLANs (if any): Specify VLAN number, if known, approximate bandwidth, and whether tagged or untagged.

Number of wireless network connections (include required bandwidth if significant):

Number of static addresses needed (if any):

Monitor (y/n, specify VGA or DVI): Yes, either Specify resolution only if your software has resolution restrictions.

Number of posters (max size poster boards are 30" x 40"):

1 poster board

Special requests: Include any specific network connectivity needs (e.g. VLANs to a particular GENI location, projects you'd like to be near, etc.)

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by

Status: newaccepted

Thanks for the demo request. We should have no problem getting you space. See you in Indiana!

comment:2 Changed 10 years ago by

Resolution: fixed
Status: acceptedclosed

Thanks for joining us in Bloomington this year. We hope everything worked as you expected. Don't hesitate to offer any suggestions.

Please feel free to update / append the wiki page for the Demo Night here:

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.