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Results (121 - 123 of 1408)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#138 fixed Gush demo

I plan to demo the basic functionality of Gush using geniwrapper for communication with the PlanetLab Central database. I will also try to integrate GpENI resources and ORCA virtual machines into the Gush resource pool to demonstrate how Gush can be used manage experiments in a variety of environments.

Requirements: 1 AC outlets, table space, and wireless network access

#139 fixed UMLPEN GEC5 Demo Requirements Yan Luo

UMLPEN demo requirements

One LCD monitor of 19"+ One table for two laptop computers AC outlets for two laptop computers and the LCD monitor Two network cables for wired network access poster display space

Co-located with other projects in ProtoGENI cluster

#140 fixed Demo resources request for GEC5

Resource request for two demos:

Demo 1: attribute based access control. Demo is a GUI-based simulation of a federated multi-institution user environment showing the functions of TIED's attribute based access control model.

Necessary resources: table space for a laptop and a mouse/mousepad (so viewers can play with the demo); 110v outlet; space for a poster. Desirable resources: a projector and screen.

Demo 2: TIED clearinghouse and clearinghouse architecture description. The demo is a running instance of a TIED clearinghouse (user registration and experiment/slice control interfaces) and a poster describing the architecture.

Necessary resources: table space for a laptop and a mouse/mousepad (so viewers can play with the demo); net connection (wired would be great, slow, dynamic IP ok); 110v outlet; space for a poster. Desirable resources: a projector and a screen.

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