$ stitcher.py createsliver lnstitcha ./stitch-ig-gpo-pg-utah.rspec 10:44:17 INFO stitcher: Loading config file /home/lnevers/.gcf/omni_config 10:44:17 INFO stitcher: Using control framework portal 10:44:18 INFO stitcher: Checking that slice lnstitcha is valid... 10:44:20 INFO stitcher: Slice urn:publicid:IDN+ch.geni.net:ln-prj+slice+lnstitcha expires within 1 day on 2013-06-21 21:35:54 UTC 10:44:20 INFO stitcher: speaks AM API v3, but sticking with v2 10:44:20 INFO stitcher: speaks AM API v3, but sticking with v2 10:44:20 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Writing to '/tmp/lnstitcha-createsliver-request-11-instageni-gpolab-bbn-com.xml' 10:44:20 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Stitcher doing createsliver at https://boss.instageni.gpolab.bbn.com:12369/protogeni/xmlrpc/am 10:44:43 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Allocation at complete. 10:44:43 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Writing to '/tmp/lnstitcha-createsliver-request-11-emulab-net.xml' 10:44:43 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Stitcher doing createsliver at https://www.emulab.net:12369/protogeni/xmlrpc/am 10:45:59 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Allocation at complete. 10:45:59 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Writing to '/tmp/lnstitcha-createsliver-request-11-ion-internet2-edu.xml' 10:45:59 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Stitcher doing createsliver at http://geni-am.net.internet2.edu:12346 10:46:45 INFO stitch.Aggregate: DCN AM : must wait for status ready.... 10:46:45 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Pause to let circuit become ready... 10:47:25 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Pause to let circuit become ready... 10:48:03 WARNING stitch.Aggregate: sliverstatus 21681 is (still) failed at . Delete and retry. 10:48:03 WARNING stitch.Aggregate: Status had error message: VLAN PCE(PCE_CREATE_FAILED): 'There are no VLANs available on link ion.internet2.edu:rtr.atla:ge-10/3/2:protogeni on reservation ion.inter net2.edu-21681 in VLAN PCE' 10:48:09 INFO stitch.launcher: Will put back in the pool to allocate. Got Sliver status for circuit 21681 was (still): failed: VLAN PCE(PCE _CREATE_FAILED): 'There are no VLANs available on link ion.internet2.edu:rtr.atla:ge-10/3/2:protogeni on reservation ion.internet2.edu-21681 in VLAN PCE' 10:48:09 INFO stitch.launcher: Pausing for 600 seconds for Aggregates to free up resources... 10:58:09 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Writing to '/tmp/lnstitcha-createsliver-request-12-ion-internet2-edu.xml' 10:58:09 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Stitcher doing createsliver at http://geni-am.net.internet2.edu:12346 10:58:53 INFO stitch.Aggregate: DCN AM : must wait for status ready.... 10:58:53 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Pause to let circuit become ready... 10:59:31 INFO stitch.Aggregate: DCN circuit 21701 is ready 10:59:39 INFO stitch.Aggregate: Allocation at complete. 10:59:39 INFO stitch.launcher: All aggregates are complete. 10:59:39 INFO stitcher: 10:59:39 INFO stitcher: 10:59:39 INFO stitcher: ion.internet2.edu-21701 2013-06-21T21:35:54.000Z 2013-06-21T14:59:23.933Z 10 100000 l2sc ethernet 9000 3749 3749 false 2 10 100000 l2sc ethernet 9000 886 886 false null Stitching success: Reserved resources in slice lnstitcha at 3 Aggregates (including 1 intermediate aggregate(s) not in the original request), creating 1 link(s).