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Results (124 - 126 of 1408)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#141 fixed Document how OpenFlow Hypervisor meets version 0 Component Manager requirements for GENI ¶

Enterprise GENI uses the OpenFlow FlowVisor to control the Enterprise GENI switches (which are the equivalent of GENI components). There is a working baseline version of the OpenFlow FlowVisor available which should satisfy this milestone. Enterprise GENI presentation at the Cluster B integration meeting on Feb 13, 2009 includes some slides showing this.

Please update this ticket with documentation pointing to OF release version(s) that satisfy this milestone. Please also document all "exceptions" to the current GENI system requirements for a CM that are needed for the Enterprise GENI Hypervisor (for example, it is not possible for a user to access a switch directly).

#142 fixed Document draft protocol between EntGENI FlowVisor and PlanetLab clearinghouse

Slides 47 and 48 of the Enterprise GENI presentation at the Cluster B integration meeting on Feb 13, 2009 outline a simplified Enterprise GENI Aggregate Manager API to PlanetLab clearinghouse. PlanetLab later released a modified version of the GENI wrapper code to support this idea called GENILight.

Please update this ticket with pointers to final API documentation for the API between the PlanetLab clearinghouse (GENI wrapper) and the Enterprise GENI Aggregate Manager (FlowVisor). Please include pointers to the versions or tags of PlanetLab and Enterprise GENI code that support all (or part) of this API (e.g. all OpenFlow versions after x.y support this API). Please list any "exceptions" to the GENI system requirements for the AM/Clearinghouse interface required by this solution.

See also ticket #141

#143 fixed Provide description of Enterprise GENI network at Stanford

Several Enterprise GENI presentations have mentioned that OpenFlow switches are already deployed at Stanford. It is not clear which switches are part of Enterprise GENI (for example, which FlowVisor is configured into the PlanetLab GENI Wrapper. Please provide documentation for the particulars of the Enterprise GENI network at Stanford or pointers to existing documentation for that network on the Enterprise GENI wiki page and update this ticket with URLs for that information.

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