Custom Query (19 matches)


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Ticket Summary Owner Priority Milestone Component Version
#205 Completion of initial GMOC framework demostration. somebody major GMOC: S1.b Demonstrate initial GMOC Framework Implementation at a GEC GPO SPIRAL1
#280 SPP Hardware down in SLC and DC Josh Karlin major SPP: S2.d demo6 GPO SPIRAL1
#447 Aster*x demo resource request for GEC8 somebody major GPO SPIRAL2
#523 Equipment selection completed on-time Heidi Dempsey major OFGT: S2.a2 Purchase equipment GPO SPIRAL2
#524 Campus small deployment completed on-time Heidi Dempsey major OFGT: S2.b Campus small deployments OFGT SPIRAL2
#555 IU Openflow Intergration testing Josh Smift major OFIU: S2.d Begin integration testing with Stanford and BBN GPO SPIRAL2
#609 OFUWI: S2.c Install GENI software with AM API implementation major OFUWI SPIRAL2
#915 GEC 14 Demo Request: Running Mobile Wireless Network Experiments on ORBIT major OPPWIRELESS SPIRAL4
#1247 request for GENI-VIRO demo at GEC20 Demo description paragraph (three sentence minimum): List of equipment that will need AC connections (e.g. laptop, switch, monitor): Just put in the number of connections needed if your demo description already lists equipment. Total number of wired network connections (sum standard IP and VLAN connections): Number of wired layer 2 VLANs (if any): Specify VLAN number, if known, approximate bandwidth, and whether tagged or untagged. Number of wireless network connections (include required bandwidth if significant): Number of static addresses needed (if any): Monitor (y/n, specify VGA or DVI): Specify resolution only if your software has resolution restrictions. Number of posters (max size poster boards are 30" x 40"): Special requests: Include any specific network connectivity needs (e.g. VLANs to a particular GENI location, projects you'd like to be near, etc.) major GPO SPIRAL6
#1340 GENI Over the Air major GPO SPIRAL7
#1404 Request for GENI-VIRO demo at GEC22 (Re: request #1403) major GPO SPIRAL7
#1441 WiMax Based Public Safety 3D Surveillance Network - Temple University major GPO SPIRAL7
#1442 Creation of Situational Awareness for Emergency Response and Management Using Next Generation Gigabit Communication Systems somebody major GPO SPIRAL7
#1443 Demo Title: Creation of Situational Awareness for Emergency Response and Management Using Next Generation Gigabit Communication Systems somebody major GPO SPIRAL7
#1444 GEC22 Demo Request : University of Kentucky major GPO SPIRAL7
#1445 GEC22 Demo Request Ticket, Borst major GPO SPIRAL7
#1449 EON VR somebody major GPO SPIRAL7
#1454 FIWARE Demo Ticket major GPO SPIRAL7
#1496 ssl cert expires major GPO SPIRAL8
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