$ stitcher.py createsliver lnstitchb stitch-ig-gpo-pg-utah.rspec 10:44:18 INFO stitcher: Loading config file /home/lnevers/.gcf/omni_config 10:44:18 INFO stitcher: Using control framework portal 10:44:18 INFO stitcher: Checking that slice lnstitchb is valid... 10:44:20 INFO stitcher: Slice urn:publicid:IDN+ch.geni.net:ln-prj+slice+lnstitchb expires within 1 day on 2013-06-21 21:36:54 UTC 10:44:20 INFO stitcher: speaks AM API v3, but sticking with v2 10:44:20 INFO stitcher: speaks AM API v3, but sticking with v2 10:44:20 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Writing to '/tmp/lnstitchb-createsliver-request-11-instageni-gpolab-bbn-com.xml' 10:44:20 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Stitcher doing createsliver at https://boss.instageni.gpolab.bbn.com:12369/protogeni/xmlrpc/am 10:44:42 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Allocation at complete. 10:44:42 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Writing to '/tmp/lnstitchb-createsliver-request-11-emulab-net.xml' 10:44:42 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Stitcher doing createsliver at https://www.emulab.net:12369/protogeni/xmlrpc/am 10:45:59 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Allocation at complete. 10:45:59 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Writing to '/tmp/lnstitchb-createsliver-request-11-ion-internet2-edu.xml' 10:45:59 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Stitcher doing createsliver at http://geni-am.net.internet2.edu:12346 10:46:44 INFO stitch.Aggregate: DCN AM : must wait for status ready.... 10:46:44 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Pause to let circuit become ready... 10:47:24 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Pause to let circuit become ready... 10:48:02 INFO stitch.Aggregate: DCN circuit 21671 is ready 10:48:10 ERROR stitch.Aggregate: gave VLAN 886 for hop which is not in our request 983 10:48:10 ERROR stitch.Aggregate: gave VLAN 3749 for hop which is not in our request 3748 10:48:10 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Allocation at complete. 10:48:10 WARNING stitcher: Stitching failed but will retry: Circuit reservation failed at . Try again from the SCS 10:48:10 WARNING stitcher: Had reservation at https://boss.instageni.gpolab.bbn.com:12369/protogeni/xmlrpc/am 10:48:10 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Doing deletesliver at https://boss.instageni.gpolab.bbn.com:12369/protogeni/xmlrpc/am 10:49:01 WARNING stitcher: Deleted reservation at https://boss.instageni.gpolab.bbn.com:12369/protogeni/xmlrpc/am 10:49:01 WARNING stitcher: Had reservation at http://geni-am.net.internet2.edu:12346 10:49:01 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Doing deletesliver at http://geni-am.net.internet2.edu:12346 10:49:06 WARNING stitcher: Deleted reservation at http://geni-am.net.internet2.edu:12346 10:49:06 WARNING stitcher: Had reservation at https://www.emulab.net:12369/protogeni/xmlrpc/am 10:49:06 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Doing deletesliver at https://www.emulab.net:12369/protogeni/xmlrpc/am 10:50:21 WARNING stitcher: Deleted reservation at https://www.emulab.net:12369/protogeni/xmlrpc/am 10:50:21 INFO stitcher: Calling SCS for the 2th time... 10:50:22 INFO stitcher: Pausing for 600 seconds for Aggregates to free up resources... 11:00:22 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Writing to '/tmp/lnstitchb-createsliver-request-21-instageni-gpolab-bbn-com.xml' 11:00:22 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Stitcher doing createsliver at https://boss.instageni.gpolab.bbn.com:12369/protogeni/xmlrpc/am 11:00:40 ERROR omni: {'output': 'vlan tag for link not available', 'code': {'protogeni_error_log': 'urn:publicid:IDN+instageni.gpolab.bbn.com+log+d893f58236f5fe4e29d8dee260ebee87', 'am_type': 'protog eni', 'geni_code': 1, 'am_code': 1, 'protogeni_error_url': 'https://boss.instageni.gpolab.bbn.com/spewlogfile.php3?logfile=d893f58236f5fe4e29d8dee260ebee87'}, 'value': 0} 11:01:49 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Allocation at complete. 11:01:49 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Writing to '/tmp/lnstitchb-createsliver-request-22-instageni-gpolab-bbn-com.xml' 11:01:49 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Stitcher doing createsliver at https://boss.instageni.gpolab.bbn.com:12369/protogeni/xmlrpc/am 11:02:08 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Allocation at complete. 11:02:08 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Writing to '/tmp/lnstitchb-createsliver-request-21-ion-internet2-edu.xml' 11:02:08 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Stitcher doing createsliver at http://geni-am.net.internet2.edu:12346 11:02:56 INFO stitch.Aggregate: DCN AM : must wait for status ready.... 11:02:56 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Pause to let circuit become ready... 11:03:34 INFO stitch.Aggregate: DCN circuit 21721 is ready 11:03:41 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Allocation at complete. 11:03:41 INFO stitch.launcher: All aggregates are complete. 11:03:41 INFO stitcher: 11:03:41 INFO stitcher: 11:03:41 INFO stitcher: ion.internet2.edu-21721 2013-06-21T21:36:54.000Z 2013-06-21T15:03:26.856Z 10 100000 l2sc ethernet 9000 3747 3747 false 2 10 100000 l2sc ethernet 9000 974 974 false null Stitching success: Reserved resources in slice lnstitchb at 3 Aggregates (including 1 intermediate aggregate(s) not in the original request), creating 1 link(s).